Forget a 5th park, we need renovations!


New Member
What disney REALLY need to bring in more people Is another flip coaster. Alot of my friends say they hate disney for one reason/ No flip coasters. Anyone agree we need more than ONE?


Well-Known Member
MissionSpaceFan said:
What disney REALLY need to bring in more people Is another flip coaster. Alot of my friends say they hate disney for one reason/ No flip coasters. Anyone agree we need more than ONE?
a "flip coaster." Thats a new term.


New Member
MissionSpaceFan said:
What disney REALLY need to bring in more people Is another flip coaster. Alot of my friends say they hate disney for one reason/ No flip coasters. Anyone agree we need more than ONE?

Um, no. I'm sorry, but that seems like a pretty dumb reason to hate Disney. WDW is NOT Six Flags! Thankfully! Let's not try to make it such.


New Member
MissionSpaceFan said:
What disney REALLY need to bring in more people Is another flip coaster. Alot of my friends say they hate disney for one reason/ No flip coasters. Anyone agree we need more than ONE?
So tell them not to go to Disney. Busch Gardens and Universal are right around the bend, so no complaining.


Well-Known Member
For saying SSE sucks and wanting some EXTREME!!11!!! rides, I sorta want to pull a Homer on you ("Why you little..." and cue strangling)
But on subject, here's what I'd do:
Magic Kingdom: Give us a better SGE, maybe put in some of the AE characters like Chairman Clench having X-S Tech make stuff for the Galactic Federation and at the end having him get into some deep trouble with 626's escape and making Sarge more like SIR and not as dumb. Remove some of the little kid voices like "OMG! He's fast" and any mentioning of Stitch's name. Make it less dark(by time in darkness) to make the kids less nervous. Heck, just bring back a slightly lighter AE(like when it initially opened) with Stitch put in the end fighting the Alien.
I'd also put in a few new dark rides as well as Bald Mountain into Fantasyland.
I'd put the neat new effects from DL's Gnu Jungle Cruise into our own as well as make Trader Sam more like DL's. Bring back the old Tiki Room.
Bring back the original characters like Dreamfinder or the Sage of Time.
Put a food show into Wonders of Life (with Weird Al Yankovic as your host)and give the pavillion a nice update.
Put some new stuff into World Showcase and bring back ToN.
Disney MGM:
Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Crystal Skull, Great Muppet Movie Ride, a Godzilla attraction and other new rides should go in.
Put the Peter Pan sequence from DL's version into WDW's Fantasmic.
Animal Kingdom:
Put in Beastly Kingdom in the area between Dinoland and Asia, making a nice area to have open in later hours.
Get rid of Pocahantas and put something else in.


Well-Known Member
Kids areas at DS

This kind of makes sense. Have you ever walked between RNR and TT and seen all of the moms and dads with small children waiting for older siblings, parents, etc.... to get off these rides? A small playground in between the two rides would be perfect for these families. But what to theme it as? Rock and Roll? or resort hotel?


New Member
OMG Thrawn!!!

Thrawn LOL....hilarious....but i couldn't agree with you more. Just to touch on a couple of this dude's invalid points...The Indy Stuntshow-I love it and the show packs a full house every time I go watch it. It's funny and "Indy intense". I would love to see the Indy Ride placed in MGM but not as a replacement to the stunt show.

Star Tours- Yes, it is outdated but never fear...In a recent interview with George Lucas, he hinted that it was Eisner that ran him away from Disney in recent years. Lucas proposed making changes to Star Tours but it was inferred that he was pretty much blown off by Eisner. Now that Iger is taking over, Lucas has again expressed interest in revamping Star Tours and hopefully more of the area surrounding the attraction.

That is all I wish to touch on because Thrawn pretty much said it all....and more!!!


New Member
eeaton71 said:
Just got back from WDW and had a great time, but one thing keep creeping through my mind. They don’t need a 5<SUP>th</SUP> park, they need to renovate and expand the current ones. Let give some ideas on how they could start.

First off Magic Kingdom:

I will admit that I am a sucker for the Magic Kingdom, I don’t have much to say about it. I understand that this is themed more for kids and I’m ok with that. I’m 34 and still like going on Peter Pan (not without a fast pass though). My major suggestion would be to add 1 roller coaster. A big, looping, spin tingling roller coaster. Something along the lines of the Hulk coaster at Universal. Second, I would revamp space mountain. Maybe make it a tad longer and some more dips. Lastly, (this one is for all the parents out there) Please add multiple rooms for the character meet and greed in toontown. Especially the princesses. Waiting in a 30 minute line to see Snow White can be mind numbing. Especially with a toddler kicking and screaming. Just add another room with another set of characters so you can double the speed of the line.

