Have you or someone else farted or burp in disney world and you thought it was funny

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New Member
Sledge said:
That's coming from a Family Guy fan? Who exactly is it here that you are trying to impress?
What does my private interests have to do with a public forum? Just because I enjoy the show does not mean I go around publicly throwing out toilet humor in such an inappropriate place as this. I'm appalled that you think you can imply that I have no decency whatsoever because I like a certain TV show.


Account Suspended
LoisMustDie said:
What does my private interests have to do with a public forum? Just because I enjoy the show does not mean I go around publicly throwing out toilet humor in such an inappropriate place as this. I'm appalled that you think you can imply that I have no decency whatsoever because I like a certain TV show.

Chill. I just find it funny that you love Family Guy yet you get all bent out of shape about this thread. I'm a Family Guy fan and it isn't exactly the most mature show out there. I didn't intend for what I said to be mean, I just find it ironic that you like Family Guy yet you are practically offended by this thread. :animwink: It's all gravy. :kiss:

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
More Family Guy fun:

Brian: "Peter, you're a terrible liar."

Flash back to Peter and one other person in an elevator. Other guy wrinkles up his nose and starts sniffing.

Peter: "Uhh...it was you."


Well-Known Member
Sledge said:
That's coming from a Family Guy fan?

My thoughts exactly.

LoisMustDie said:
I'm appalled that you think you can imply that I have no decency whatsoever because I like a certain TV show.

So you're implying all of us in support of toilet humor and this thread are indecent? I'm appalled. :rolleyes:

Is plotting to murder your mother decent? Are coccaine addicted dogs decent? Is any of Family Guy decent? NO. But coming here and basically posting that you are appalld by lowbrow toilet humor is a joke. Your name and avatar are in support of one of THE crudest, foulest, toilet humor filled sows in existence. You're a typing contradiction. Farting in public is of minescule amounts of offensivness compared to that show.

If your preference in animated filth is so personal than perhaps your name and avatar shouldn't be as they are.

Just so there are no misconceptions, I love Family Guy. ;)


Well-Known Member
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming....

Lordy, what a thread. I knew, just knew some people would get all high and mighty and pretend that they're much too sophisticated for this thread. Give me a break.

Anyway, while farts and burps are gross, it's funny. My cousin and I have burping contests and congratulate ourselves on our achievements :animwink:. Yet, oh my goodness I have my well-mannered side too that comes out whenever a job needs to get done, i.e. school or my work as a substitute teacher. I know how to separate the "having fun" with the "being serious." Since when did these forums become the latter? No wonder I haven't been coming in here lately :rolleyes:.

What makes this even funnier is the ones proclaiming the "low intelegence" of the thread and the decency of it tend to act immature elsewhere.

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.....

P.S. I just burped twice while typing this up, thank you very much...oops three times :D


Account Suspended
DisJosh said:
Farting in public is of minescule amounts of offensivness compared to that show.


Peter: ...So you got something to look at while you're talkin' to 'em. :lol: I said, so you got something to look at while you're talkin' to 'em. :lol:

(Sorry couldn't resist.)


New Member
DisJosh said:
So you're implying all of us in support of toilet humor and this thread are indecent? I'm appalled. :rolleyes:

Is plotting to murder your mother decent? Are coccaine addicted dogs decent? Is any of Family Guy decent? NO. But coming here and basically posting that you are appalld by lowbrow toilet humor is a joke. Your name and avatar are in support of one of THE crudest, foulest, toilet humor filled sows in existence. You're a typing contradiction. Farting in public is of minescule amounts of offensivness compared to that show.

If your preference in animated filth is so personal than perhaps your name and avatar shouldn't be as they are.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...ooooo boy...ok i gotta admit that was hilarious, but perhaps you should actually read my posts so that you know what you are talking about. I was appalled that the previous poster (Sledge) would imply that I have no grounds to discuss what is appropriate simply because I watch a certain TV show (as you are doing as well, as well as a few other, more extreme ideologies that are based from this concept). My comment pertaining to the thread itself was that this thread topic is inappropriate to the forum that we so diligently subscibe to (time-wise that is), I was not "appalled" by the thread...I thought it was a waste of space, as I was sure that nobody on this fine board would endorse such a topic...but I guess I was wrong. The distinction is a semantical (sp?) one, but then again there is a fair amount of difference.

But hey, ten points for tenacity and creativity! That was one hell of a response!


New Member
DDuckFan130 said:
I knew, just knew some people would get all high and mighty and pretend that they're much too sophisticated for this thread. Give me a break.
Oh no, how dare we seek to have some sort of values on something as laissez-faire as a DISNEY forum! What kind of evil Nazis are we?!

DDuckFan130 said:
My cousin and I have burping contests and congratulate ourselves on our achievements :animwink:.
Your mother must be so proud.


Well-Known Member
LoisMustDie said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...ooooo boy...ok i gotta admit that was hilarious, but perhaps you should actually read my posts so that you know what you are talking about. I was appalled that the previous poster (Sledge) would imply that I have no grounds to discuss what is appropriate simply because I watch a certain TV show (as you are doing as well, as well as a few other, more extreme ideologies that are based from this concept). My comment pertaining to the thread itself was that this thread topic is inappropriate to the forum that we so diligently subscibe to (time-wise that is), I was not "appalled" by the thread...I thought it was a waste of space, as I was sure that nobody on this fine board would endorse such a topic...but I guess I was wrong. The distinction is a semantical (sp?) one, but then again there is a fair amount of difference.

