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  1. B

    Is there toll free calling to disney reservations?

    I used the 877 number today to make a room only reservation with the AP rate for Nov. 28 to Dec. 3. I didn't mind being on hold for 25 minutes when I didn't have to pay for it.
  2. B

    Park hours in Dec?

    I was there the first week of December last year. The hours were Epcot Future World 9 - 7, World Showcase 11 - 9:30; MK 9 - 7 unless there was MVMCP, then it closed at 6, Saturday 9 - 11; MGM 9 - 7; and AK 9 - 5. I also thought it was rather crowded. Weather was lovely, warm during the day...
  3. B

    AP Room Discounts

    Last year the AP rate came out August 28 and did include December but not Christmas.
  4. B

    How many people are FLYING into Florida in the Coming Weeks...

    I fly out from Phila. tomorrow morning and will be at the Poly on Friday morning if my daughter and family can get out of Phila. on Friday. We're expecting snow. On Monday we move to AKL and Thursday to Royal Pacific at Universal.
  5. B

    21 days and counting!

    I saw your post and looked on the calendar and noted that's how much time we have before the magic begins. We'll be there 12/5 to 12/11.
  6. B

    Goodbye AE

    When did AE come to WDW? I was last there in 1994 and I don't remember this attraction.
  7. B

    do anyone know of any christmas/winter specials

    AP rates are out now. We got Poly GV for $190 a night including tax and AKL concierge for $277.14 Dec. 6 to 11.
  8. B

    Another WDW Message Board

    Besides this site I go to (DIS) and, but occasionally check out many others. Now I have a few more to add to my Favorites. Sometimes DIS is slow to download but there is so much information there.
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