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  1. GoofyRacer11

    Paw Print Brownie

    I didn't hear that they removed them from the menu. I might be wrong, but I thought they had them when I was down there for the marathon a couple weeks ago. However, I make my own version of them at home and they are relatively simple to make.
  2. GoofyRacer11

    What did you do?

    Ran 6 miles today on the treadmill today. I'm running about an 8:00/per mile pace for now until I start doing races in April. Legs are still feeling good after doing the goofy challenge two weeks ago. Now its time for me to start making my chili for the Relay For Life Chili cook-off...
  3. GoofyRacer11

    Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend

    Sorry I haven't posted my Marathon time yet. I just got back to Ohio yesterday and I'm already regretting that I did. It is 0 degrees with the windchill and its not looking good for the rest of winter, but on the bright side, there is only 356 days until we leave for the Goofy Challenge next...
  4. GoofyRacer11

    What did you do?

    Hope everyone who ran the Half-Marathon had a good race like I did! I will be doing the Marathon tomorrow as well. My Corral: B My finish Time: 1:39:25
  5. GoofyRacer11

    Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend

    I'm heading down to Disney tomorrow. My plane leaves about 2:30pm so we should be at the hotel around 6pm. Just in case anyone wants to meet me, I am staying at Pop Century and my Bib number is 21313. I will be running with the 3:55 marathon pace group at the start.
  6. GoofyRacer11

    What did you do?

    Yea I know! I was surprised myself, but didn't have any problems so I kept on going. They are the Adidas Supernova Glide running shoes.
  7. GoofyRacer11

    What did you do?

    Thanks! You should have seen how long I wore my pair before my last. I logged +1,000 miles on them before replacing them and I still wasn't feeling any problems!
  8. GoofyRacer11

    What did you do?

    This morning I ran 10 miles, which is my last long run until the Goofy Challenge. It was also my first long run with my new pair of shoes. I had 850 miles on my last pair and wasn't feeling any problems, but I thought I should be careful just in case. My body is still feeling great and am...
  9. GoofyRacer11

    What did you do?

    Since I'm doing a 3 week taper, I did my last long run early this morning. I ran 18 miles at an 8:45 minute mile pace and I felt great overall. I also tested how well clif shot blocks would work for me during the marathon. They tasted good and got the job done so thats what I'll be using...
  10. GoofyRacer11

    What did you do?

    Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I was out of town last weekend and I have been busy studying for finals. I ran 16 miles this morning and felt great. Nothing is hurting and I feel like running the Goofy Challenge now. I also went out to Vertical Runner to get a new pair of shoes...
  11. GoofyRacer11

    What did you do?

    I ran 18 miles on the treadmill early this morning. I usually run outside, but I had no choice because it was a complete downpour by my house plus the gusts of wind were strong. My pace was 8:30 per mile and I felt great. I have to do my last 20 miler next weekend, but it is going to be...
  12. GoofyRacer11

    What did you do?

    So I ran the Cleveland Fall Classic Half-Marathon this morning. It was part of my 16 mile training run, so I did 3 miles beforehand. Since it was a training run, I was not going to run for a PR. I was just going to run at a comfortable pace. I was shooting for 1:40:00-1:45:00. However, that...
  13. GoofyRacer11

    What did you do?

    Well my fastest half-marathon time is 1:30:30 and since this weekends marathon is going to be part of my long run training, I don't think I'll be going that fast. I am also going to do a somewhat of a long run the day before. I'm sure I could go at a PR pace for this race, but I want to at...
  14. GoofyRacer11

    Via Napoli Pizza

    Personally, I love the pizza at Via Napoli and I normally don't eat pizza. I have had pizza from the chain restaurants when I was younger and even some from Giordano's in Chicago, but I prefer the thin crust just like it was originally made in Italy.
  15. GoofyRacer11

    What did you do?

    Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but I have been busy with school and I just got a new job. I ran 18 miles this morning at an 8:30 minute mile pace and I felt fine the entire run. It was about 50 degrees when I was running, but the bad part was the big gusts of wind. Next weekend I am...
  16. GoofyRacer11

    What did you do?

    Thats cool! Yes I have. I ran it the past two years. It goes through the metroparks and the course is an out and back one. As I recall you start on a street that leads that is in the middle of the course and you go out 3 than you come back 6 than back 3 more to the finish. I know that...
  17. GoofyRacer11

    What did you do?

    I had to run my long run this morning because I have a 5k in Columbus tomorrow. I ran 16 miles outside at a 8 minute mile pace. My legs are still feeling good and are ready to take on the Goofy Challenge in January. My long run next weekend is going to be 18 and the weekend after will be...
  18. GoofyRacer11

    What did you do?

    Its not as cold as many places in the northeast. The past couple weeks have been between 50-60 degrees. Fortunately, I only ran 7 miles on the treadmill and did the other 11 outside, but I figure I will eventually have to run that distance on the treadmill before the Goofy Challenge. Thats...
  19. GoofyRacer11

    What did you do?

    I ran 18 miles early this morning, but I had to run more on the treadmill than on normal long run days because my fingers were starting to freeze even with 2 pairs of gloves on. Besides that, I was happy with my run and my pace was between 8-8:30 throughout the entire run. I'm going to have...
  20. GoofyRacer11


    I ran the half in 2010 am running the Goofy Challenge this January. I started my training in June and started at 13 miles at my long run over the past 4-5 months, I have increased my long run to 20 miles. Right now I am alternating my long runs in the following: 16,18,18, and 20. Also, I am...
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