But hey, ten points for tenacity and creativity! That was one hell of a response!

You're right. I misread. I apologize. I guess I should have stuck to my original rant. :animwink:

I still don't see why anyone would huff and puff about something as second grade as farting and belching being posted here though. Waste of space? Maybe, but that's Steves (administrator) concern. It's innocent enough to be deemed Disney board appropriate. Appropriate area of the message board? Maybe not.


Well-Known Member
LoisMustDie said:
Oh no, how dare we seek to have some sort of values on something as laissez-faire as a DISNEY forum! What kind of evil Nazis are we?!

Your mother must be so proud.


But I think she's even prouder of me for being a mature person, and knowing when and how to have fun. She hates it when I have a stick shoved up my a**...that's just terrible.

Have you looked at your DOB on your profile? I thought you might have made a typo, but now I'm sure you really were born in 1998, because you sure do act it. Stop looking in your history or government textbooks for pretty long words to use in your fruitless arguments.

Have a pleasant evening :wave:


Well-Known Member
LoisMustDie said:
Oh no, how dare we seek to have some sort of values on something as laissez-faire as a DISNEY forum!

You don't have to read a thread if it conflicts so much with your values. Technology has given us the choice, to click or not to click. It's a matter of A. leaving the stinky bummed heathens to have their fun or B. butting in to cause conflict. On the internet it seems most choose option B.


Well-Known Member
DisJosh said:
You don't have to read a thread if it conflicts so much with your values. Technology has given us the choice, to click or not to click. It's a matter of A. leaving the stinky bummed heathens to have their fun or B. butting in to cause conflict. On the internet it seems most choose option B.

You are wise :D


Well-Known Member
HAHA, I think this thread is funny. Not because of the farting, but because someone is so bent out of shape on a thread made in CHITCHAT (which stands for general/misc.) I can see if this thread was made in one of thee WDW forum areas, but it wasnt. You must also think the HUGGLES thread is pathetic since it has no point?


Well-Known Member
LSUxStitch said:
HAHA, I think this thread is funny. Not because of the farting, but because someone is so bent out of shape on a thread made in CHITCHAT (which stands for general/misc.) I can see if this thread was made in one of thee WDW forum areas, but it wasnt. You must also think the HUGGLES thread is pathetic since it has no point?

I thought of the Huggle Thread too. Oh well...back to the huggle and song thread :wave:


New Member
DDuckFan130 said:


But I think she's even prouder of me for being a mature person, and knowing when and how to have fun. She hates it when I have a stick shoved up my a**...that's just terrible.

Have you looked at your DOB on your profile? I thought you might have made a typo, but now I'm sure you really were born in 1998, because you sure do act it. Stop looking in your history or government textbooks for pretty long words to use in your fruitless arguments.

Have a pleasant evening :wave:

Ouchhh! Nice work lmao...

I cant believe that there are 54... now 55 replies to this thread. :lol:


Wilt Dasney said:
I'm curious as to the complete list.

Well, I'll give you the top five

1. No farting in line
2. Watch the line in front of you at all times so you don't have this big gap
(I hate it when I have to wait for people ahead of me in line who aren't
paying attention!)
3. No cursing
4. No smoking
5. No nose picking

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Award Presenter: And the award for Most *ahem* Unique Thread goes to: "Have you or someone else farted or burp in disney world and you thought it was funny!" Yay! :sohappy:

Thread: *sniffle* Thank you, thank you! [pfffffft] I'd like to thank the academy, [burp] the forum, Steve, Walt Disney [buuuuuurp] World, and everyone else [pffffft] who helped make this [buuuuuuuuuuurp] happen. I...I...I think I might just cry...:cry: [buuuuurp] [pffffft].



New Member
DDuckFan130 said:
But I think she's even prouder of me for being a mature person, and knowing when and how to have fun. She hates it when I have a stick shoved up my a**...that's just terrible.
Oh the hypocrisy...delicious.

DDuckFan130 said:
Have you looked at your DOB on your profile? I thought you might have made a typo, but now I'm sure you really were born in 1998, because you sure do act it.
"Oh no, the evil Nazi is trying to ruin everyone's fun! Let's call him immature, even though I don't understand the big words he uses!"

DDuckFan130 said:
Stop looking in your history or government textbooks for pretty long words
This coming from a future English teacher? So you want me to use smaller words next time? Should I read "See Spot Run" in my next post so that you can understand better?

DDuckFan130 said:
to use in your fruitless arguments.
I find it hilarious that you think my arguments are "fruitless," yet you can do nothing to refute them besides shouting "YOU'RE STUPID AND MEAN AND USE BIG WORDS!" If my arguments were fruitless, where is your oh-so-clever counter-argument?

Now who has a stick up their a**? :D

Christina said:
Ouchhh! Nice work lmao...
Now here's an informed opinion. Perhaps contributing (dare I ask?) something substantial to the argument next time?
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