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  1. OldBill71

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

    Well, if The Great Movie Ride isn't a good base for scientific inquiry, I don't know what is.
  2. OldBill71

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

    So they tested every other movie in history to see if people "experienced" the movie in their dreams? There are Avatar crazies, just like there are Disney crazies and Star Wars crazies and My Little Pony crazies. Having crazy people think your movie was good doesn't mean it was good. Avatar...
  3. OldBill71

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

    Avatar was obviously, a very successful movie $ wise, but I don't think I've talked to one person or read one message board post by someone who thought the movie was anything more than a visually impressive movie that had very little "guts" to it. The plot was predictable, the acting was sub-par...
  4. OldBill71

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

    You'd have to think that the already massive budget for the next Avatar movie just got even bigger. Cameron would have to be crazy to not ask Disney for some $$$ after they made this huge commitment to basically transform an entire park around this franchise. Disney won't want to build all of...
  5. OldBill71

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

    One of the scary parts about what you say here, is that if you take 5-10 years to develop a land or attraction, the ride technology will be nearly obsolete by the time the 1st guest ever gets to see it.
  6. OldBill71

    AVATAR Concept Art released

    Concept art looks great. THIS land will actually lead to an increase in park attendance like NFL was supposed to do for MK. It will be nice to have another night park to help spread out the crowds a little bit.
  7. OldBill71

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

    I really enjoy these threads, but often find the discussion falling on hypotheticals, what-ifs and maybes. So I thought, maybe we could look at a concrete example of how FP+ could impact touring the parks. Here is a touring plan I successfully completed this Summer. Focusing on Future World and...
  8. OldBill71

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

    There has also been rumors and photo evidence on Twitter of the MM+ Tests interfering with the current Fastpass System. It at one point resulted in the ability of guests to insert any type of card with a magnetic strip into the Fastpass machine, to receive a Fastpass
  9. OldBill71

    D23 Expo Theme Park News and Announcements

    Completely agree. I'd rather have not known about Avatar for the last two years, then to have to sit around and complain that "they haven't even started doing anything yet!" Perhaps, social-media has contributed to the fact that it is harder and harder to keep secrets these days. I think that...
  10. OldBill71

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

    The level of surveillance we are all under has certainly increased in our post-9/11 world. I think the difference between your example and the NGE at Disney is the end game - one wants to help me avoid a traffic jam, and the other wants to sell me a Winnie the Pooh windbreaker. I don't like...
  11. OldBill71

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

    I think we can all agree that the way Star Tours 2.0 was handled was probably not ideal, but that wasn't really what I was trying to get at originally. I am just trying to make the point that TDO needs to not stumble and fall, once again when they debut the "first edition" of Star Wars Land. ST...
  12. OldBill71

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

    You mean, Star Tours, 2.0! That is rarely more than 15 minute actual wait? I just hope that TDO realizes what a potential goldmine they have in the Star Wars IP. You can't undo, first impressions, and this new Star Wars Land is the "first impression" TDO gets to make after TWDC acquired the...
  13. OldBill71

    D23 Expo Theme Park News and Announcements

    I hope an office scene decorated in an Avatar motif and some crates with Star Wars references on them don't end up being the extent of the Parks and Resorts "announcements" at D23. But, considering posts in this thread, and the general history of the Expo; I think that is just what those scenes...
  14. OldBill71

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

    I sincerely hope that the "trimmed down" version of SW Land doesn't end up being a Table Service Restaurant and a 3D Movie.
  15. OldBill71

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

    I understand wanting to be cautious with information that is this dramatic and heavy. But, has Spirit given us a reason not to believe what he says? Not so far. That is good enough for me. P.S. - Glad to be joining the conversation after having been a lurker on this board for several years.
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