Should Disney focus more on Classic attractions instead of $$$ filled Thrill rides?


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Ok, First let me say this, this is my heart. Some of you out there at the drop of a hat, jump on any of us who suggest Disney do anything different. If you are one of those, please reserve the "off topic" posts for another time.


Ok, this post is here because I was mentioning it in another post this morning.

Disney seems to be moving towards high dollar thrill/action attractions. I think they are great! I love them! I however love more than anything the "Classic" attractions that gave Disney it's name. Example: Pirates of the Caribbean, Peter Pan, etc. The dark rides.

I feel Disney should take the space and money they have (when they have space) and create more classic attractions. They are less expensive but I assume Disney thinks they are not "exciting" enough for the newer generations. That is so wrong. That would never be further from the truth.

Attractions that do not have the thrill but have super theming and atmosphere equal if not out-do thrill rides.

I just wish Disney would get back into the business of dark rides. Put the money into making them high tech and run with it! I feel that even though I love those newer attractions that for some reason the dark rides of the Magic Kingdom are just being left to run their course.

rosebud's mom

Active Member
I too feel the focus should be on "classics" and not on purely "thrill" rides. A trip to 6 Flags, Cedar Point, King's Island...... is fine & I've enjoyed these places many times. However, it is the things that make Disney unique that keep me coming back and staying for a week. Thrill amusement parks are one-shot trips NOT vacations, although the rising costs there are another issue altogether ! Also, when I look back fondly on experiences that I want to repeat over and over those experiences are the ones that emphasize theme and character and not merely height and g-forces.


Well-Known Member
I think they should lay off creating new attractions for a while, and instead start foccusing on keeping up with what's already there. They need to bring back the "small touches"!


Well-Known Member
You are very passionate about what you believe in and that's a good thing.

I think balance is needed when discussing thrill vs. classic dark rides.

There can be arguements for both sides saying they are right. For instance, there has been a new dark ride in the past five years (Pooh) so they are not totally being phased out. Also refurbishment continues on classic rides so, that can be seen as a good sign. On the other side of the arguement, Mission Space while being quite the thrill, lacks theming and that Disney "it" factor which makes it feel like an old friend such as rides like PotC, Space Mountain and Splash Mountain do.

Here is where the balance should come in. ToT in my opinion is a good example of this. It is to me a combination of both classic dark ride and thrill ride. It meets the criteria for both, being wonderfully themed with a great back story as well as providing a thrilling ride.

Times change and WDW has competition that it didn't use to have, but that doesn't mean they should change the Disney magic that has worked for so many years. I do however think that thrill rides can be incorporated into their plan for the future IF they are well thought out and themed appropriately. I also think that abandoning the classic dark rides which are the backbone of WDW would spell doom for the parks as well. There must be a way to find a happy medium in which everyone can be satisfied.


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well said

Lauriebar said:
You are very passionate about what you believe in and that's a good thing.

I think balance is needed when discussing thrill vs. classic dark rides.

There can be arguements for both sides saying they are right. For instance, there has been a new dark ride in the past five years (Pooh) so they are not totally being phased out. Also refurbishment continues on classic rides so, that can be seen as a good sign. On the other side of the arguement, Mission Space while being quite the thrill, lacks theming and that Disney "it" factor which makes it feel like an old friend such as rides like PotC, Space Mountain and Splash Mountain do.

Here is where the balance should come in. ToT in my opinion is a good example of this. It is to me a combination of both classic dark ride and thrill ride. It meets the criteria for both, being wonderfully themed with a great back story as well as providing a thrilling ride.

Times change and WDW has competition that it didn't use to have, but that doesn't mean they should change the Disney magic that has worked for so many years. I do however think that thrill rides can be incorporated into their plan for the future IF they are well thought out and themed appropriately. I also think that abandoning the classic dark rides which are the backbone of WDW would spell doom for the parks as well. There must be a way to find a happy medium in which everyone can be satisfied.

Well said. I agree that Pooh has come about, but I am thinking of a "new" building that is bigger. I would love to see a new dark ride that is really bigger than the one's now, except POTC, it's a good size.

I agree that TOT is a great example of mixing thrill and dark ride.

I think we'll just have to see what happens but I just wish there were more of those "magical" rides.


Well-Known Member
I am assuming you are talking about the hole where 20K was. I absolutely agree that not replacing it with a dark Fantasyland type ride would be a horrible mistake!! What is put in this space, in my opinion could very well be one of the most important decisions that Eisner could make. I just hope he realizes this.