Second MGM:

I understand the issue with this park is that the idea is to give people an education on what it is like to make a movie. The problem is, once you have seen it, your done. How many times can you go and see the animation tour! Anyway, keeping this in mind, Star tours needs a major overhaul. I have never liked this ride:p . I like the concept, but not the ride. This needs major work. Make is more believable, put in some of our beloved star wars characters! Do something please, (it is my understanding that they are actually going to do this – Yay!). I just skip this ride now. Next, nix the Indiana Jones stunt spectalular, and replace it with the Indiana Jones ride. Lastly, bring some kid rides in. I was just there with my 3 year old daughter and there isn’t much to do with them. The one thing Disney needs to keep in mind, is that when the adults are on the adult rides, the kids need somewhere to go. And two shows (mermaid / Toon Disney) and a playground just don’t cut it.

Third EPCOT:

Again, I understand that the issue with this park is to show a vision of the future. But, has EPCOT really done that? Am I the only one who hits Fast Track, Mission Space, Soarin, and the EXIT! The world showcase is nice, but unless you want to eat or shop, you only need to do it once. I know that this is suppose to show you the different cultures, but would a ride or two ruin the illusion? I don’t think so. The Innoventions pavilions need to be updated. Put more into these areas, always update them. I liked when they had the arcade area and showed you the latest and greatest games and home products. Bring in apple, GM, IBM, Microsoft in and give us a look into the future. Stop showing us stuff that we already use and see today. Lastly, Spaceship Earth! ReDo! Make this a roller coaster, or something with a little excitement added to it. I watched as people waited over 40 minutes to go on this ride and all I could say to myself was "These poor people have no idea what they are waiting for" :brick: It’s the centerpiece to the park, make it a good ride.

Last but not least Animal Kingdom:

I don’t really know what to say about this one. I skipped this park this year. I can’t wait until expedition Everest comes, keep adding more rides. You are defiantly on the right track there. Also, revamp the river ride and expand it to like 3 times longer. This is the shortest lamest ride (next to spaceship earth). Lastly, Dinosaur:hammer: , ReDo! I don’t like this ride. It is bumpy, and just does not bring me into the illusion. I just feel like a scrambled egg when I’m done. Less bumps and more thrills.

I know a lot of you will say but what about the shows and parades? There are fine, I don’t particularly like them, but they do serve a purpose (smaller lines for me to go on rides, while you all watch them). Lets bring some money back into all the parks and make what we have already better. Then we can talk about a 5<SUP>th</SUP> park.

What do you think?:)
I "think" that I find it hilarious how seriously off-target every single one of your points are. You have my sheer, undistilled gratitude that you have absolutely no influence within the Walt Disney Company or its affiliates, lest the parks see their attendance levels spiral downward into oblivion. I don't have the time to go through every wrong point you've made (which is more or less all of them), but because I'm a nice guy I'll give you a few overall hints:

1. When you make your points, try to provide actual evidence as to why they would be beneficial RATHER than your selfish desires. You're not helping your credibility when you think the only reason they should redo a $100 million thrill ride is because "it's too bumpy." How about a logical reason that would benefit more people than just you? (And preferably WDC as well) It's very sad that you think the entire purpose of parades and live shows is for you to have shorter lines.
2. TEST TRACK, NOT FAST TRACK. Do you think it helps your argument when you don't even know the names of the rides you've been on? I sure don't.
3. The entirety of your little manifesto is just one big contradiction. FIRST you complain that there should be more thrill rides (and a huge rollercoaster at MK), especially at Epcot...THEN you complain about the kids not having much to do (all the while completely ignoring the multitude of attractions, not to mention ENTIRE LANDS dedicated to children)...THEN when Disney DOES build thrill rides, they're too bumpy (Dinosaur) or too short (Kali River Rapids, Space Mountain)...THEN you turn right around and say that you want the Indiana Jones Adventure to come to MGM, when IT'S THE EXACT SAME RIDE SYSTEM as the one you just said was "too bumpy." For the love of all that is holy, MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!

So in short, I "think" that your suggestions are baseless, silly, and are just one long complaint. I also "think" that perhaps if you had any real basis behind your constant cajoling, we might take your post seriously. And, like Thrawn, I "think" that you're very lucky that I was being relatively nice to you.


