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  1. S

    priority seating rules

    I know- there are several things you have to give your credit card for. I really was not trying to pull a fast one though. I cancelled the others as soon as the schedule came out. I just thought I was being a good planner:)
  2. S

    priority seating rules

    I swear I was not trying to take all of the sausages - just trying to be a good planner- and really I cancelled as I went with the schedule. I was just telling everyone about this "rule" because it seems to be the only one I didn't know about until I was in trouble:D :o
  3. S

    The Spider and the Mouse (trip report)

    Great report- so sorry your wife got sick! We are doing the silver package too...It's a good deal for us because we are big pigs and like to eat a lot on vacation- plus we are going to pay for the kids meals and save the wishes for us :lol: I do have a question for you- were you able to use your...
  4. S

    priority seating rules

    I won't...I am over it now. I think I was just so shocked because every CM I have dealt with on the phone is SUPER. I just want others to know about this rule because in all of the reading I have done- never heard this one. Thanks! Will give you all a report soon- we leave in three days!!
  5. S

    Silver and Gold

    Wow! Cannot thank you enough! This is more concise than any list I could drag out of any CM's by phone. I was under the impression that you had to eat at table-service to use wishes- that was how it was back in the day of the Gold Key Club. Thanks! You saved us much gastric distress!!!
  6. S

    My Silver Wish Experience

    wishes I was told by a CM that you can use the wishes as a family any way you choose so my husband and I were going to use the wishes for all of our food and pay for the kids meals because they are very affordable- The most is $12 at a REALLY nice restaurant- so we are eating like pigs three...
  7. S

    priority seating rules

    So I discovered a priority seating rule after a run-in with some nasty CM's and I want to spread the word so a CM does not yell at you too! I initially scheduled PS's at three parks at one time and planned to cancel when WDW put out the schedule for the parks- which they are only doing a few...
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    Early entry days

    And only guests staying in Disney resorts can go in early, right?
  9. S

    Early entry days

    I read a travel book that said Disney has gotten rid of Early Entry days since business is slow- We are going in 25 more days- Is this true? I still see the days listed on a bunch of websites
  10. S

    Any1 See this on Mousesavers?

    Disney Visa You can but you must book the deposit and pay the balance with the Visa- plus you get disney dollars as a reward (not much like $1 for 1%)
  11. S

    Does anyone know if the park hours for the end of May may change?

    Disney is not releasing this info until 30 days before because of the situation in the Middle East. I know one of the nights is a Grad night (or something) because the latest PS I could get was 5:00 pm in the MK. Other than that, they told me I could call back May 1 or thereafter for operating...
  12. S

    Where'd the Magic Go ???

    When are you going? I had no problem at all using Discount codes- which I got for the Silver package. I thought I would have to cancel and rebook and everything but they were great! Call again and ask why you could not use them. I know they are only valid for a certain number of people. Also try...
  13. S

    Character Breakfast?

    Chef Mickey's is a zoo! Ohana is great!!! We are doing Liberty Tree because I heard it is a good one. Also highly recommended is Crystal Palace at lunch...Breakfastosaurus is ok- it can get a little crowded in a small area.
  14. S

    Character Breakfast?

    Congrats on Cindy's castle Congrats on getting the reservations for Cindy's Table so easily...It took me six days of calling! We are going on June 5...I hope it is worth it!!!!
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    details of Cindy's breakfast

    Cindy's Breakfast I am so glad to hear this...I wondered if it would be worth the SIX mornings I got up at 6 am to get these reservations!!! I didn't know if I was determined because it was so great or if it was like a Cabbage Patch/Beanie Baby thing- gotta do it because everyone else wants...
  16. S

    Bottled Water Prices In Parks?

    I know that the restaurants will give free water (but it is tap). Personally, I do not want to lug more than four bottles of water around each day to save a few bucks, so I guess we will just be driniking the "smelly" Orlando tap!
  17. S

    Dram Maker Package

    Can anyone tell me how you use wishes for the Dream Maker packages? At what point do you have to decide to use a wish? We got the silver package and are planning to use it mostly for meals. Someone also told me that we don't have to use it to pay for the kkids meals (as they are pretty cheap)...
  18. S

    Crowds during the last days in May

    After much research, it seems to me that this is the least crowded week if you must go during Summer...this is when I am going too...I think that you are leaving before it starts but check out the Gay Days thing. The thought of such a thing an offend some delicate "sensibilities". I have heard...
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    Avoiding Gay Days

    I have no problems with being at Gay Days for Disney. I think it would be great for my kids (3 and 10) to see first hand that are all types of families and all types of love! My only concern is that I don't want them to see too much love of any sort no matter what the couples make-up. I get so...
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