Naturally Grumpy
The two magic words: Balance and Theme

CE68 I think you nearly answered your question (at least in my mind) in your initial discussion. What we need is balance. You, like many of us enjoy the thrill type rides...we just don't want it to be an either-or situation (like loosing WoM to Test Track and Horizons to MS). Mix that in with one of the points Laurie made about proper themeing, and I think we all would be happy.

We need to have an intermediate and long range growth plan with a nice mix of thrill and advanced concept dark rides. Oh, and I don't want to forget or minimize the point made by MKCustodial that concious planning needs to include upkeep and refurbishing of current attractions. PoTC and HM need some TLC as do main points that MKCustodial could probably list off the top of their head (thats a compliment in case there is any doubt).

If Disney can pull that off, I think you would find most everyone fairly content here. :D


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Lauriebar said:
I am assuming you are talking about the hole where 20K was. I absolutely agree that not replacing it with a dark Fantasyland type ride would be a horrible mistake!! What is put in this space, in my opinion could very well be one of the most important decisions that Eisner could make. I just hope he realizes this.

Yes I am referring to the 20K location. I hear everyone saying that it's going to be something very very simple and nothing worth getting excited about (through other threads) which I agree with you, in that this will be a very important decision by Eisner as this will directly reshape that portion of the park.


Well-Known Member
civileng68, I completely agree with you that it would be nice to see more "classical" rides being built at WDW along with the new high-tech ones they have. I think it would help bring back the love everyone had from the start there. I'm just wanting to know, what are some of your ideas for a "classic" ride. The 20K site would be perfect for at least one or two of these.


Well-Known Member
Disney HAS to focus on what the general public wants, just like any other business.

I like both classic and thrill rides. Six Flags proves you can't only do "thrill" rides and succeed. I think Disney shyed away from the thrill aspect for a long time. So if it seems they are doing more of those types lately, I don't see a problem. If they ONLY do thrill rides over a long period of time, then YES that would be a problem.

Just like anything else in life, you need a balance. :D


Well-Known Member
The general public seems to want thrill rides NOW. Disney never foccused on the NOW, they always thought ahead. That's what I think is one of the biggest problems of the current administration.


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WDWScottieBoy said:
civileng68, I completely agree with you that it would be nice to see more "classical" rides being built at WDW along with the new high-tech ones they have. I think it would help bring back the love everyone had from the start there. I'm just wanting to know, what are some of your ideas for a "classic" ride. The 20K site would be perfect for at least one or two of these.

I think it's time to go back to the roots of Disney. Re-estblish the mouse. I think Buzz Lightyear and Stitch are great but I think a dark ride with the "originals" would be great! Honestly I really don't care what characters it's about but, I just like the classic dark rides. I think classic dark boat rides are great too. I wish they could create something with the aura of POTC with the same mistique and mysteriousness.


The main reason why MK is my favorite park is the dark rides. Yes, I'm 27, but I would rather go on PotC and HM and even Peter Pan than RnRC.

Not that I don't love RnRC, but it doesn't feel classic. It doesn't give me the DISNEY vibe. I feel like a kid when I go to MK and it's the only way I want to feel when I'm at WDW. I think we can all agree on that.

I think there should be a new dark ride in the 20k space. Fantasyland would not be Fantasyland with a big ol' rollercoaster in it.

I'd like to see a cool, state-of-the-art Finding Nemo dark ride. I know you're all gonna bash me because it's a Pixar movie, and it's new, but think of how they can do it: you can "go underwater" and visit all the characters, scenery, etc. Even have a dentist's office with a fish tank.

Either that, or a new animatronic ride. I'm sure the cost is higher for 50 animatronic characters like PoTC, but think of the impact it would have. Mikey E. better not screw up this area with another thrill ride.


Well-Known Member
Goofy23 said:
The main reason why MK is my favorite park is the dark rides. Yes, I'm 27, but I would rather go on PotC and HM and even Peter Pan than RnRC.
Me too. Then again, I'm not a fan of most "thrill rides." I don't do rollercoasters (so no RnRC for me); I don't do things that fall (so no ToT for me either). What I like is something fun. Something classic. Something Disney. PoTC and HM are perfect examples of what I love about going to WDW. And why MK is my favorite park as well.

The thrill rides aren't my thing. If I wanted that, I could hit Busch Gardens which is a lot closer. I don't. I want Disney and I get that in the experiences you can only get at Disney - the dark ride.

I don't think they should never make another thrill ride, but that they should most definately make a few more classic rides before the next thrill one. It's been thrill after thrill after thrill. And right now, it's just more things I don't want to do. Which is sad. I'd like more things that I do want to do. And more things which families with kids want to do. And more things which are uniquely and perfectly a Walt Disney World experience.


