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  1. Jenna

    I may be getting ahead of myself but...

    I think it must be a Disney thing to holiday with your parents. I'm going to Salou in Spain for 10 days, 2 weeks prior to when we're looking in to going to Florida with friends but given the choice I'd much rather holiday with my family in Florida. Whereas my friends would rather die than...
  2. Jenna

    I may be getting ahead of myself but...

    Currently looking at villas in celebration, We never stay on site! I really hope we go!
  3. Jenna

    I may be getting ahead of myself but...

    I'm far too excited, I thought my next trip to WDW wouldn't be until 2013 but there is a very good chance I will be going in July of 2012! My mum and dad (yes I'm 23 and still holidaying with my parents haha) have been looking in to it and think we could end up going for 2 weeks in late July...
  4. Jenna

    Where do you draw the line of affordable?

    We havent been since 2009, hopefully returning next summer but for 5 of us our three week stay in Florida (off site) with a 21 day park ticket, universal, sea world, ioa and discovery cove tickets comes to nearly spending money but as a family there's nowhere else we'd rather go!
  5. Jenna

    Your favourite tradition when you arrive at WDW.

    Aww JK I love the idea of doing Chef Mickey's on your first day every trip! I must actually encourage my family to try Disney dining, we always eat off site!
  6. Jenna

    A Toddler at the Grandparents + Two Parents = An Amazing Disney Vacation

    I've really enjoyed reading your trip report, I haven't been to the World since 2009 and won't be returning until 2013 or 2014, I live my Disney dreams through those on this board and love to read trip reports. You seem like you have had a great time (so far), can't wait to read the rest. Also...
  7. Jenna

    Your Favourite Attraction at the World in Epcot?

    Maelstrom, minus the movie!
  8. Jenna

    Your favourite tradition when you arrive at WDW.

    We've only ever arrived in Florida (from lil old Northern Ireland) in the late evening/middle of the night so I've never headed straight to a park. We usually go on a magical mystery tour to find our villa, getting lost at least 6 times. Drop off our cases and head to Walmart to get some...
  9. Jenna

    Ride(s) you will not go on...

    Primeval whirl, it's not natural to spin that fast. It's vomit central. Star Tours, Mission space (and just incase I missed any, any simulator ride). I have a real problem with moving around and watching a screen, it makes me so ill. Astro Orbiter, the first time I went on it I thought it...
  10. Jenna

    Favorite Meet and Greet Character

    Honey Darling, simply because my kid sister adores her. I love seeing her face when Honey arrives on the scene and she gets the chance to talk to her. She's very funny.
  11. Jenna

    Best Disney tip you ever got!

    About the GAC for my younger sister (Disney are SO accommodating). To arrive early, the crowds are practically non existent and whilst I quite enjoy the fact that Disney is usually crowded with people (I know, it's strange) it's nice to get in and get on a few rides with no wait time at all :)
  12. Jenna

    How do you stay cool?

    Given that I live in Ireland and am used to freezing my backside off at the best of times I'm finding it quite strange that I've never really given 'keeping cool' much conscious thought. I wear flip flops, shorts and a vest top to the parks and to be honest that's as far as my planning goes...
  13. Jenna

    How do Disney count?

    A turnstyle never even entered my head as being a method of counting! Is that how they work out park crowd numbers as well? Thanks for the info Polydweller, I shall have a little peek when I next visit the World (possibly's too far away :()
  14. Jenna

    How do Disney count?

    The one that I was thinking about when the whole thing got set off in my head was Philharmagic. I don't even know how I got to thinking about it :) Thanks for the info so far.:sohappy:
  15. Jenna

    Disney in July. Are we Crazy?

    I've only ever been in July (twice for 3 weeks during July and once for a fortnight that took in July and August). I personally don't find a problem with this time of year, then again it's what I'm used to. Yes it's busy but to me (and possibly only me), I kind of like that in that I think...
  16. Jenna

    How do Disney count?

    Forgive me if this has already been asked but whilst I was laying in bed last night this question popped in to my head. When working out the numbers for a show, how do Disney count how many people have already passed through? Is there a counter that you walk through and don't realise? Is it...
  17. Jenna

    How many miles away do you live from Disney World

    As the crow flies....5030 miles exactly! Northern Ireland is a loooong way from WDW!
  18. Jenna

    Pre-trip report *7th July-29th July*

    Well I abandoned this yonks ago but I’ve decided I should finish it! Going to upload pictures at a later date as I can’t find the memory card right now. July 22nd we went to IOA . On the 23rd we went to Epcot, we decided to park at the Magic Kingdom and get the monorail over (as we were...
  19. Jenna

    Pre-trip report *7th July-29th July*

    The days that are missing were spent at Busch Gardens, IOA, Aquatica, Universal and a lazy day :) 21st July-Back to the studios today! When we walked in and were approaching the hat my sisters little heart skipped a beat as she seen her favourite character..not Mickey, not Minnie but Honey...
  20. Jenna

    Pre-trip report *7th July-29th July*

    I will get back to this soon! Super busy at the moment!
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