New Member
I love coasters and go on all of them, the biggest, the fastest, you name it. But to be honest, these rides seem to have their limitations. Maybe not in speed, or height, but rather in imagination and story telling. I would love to see rollercoasters in WDW parks, if they follow the same feel as the Mummy. Mummy isn't a tall or fast rollercoaster. I even find my self laughing at how tame the incline launch compared to the hulk. Put the fact that they added to that launch, the theme of being swallowed by a mummy just makes the ride so much more enjoyable. This is something Disney can capitalize on, story telling is Disney's biggest gift, they should use it to their advantage and make a great coaster out of it. I guess we will find out when EE opens.


New Member
I completely agree with one of the posts...If you don't like what is going on with disney....why do you go and why are you on a disney fanatic discussion board?!?!?!?! Don't come on a discussion board of Disney (and I use this term with love) freaks and shoot down everything disney stands for and trys to accomplish. I've been 8 times and every time it gets better. Most of the time the rides don't change...but THAT'S THE POINT!! It reminds most people of their childhood, a better time. There's no war in disney, no politicians shoving themselves down your throat. Personally, when I'm in a bad mood, upset, whatever, I think of Disney and how happy it makes me. If they were to be changing the rides all the time, what is there to look back on? I agree there are a few things that could use a boost:

In MK:
I agree the Indy Speedway should go. Almost every park in the country has a raceway where the cars go 2 miles/hour and there is "Absolutely NO bumping!"
I actually feel that Disney may be going a little overboard on the Dumbo type rides. There's dumbo, aladin, astro orbitor. Let's not have one in every land. But, I'm not saying I don't like it. Space Mountain could use some sprucing up but I think it's a classic and is still somewhat futuristic if you ask me. I don't know how anyone can say there is nothing to do for kids! Have you seen Fantasy Land??????
I was under the impression that Disney is doing something with 20k LUTS. I think there was a problem with putting something else there. I haven't heard recently.

Innoventions changes all the time. If you really stopped and paid attention to the items in there, they are the most recent and it's not everyday items that everyone has in their homes already. I highly recommend checking out the Home Theater System..thing (it's not a ride yet not a show.). It's very interesting to see the neat things that can take place in one's home. I think Journey into imagination does need the Dreamcatcher back. But I still love the ride..Imaaaagination..Imaaaagination..A dream can be a dream come true..with just one spark..from me and you!! Don't forget honey I shrunk the audience is in EPCOT! I personally don't enjoy the 3-D/Cheap Trick type of rides but everyone else seems to think it's good , so I'm not knockin it! THe countries are usually fun for me. I like Norway. I love the ride (can't remember the name-Malstrom maybe??). And it's just a nice way to kinda relax at the end of a frazzled day while waiting for Illuminations.

The Backlot Tour has got to go! This is the only thing I'm adiment about!! It's so short now that it has been altered to make room for the Motor Action Stunt Show. There is no way that they should get rid of Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular. It's a classic show and's just good!! I agree the Great Movie Ride needs some updating. Not a lot though. They have the classics there; Wiz of Oz, Casablanca, Indiana Jones. They could use some other classics like Titanic(good suggestion!-I don't know what other movies are MGM-sorry!). I think we could get rid of the cowboy/saloon/gun fight area of the ride.

Animal Kingdom is not about rides, therefore, there will not be rides. When's the last time you saw a roller coaster in Africa?? I like how they have the park seperated into lands like the rest of the parks are. I think Dinosaur is just a tad too jerky. I like the ride however, if you sit on the end of the row, it feels like you are going to fall out. I came out with white fingers b/c i was holding on so tight! But that's just a minor thing. I wish they wouldn't take Tarzan Rocks away. I know a lot of people do not like this show but I personally enjoy it and look forward to it every year. Now that it's gone, I don't know what I will look forward to!! goes on! I think the Kilamanjaro Safari ride is nice but I think they should nix the whole poacher, baby elephant thing. Nobody cares, it's just thrown in there to keep people from complaining while driving through the trees-I think! But again..still love the ride!! I think Animal kingdom needs more hooplah such as a parade, more characters that come out, and more street vendors (like the rest of the parks).

I think Disney is a place where people can let go. Be themselves, no coworkers to impress or worry about offending for being silly. No road rage (except when those stupid strollers cut you off!!Nothing that can really tick someone off in the "regular world". Just let it all hang out, so to speak. If you want to act like a moron....GO FOR IT! If you want to run up to Cinderella and get her autograph and picture, even though you are 46 years old, GO FOR IT!! Nobody is too cool for Disney World. If you act like you are once you get there, you are the one looking stupid! A great example of this can be seen from my Uncle. We (13 of us) went on a family reunion type vacation to Disney. Like usual, it rained one day. So of course, we lal wore ponchos. Except for my uncle. He was "too cool". He just froze in his teeshirt and jeans and soaked sneakers while the rest of us continued running around the park!! He was the only person in the park i think that didn't have a yellow poncho on! How stupid did he look?? More stupid than if he did wear one and blend in!!

