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  1. magickingdom15


    okay, which is better the Graden Grille or Chef Mickeys? Like food wise thanksss
  2. magickingdom15

    Spirit Airline / Atlantic City Airport ???

    I like atlantic city airport I have always had a good experince when I used it and its not as hectic as philadelphia airport.
  3. magickingdom15

    Not Exactly Another "French Quarter" Resort Hotel Question...

    yea me and my family are going soon and we decided not to stay at PO riverside because of the fact that the food court is going to be closed. We're now gonna stay at CSprings.
  4. magickingdom15

    bagallini or other bag?

    my mom makes us wear packs :hammer: but we went to old navy one day and they had these really cool "hip" ones, it has like cushion on it and you wear it on your hip, so you dont look so stupid, But the cool thing was they were on sale for like 2 dollars
  5. magickingdom15

    Trip from Pinball Challenge 1/2-1/8

    So wait you played the pinball game on this site and then won a high score and won the trip?:veryconfu
  6. magickingdom15

    Pikachu's Trip to the World!

    did you stay in a room where you could see the animals? because that was my favorite part staying there:king:
  7. magickingdom15

    Cape May Cafe parking restrictions?

    There wasnt a parking restriction, but omg beware. My family and I went on a friday night and the people were crazy. They were pushing and fighting with each other. And these were grown people, not little kids. But the service was nice and our waitress was wonderfull. But the people- another story.
  8. magickingdom15

    My dining choices

    the rose and crown is really yummy - I must suggest that one :)
  9. magickingdom15

    Input on Dining Selections

    I really liked Coral Reef, its kind of funny when you're trying to eat and people are taking pictures but I thought the food was excellent and my family and i are going back to that resturant in march because we had a great experience there. The service and the food was great and thought their...
  10. magickingdom15

    Favorite Hidden Micky

    One of my favorite is on the mgm map. (hint turn it upside down and stare at the middle) :) happy hunting.
  11. magickingdom15

    Tigger's vacation Round 2

    haha. It seems like he had a lot of funnnnnnnnnnnn
  12. magickingdom15

    Hotel tips

    How do you get a Pre Annual Pass?
  13. magickingdom15

    French Quarter vs. Riverside

    personally, I like riverside better too. If you bring bread you can feed the ducks that walk around there. Just an idea!:animwink:
  14. magickingdom15

    tips please

  15. magickingdom15

    tips please

    I am planing on going to disney again in March. I was wondering if anyone had any tips about discounts. Like special ones that you have to ask for. If you do that would very much appericated.I'm going with my family, so if you have any family-friendly recommendations that would be great!:p...
  16. magickingdom15

    Hotel tips

    I am planing on going to disney again in March. I was wondering if anyone had any tips about discounts. Like special ones that you have to ask for. If you do that would very much appericated. Thanks!:king:
  17. magickingdom15

    Hidden Mickey: Hunted Manison FOUND!

    also if you look on the manhole entrances on the paths some of them have mickeys in the middle and they have a lot at the flower and garden festival like on tinkerbell's wing.:)
  18. magickingdom15

    Hidden Mickey: Hunted Manison FOUND!

    On the Blizzard Beach Mug (not the one you buy but the one you get back from the lockers) in the flowers if you look real close 2 flowers have hidden mickeys!
  19. magickingdom15

    Hotel Reports

    Does anyone have any really good stories about hotels. Because I want to plan another vacation but I want to know which hotels are highly recomended! thanks sooooo much!!!:sohappy:
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