New Member
I love classics and thrill rides, but the general public doesn't care if it is a classic or not. What is easier to sell to people who don't care about "magic" and what Disney stands for? They want new and something that will "wow" them. Thrill rides can wow a lot of the public. Also, you hear the public say how Disney is "just for kids and families" and how it lacks thrills, maybe they are trying to shed that "just for families" view. Thrill rides are moneymakers for Disney (Splash, ToT, Test Track, RnRC, Dinosaur, Mission: Space), and they have mostly done thrills in a way where theme and magic are incorperated (Primeval Whirl aside). Personally, I prefered Horizons and WoM over the current attractions that reside there, but I am guessing they wanted the "thrill" to bring more guests in, which I don't mind because I love all kinds of rides, as long as they are done right.

Mom's the word

New Member
Yes, yes, yes

A thousand times yes on this one. I agree will all the comments on having a balance, there has to be profit if the parks are going to run but, other than Pooh, what classic rides have been created in the last 5 or so years? I guess, if you stretch it, Aladdin's Magic Carpets could be included. But not other dark rides. Hercules, Mulan, Bambi, Aristocats, Lady and the Tramp, 101 Dalmatians any of those films could provide ride ideas and there are others that haven't been touched either - Legend of Sleepy Hollow anyone? I could see that as a classic dark ride with some (small) thrills thrown in. My husband and I were just wondering about why Disney invests in so many stage shows now, where they have to pay a number of performers every day for months or longer instead of investing in rides based on the same movies. Is it more cost effective or does it allow more flexibility for changes? Don't get me wrong, I love the stage shows, they are wonderful and the performers are terrific but they aren't the same as a ride. I think when we say we want that Disney feeling we mean something with heart, that reminds us of our childhood. Let's have a little more of that please.


Well-Known Member
Kopp8699 said:
I love classics and thrill rides, but the general public doesn't care if it is a classic or not. What is easier to sell to people who don't care about "magic" and what Disney stands for? They want new and something that will "wow" them. Thrill rides can wow a lot of the public. Also, you hear the public say how Disney is "just for kids and families" and how it lacks thrills, maybe they are trying to shed that "just for families" view. Thrill rides are moneymakers for Disney (Splash, ToT, Test Track, RnRC, Dinosaur, Mission: Space), and they have mostly done thrills in a way where theme and magic are incorperated (Primeval Whirl aside). Personally, I prefered Horizons and WoM over the current attractions that reside there, but I am guessing they wanted the "thrill" to bring more guests in, which I don't mind because I love all kinds of rides, as long as they are done right.

Again, I'm gonna sing the same tune. The general public may want thrills now. What happens in 10 or 15 years? All these magic-less thrill rides will be torn down to give way to the new trend? Look at Splash Mountain. It's a thrill ride, but it's also a Disney attraction. If Disney really put it creative mind, and its wallet, into it, they could come with other magic thrill attractions that could stay around forever.


New Member
I love classic rides, but I also like some thrills too. Balance is the key as people have said. It seems that just thrill rides are being built right now, but that is mainly because Disney was lacking in thrills. I think after this batch of new rides is finished we will probably see more classic type attractions being built.

I also agree that the 20K location future attractions is going to be controversial among Disney fans. While I think MK needs a new E ticket with thrills I do not think Fantasyland is the place for it. I think Adventureland needs a new big ride to revitalize the area. Fantasyland needs classic dark rides based off of newer movies. I think a Beauty and the Beast dark ride and a Lion King dark ride or a Little Mermaid one would be great in that area.


Well-Known Member
I think it has to be a healthy mix. Mysterious Island from TDS is a great example (and hopefully Lee's rumour gets a green light). The new 20K ride is a great new dark ride and JTTCOTE is a great darkride with some thrills.
I too would like to see some new darkrides from the 2nd golden age. Beauty & Beast, Little Mermaid from the DLP plans would both be great attractions. Lion King & Aladin deserve more than a show and a spinner.


New Member
While I love the "Classic" attractions, I believe what is most important is to give the general public what they are interested in. While many of us would most likey visit WDW even if it didn't have such thrilling attractions as RnR and MS. Unfortunitly, the general public wouldn't. We live in a thrill driven world. 20 years ago the general public enjoyed the educational value in the attractions at epcot, and people still do. However, many people today need something thrilling to get there attention. I think the other reason is because of USF and there one upsmanship in developing new cutting edge thrills is causeing many of the thrillseekers to visit there parks instead of Disney, when Disney would rather have there business.

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