Disney Parks Require Superhero!


I am so glad someone finally posted something positive on here! I am new to this forum, and joined it because I had my first trip to Disney in May 2011 and haven't been able to stop thinking about it since! I'm glad to finally see that some people on here love Disney as much as I do, and the magic is not lost to everyone!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I am so glad someone finally posted something positive on here! I am new to this forum, and joined it because I had my first trip to Disney in May 2011 and haven't been able to stop thinking about it since! I'm glad to finally see that some people on here love Disney as much as I do, and the magic is not lost to everyone!
Welcome aboard Snow Whites train.Your seat is booked under Happy,but beware.There is a Grumpy on the train.;)


Well-Known Member
Everyone is entitled to opinion but i just feel some people write negative things on here simple to have a argument and really there is no need for that.
The dissatisfied opinions tend to be purely constructive (not to mention backed up with well reasoned logic, facts, and even photo evidence at times). And they're not directed towards people on these forums (they're directed towards management and the people running the Disney company). They aren't made with the intention of getting people to argue. If you don't agree with them then that's fine, but it's kind of silly to assume that you're being insulted just because a different opinion exists.

I like grapefruit, but i'm not bothered when someone else doesn't like them at all. And I dislike a lot of types of candy but I don't feel insulted of insecure if someone else likes it. It's when you take it personally that people don't think the same as you where things get nasty and the immaturity starts to rear its ugly head. If you enjoy WDW and don't want to listen to the other side, there's nothing to stop you from simply ignoring them. No reason both sides can't exist if everyone just chooses to act like reasonable and mature adults.

Now there are a rather alarming amount of people who are on the "WDW is perfect" side who post blatantly inflammatory comments that try to rile people up. Jimmy Thick, CountryBearFan, and a number of others come to mind. It's not something that could be misread, these are direct and obvious attempts to cause an argument by posting personal insults directed at specific people. They've derailed threads with pointless and uncalled for rudeness towards anyone that doesn't agree that Disney is perfect.

This for example, a rude comment in this very thread that quite literally calls anyone who has anything negative to say about Disney evil-
Mad Hatter... The Rose Coloured Glasses prince of Disney vs The sinister Glass-Is-Half-Empty Disney Dream Demolisher of Doom (say that ten times fast):)


Well-Known Member
Believe me, if you look for all of the negative, you can find it no matter how minuscule. Is this the WDW that some of us are use to that have gone since the 70s? Definitely not. However, it is far from disarray as well. Some people simply cannot see the forest through the trees.

For me, I am enjoying it with my family while I can. Soon, the middle class will not be able to afford to go.


Well-Known Member
You know, we have an ignore button. Granted, just reasonably accepting that people have different views on the matter would be the ideal and more mature solution. But if it's the only way you can enjoy yourself at Disney, using ignore is at least a preferable solution to creating a thread accusing people of lying and rallying other people to post rude comments about us.

No one is telling anyone to avoid WDW or not enjoy yourself. There's a fine point to be made about being happy when you visit WDW. I certainly enjoy myself when I visit. But for many of us, there's also a line we draw to prevent becoming gullible and allowing people people who don't share our love of the parks to exploit both us and the the place we love. We might love WDW and see it as a place to be happy and have fun (something Disney himself certainly seemed to believe). But there are people inside the company that do not share those feelings, seeing the parks and the guests as nothing more than disposable commodities to be used (and sometimes abused) to gain money.

In the end, the "complainers" as I guess we're called just realize that the parks ARE wonderful places that should be under the care of people who respect and adore them as much as we do. They deserve to be treated with loving care. WDW is infinitely more precious and important to me at least (and i'm sure the majority of the people on these forums, positive or negative in their posts) than the object it is considered by the people who are in charge of it (a place to be sucked dry by short sighted parasitic business practices).

When I visited WDW in 2010, about 13 years since my last visit, I wasn't looking for negative things. I wasn't expecting there to be any of the issues stated on this site, it never crossed my mind to do it. At the time I hadn't visited this site to even give me the idea to go looking for problems. The problems were simply laid out in plain sight and I didn't have a choice in noticing them.

The real problem here is not what people think about WDW (whether good or bad), it's the classic need to attack people you don't agree with. Both sides of the opinion are guilty of having people that have done this. But lately there have been an alarming quantity of people on the "WDW is perfect" side that have attempted to derail constructive and non-aggressive threads by insulting people for being idiots and to shut up for posting something that isn't 100% positive about Disney. There have also been a fair number of topics (in this forum section in particular) that were made with a double purpose of again rallying people into posting rude remarks towards people who don't see the place as flawless.