My point being, LET IT ALL HANG OUT!! If you don't like Disney or how it's set up...GO HOME and leave the rest of us nuts to enjoy our memories that will last a lifetime!!!
eeaton71 said:
Just got back from WDW and had a great time, but one thing keep creeping through my mind. They don’t need a 5<SUP>th</SUP> park, they need to renovate and expand the current ones. Let give some ideas on how they could start.

First off Magic Kingdom:

I will admit that I am a sucker for the Magic Kingdom, I don’t have much to say about it. I understand that this is themed more for kids and I’m ok with that. I’m 34 and still like going on Peter Pan (not without a fast pass though). My major suggestion would be to add 1 roller coaster. A big, looping, spin tingling roller coaster. Something along the lines of the Hulk coaster at Universal. Second, I would revamp space mountain. Maybe make it a tad longer and some more dips. Lastly, (this one is for all the parents out there) Please add multiple rooms for the character meet and greed in toontown. Especially the princesses. Waiting in a 30 minute line to see Snow White can be mind numbing. Especially with a toddler kicking and screaming. Just add another room with another set of characters so you can double the speed of the line.

Second MGM:

I understand the issue with this park is that the idea is to give people an education on what it is like to make a movie. The problem is, once you have seen it, your done. How many times can you go and see the animation tour! Anyway, keeping this in mind, Star tours needs a major overhaul. I have never liked this ride:p . I like the concept, but not the ride. This needs major work. Make is more believable, put in some of our beloved star wars characters! Do something please, (it is my understanding that they are actually going to do this – Yay!). I just skip this ride now. Next, nix the Indiana Jones stunt spectalular, and replace it with the Indiana Jones ride. Lastly, bring some kid rides in. I was just there with my 3 year old daughter and there isn’t much to do with them. The one thing Disney needs to keep in mind, is that when the adults are on the adult rides, the kids need somewhere to go. And two shows (mermaid / Toon Disney) and a playground just don’t cut it.

Third EPCOT:

Again, I understand that the issue with this park is to show a vision of the future. But, has EPCOT really done that? Am I the only one who hits Fast Track, Mission Space, Soarin, and the EXIT! The world showcase is nice, but unless you want to eat or shop, you only need to do it once. I know that this is suppose to show you the different cultures, but would a ride or two ruin the illusion? I don’t think so. The Innoventions pavilions need to be updated. Put more into these areas, always update them. I liked when they had the arcade area and showed you the latest and greatest games and home products. Bring in apple, GM, IBM, Microsoft in and give us a look into the future. Stop showing us stuff that we already use and see today. Lastly, Spaceship Earth! ReDo! Make this a roller coaster, or something with a little excitement added to it. I watched as people waited over 40 minutes to go on this ride and all I could say to myself was "These poor people have no idea what they are waiting for" :brick: It’s the centerpiece to the park, make it a good ride.

Last but not least Animal Kingdom:

I don’t really know what to say about this one. I skipped this park this year. I can’t wait until expedition Everest comes, keep adding more rides. You are defiantly on the right track there. Also, revamp the river ride and expand it to like 3 times longer. This is the shortest lamest ride (next to spaceship earth). Lastly, Dinosaur:hammer: , ReDo! I don’t like this ride. It is bumpy, and just does not bring me into the illusion. I just feel like a scrambled egg when I’m done. Less bumps and more thrills.

I know a lot of you will say but what about the shows and parades? There are fine, I don’t particularly like them, but they do serve a purpose (smaller lines for me to go on rides, while you all watch them). Lets bring some money back into all the parks and make what we have already better. Then we can talk about a 5<SUP>th</SUP> park.

What do you think?:)

OK wow.... u just bashed almost every single thing in disney! Go to universal if u want that dont come to disney


Well-Known Member
That's kinda pathetic that someone got DF's name wrong within two tries and calls themselves a fan of the original. She could of checked something for pete's sake....


New Member
Tahu said:
That's kinda pathetic that someone got DF's name wrong within two tries and calls themselves a fan of the original. She could of checked something for pete's sake....
And she also got the name of a ride that she "loved" (Maelstrom) wrong...even though she's been to WDW eight times...


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