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  1. phantomkara

    When should I buy my park tickets?

    I'm heading to Disney for my second time ever at the end of next month (I'm so excited!!!!!!) and this is my first time buying my own tickets. I was just wondering how far in advance I should buy them? I would like to get them shipped to me so I don't have to wait in an extra line to pick them...
  2. phantomkara

    When was your first trip to Disney?

    My first trip to WDW was in May of 2011 with my brother and uncle. I was 22 and I've been obsessed since and saving up little by little to be able to go back. Now nearly 3 long years later, I've done it and my next trip is officially booked for the end of April this year!!!
  3. phantomkara

    I'm going for my birthday!!!!!

    Congrats! That's exciting!
  4. phantomkara


    Thanks! I hope you enjoy your trip too!! You'll have to post how it was when you get back!
  5. phantomkara


    Thank you guys! Your encouragement and shared excitement is making me even more excited than I already was! :D I can't wait to start the planning process!
  6. phantomkara


    Thanks!! And yeah, after waiting more than 2 years, 7 months doesn't seem bad at all! I just hope it flies by!
  7. phantomkara


    It's been over 2 years since my first trip to Disney, and I've been saving up ever since then so that I can go again. Now at long last, I finally have enough, and our next trip is officially booked for April 26th 2014!!!!! I know it's still over 7 months away, but I finally have a date to count...
  8. phantomkara


    That doesn't sound cheesy at all! I've thought about Disney ever since I went for my first time 2 years ago. The thought of my next trip is what helps me get through work everyday!
  9. phantomkara

    How many people "go to Disney" from your computer?

    I haven't been in 2 years and my next trip isn't for another year, so I often find myself watching YouTube videos of my favorite attractions, and even some I still have yet to experience. I also tend to show my boyfriend videos of some of the attractions because he still has never been. It helps...
  10. phantomkara

    What I love about DISNEY/WDW... !

    that`s a good idea, I`ll have to do that! thanks!
  11. phantomkara

    What I love about DISNEY/WDW... !

    thanks!! i`m putting aside a little bit every paycheck until I can!!
  12. phantomkara

    What I love about DISNEY/WDW... !

    thank you!! I really hope so!!
  13. phantomkara

    What I love about DISNEY/WDW... !

    What I love most about Disney is that no matter what is going on in your life, the minute you step inside you forget about ALL of it. All your worries are gone and you feel like you`re a kid again, no matter how old you are. I went for the first time the summer before last, and I think it`s safe...
  14. phantomkara

    Disney Parks Require Superhero!

    I am so glad someone finally posted something positive on here! I am new to this forum, and joined it because I had my first trip to Disney in May 2011 and haven't been able to stop thinking about it since! I'm glad to finally see that some people on here love Disney as much as I do, and the...
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