And we tend to have our legit reasons for thinking things aren't perfect at WDW, but your embellishment of what we're apparently saying is duly noted. In general though, "complainers" don't tend to come into a discussion devoid of any sort of evidence to back up their statements. The recent discussion about Maelstrom for example (it's far more than an unfounded claim from a "complainer" that the ride was in disrepair)-

Wow..your response was amusing on several levels. I didnt see where anyone accused you or anyone else of "lying" or trying to rally anyone "against" you. I made the general comment about people who constantly complain about everything wrong with Disney ad naseum. You decided to include yourself into that group. There was a post yesterday offered by someone trying to tell Hatter how we should'nt be blinded by the overwhelming problems at WDW and they have'nt EVER been to WDW. Their sole source of information was this site and the negative things written. I respect everyone's opinion on this site whether I agree with them or not. Some folks here have nothing BUT negative comments, so be it, it's not a crime to have an opinion..and being someone that "complains" about something doesnt make your point invalid or unfounded. I felt what the Weather Lady stated was spot on...if you choose to focus on negativity you'll find it soon enough. The good at Disney for me at least vastly exceeds the neagative, the laughing place not working properly on splash mountain didnt disuade me from riding multiple times during both my trips last year..that doesnt mean I didnt notice or that I wouldnt prefer not to have it fixed, no more than I'm not going to ride everest because the Yeti doesnt do what it used to or that a light wasnt fixed. I still enjoyed both rides and will again during my visits this year. Stating that people here complain about WDW is'nt an attack..it's the truth..nor was anything embellished. If Disney has jaded some people to the point of this type of feeling that so much is wrong..then who is anyone to tell those indivduals they are wrong for feeling that way..personally I could care less...I just find it sad that someone who has'nt ever set foot inside WDW was so influenced by all the negative threads on the site they would actually try and comment about the state of the parks to someone that had made multiple trips..Certainly WDW has room for improvement..thats true of any vacation spots..Universal..Disneyland... Bermuda..anywhere..If you were truly offended by my use of "complainers" then I apologize it wasnt my intent..but I certainly stand by what I said

emma c

Well-Known Member
I was refering to past posts regarding for instance the animal towels, I asked if we was allowed to take them and for some other posters decided to start arguing over theft and morals and whole different can of worms! Everyone is entitled to state how they feel but I think you should be able to do that without others on here calling you a liar and attacking your attitude to life.


Well-Known Member
I include myself among the "complainers" as you call it because yes I have noticed issues at WDW. And as I explained it wasn't by choice, I was neither looking for or expecting to find issues when I started visiting WDW again. They were simply there. Obviously some people aren't going to notice things as much as other people. I look for the good and find it certainly, and I praise things I enjoy. But I also notice problems when they're present, I don't look for them though.

The lying comments are generally written in some form or variation of "don't believe anyone who tells you WDW has problems". If you think WDW is great and you choose to see only the good in it, that's a perfectly valid opinion and you're entitled to think that. It's when you drag the opposing opinion in where it starts arguments. In general, a lot of the criticism levied at WDW tends to have facts to back it up, such as photos and videos showing the problems. It's perfectly fine with me if you choose to not let the issues bother you (I've truly no wish to say anything bad about anyone who thinks that), but it's rather rude to question someone's honesty of the person when they've even got evidence to back up why they are critical.

I think it's good for people to disregard good AND bad impressions about Disney World and make their own decision on whether they enjoy it or not.

I was refering to past posts regarding for instance the animal towels, I asked if we was allowed to take them and for some other posters decided to start arguing over theft and morals and whole different can of worms! Everyone is entitled to state how they feel but I think you should be able to do that without others on here calling you a liar and attacking your attitude to life.
I missed that topic entirely. Gonna stay out of that one lol! :p

I mostly stay in the News and Rumors section, so i tend to not see much of what goes on in this general discussion area. Only come to this sub forum once in a while (even less to other areas)

Bob Saget

Well-Known Member
So who am I ? Am I the preacher trying to convert the non believers ? Am I Batman trying to save Gotham City ? No, I'am Kick telling you first timers to go and have a magical vacation,and don't believe everything you read on here.
Well said, Mad Hatter! Though to be a true superhero, you must present your message in a more heroic; epic fashion:

We have found the hero we need...but not the one we deserve.


Well-Known Member

Let us not forget that Disney HAS Super Hero's on duty.


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