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  1. M

    YOUR Top 5 Overall?

    Current favorites: 1. Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Spaceship Earth 3. The Great Movie Ride 4. Kilimanjaro Safaris 5. Peter Pan Past favorites, may they rest in peace: 1. Mr. Toad's Wild Ride 2. World of Motion 3. Horizons 4. If You Had Wings 5. Alien Encounter
  2. M

    Favorite Park

    Family vote time: Mom says MGM and Great Movie Ride - love those live action parts DH says Epcot and SSE - how cool is it to go on a ride in a geosphere? DS has his own login so he can post his own thoughts We all agree on Illuminations to end every single day. :)
  3. M

    150 WDW photos from 1980

    Thanks so much for the link, thought maybe the name change was a figment of my imagination. Good to know my memory is not all gone. :)
  4. M

    How can EPCOT be saved?

    Wow, I read your thoughts and would love to go to your Epcot! If you're not an Imagineer you should be! Really terrific ideas.
  5. M

    150 WDW photos from 1980

    I think it used to be something like Treasure Island, my family actually took a boat over and walked around, that was in the mid-70's. It was kind of neat with an old shipwreck on the beach. Loved the pics by the way, it was like a little trip to the park. Thanks for starting my day off right. :)
  6. M

    Dining Reservations down for enhancements ?

    I've been on the phone off and on doing the PS thing for different stuff the last couple of weeks, I feel your frustration with the delay. Someone mentioned starting to call a couple of minutes before the lines supposedly open up. Hope this helps and you get your reservations!
  7. M

    How can EPCOT be saved?

    This is just a wish list right? If I ruled the (Epcot) world I'd like to see: 1. Rides/attractions in every country pavilion so more people would stay, enjoy and maybe learn a bit. 2. More pavilions for different countries. People have had some terrific suggestions already that would be great...
  8. M

    Wonders of Life "Cranium Command" Sign Removed. . .

    Another "non-thrill" attraction lost to oblivion. What is the philosophy with just closing things up and waiting, sometimes for absolute ages, to do anything with the valuable real estate they sit on? Hopefully WOL isn't going the way of 20,000 Leagues over in MK. I'll miss CC, from the...
  9. M

    What is the first thing you do when arriving?

    Ice cream sandwich for my son's breakfast at the MK, picture in front of Walt and Mickey statue in front of castle and on to Peter Pan's Flight. My brother says it sets the tone as we fly away from the "real" world and into pure fantasy. 3 weeks and counting.
  10. M

    The Official Hurricane Ivan thread...

    Fear of flying I can hardly stand to fly so here's a tip for your daughter who's feeling nervous. Last year my sister-in-law recommended getting a sedative from the doctor for my flight to Florida, close to 6 hours from the NW. On the way to the airport I said there was no way I was getting on...
  11. M

    What makes you misty-eyed at WDW?

    The Voices of Liberty at the American Pavilion in Epcot, such beautiful voices. Watching my son and sister participate in a parade. Wishes fireworks, even listening to the music at home can make me cry. And, yes, Illuminations, especially We Go On, it reminds me of what we can accomplish. Just...
  12. M

    Favorite WS Epcpt Country: Italy

    No kidding, tough choice. I'd say Germany, beautiful theming and we love the Biergarten, what a great way to meet other park visitors while enjoying the best buffet. Still, France has those pastries, Mexico is very romantic . . . WS is the best part of our WDW vacations.
  13. M

    anyone ever go in Dec?

    We used to go all the time in December, a bit earlier than Xmas though. For northern birds the weather was wonderful, we often packed jackets and longer pants for evenings and parked them in a locker during the day then changed after the sun went down, everyone was comfortable for the evening...
  14. M

    Disney Writing...

    Bravo Thanks for that fab link! Can't wait to show my family the cool stuff here!
  15. M

    Should Disney focus more on Classic attractions instead of $$$ filled Thrill rides?

    Yes, yes, yes A thousand times yes on this one. I agree will all the comments on having a balance, there has to be profit if the parks are going to run but, other than Pooh, what classic rides have been created in the last 5 or so years? I guess, if you stretch it, Aladdin's Magic Carpets could...
  16. M

    Flametree BBQ in AK...

    Thanks Thanks a bunch for that link, I've been trying to find a menu for the Biergarten for my family to look at. We have some fussier eaters in the group and I wanted to give a preview for anyone interested in knowing what was on the menu there. This site is on my favorites list now. :)
  17. M

    how many days (cont)

    By the minute 36 days, 15 hours and 40 minutes - give or take. It's been 10 months of waiting to go home! :sohappy: :sohappy:
  18. M

    How do you pay for your trip?

    We have a strict budget for every pay cheque, I'm talking a daily breakdown here. Everything else goes into savings. We collect travel miles for airline tickets and car rentals, I'm fanatic about shopping for groceries, etc, where we can collect miles. Plus we stay off property - so far. It...
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