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  1. C

    What rides are suitable when you are pregnant?

    My wife was in her second trimester when we went last September. She was able to do just about everything but the major rollercoasters. The doctor said that she was even able to do SM. The biggest conern he said were the jerkyness and bumps on rides. As long there is a smooth ride, you should be...
  2. C

    What Grinds Your Gears At the Parks?

    Brazilian tourist groups
  3. C

    Disney Memories

    It would have to be my first trip ever to DW. We were at MK after closing at night and walking out with my wife under my arms. Looking around and seeing the castle with lights on it. MK is truly a magical place. I was hooked after that.
  4. C

    Favorite Snacks List

    I'd have to say fried ice cream from epcot and anything from the french pastry shop. I could eat Napoleans forever (at least until I died from morbid obesity(man would I die happy though)).
  5. C

    Your "Happy Place" & your regular eating place

    Mine is definately walking in Frontierland. I don't know what it is, but I have always loved the place. I also have a warm spot for the entrance of MK. As far as food, cosmic rays. I've always been a budget traveler so any place with items over $10 is usually not in the cards.
  6. C

    Magic Kingdom - what's your favorite land and why?

    Frontiedland without a doubt. Always have loved the theme and rides. Splash was a favorite growing up.
  7. C

    Do you remember your first trip to DW?

    Another thing I remember is my brother crying like a little girl to not go on SM. I still remind him today of his emotional breakdown as a 8 year old.
  8. C

    Do you remember your first trip to DW?

    Great stories everyone! Keep them coming.
  9. C

    Do you remember your first trip to DW?

    Don't know if there has been a post around this in the past so I decided to start one. Do you remember your first trip to Disney World? Most importantly, do you remember what you were thinking and how much fun you had. I was 7 at the time and still remember ridding the tea cups and Its a Small...
  10. C

    December Trip, need help!

    Geez, that must have been some time ago because we never lose to you now. Go Buffs!
  11. C

    December Trip, need help!

    Thanks for the info everyone! I live just outside of Denver and went to CU!
  12. C

    December Trip, need help!

    I will be going to WDW from November 29-December 5. Traveling with me will be my wife, baby son who will be 9 months old at the time and my parents both in their 50s. We have booked every night at AS Sports and have 4 days worth of park passes. This will be my son and parents first trip. With...
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