What rides are suitable when you are pregnant?


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Original Poster
I will be about 14 weeks pregnant on our next trip. I love the big thrill rides but dont mind missing out this year but I was just wondering if rides such as SM, Soarin',etc would be ok? Obviously I will use common sense whilst there but just wondered if anyone had been visited at this stage and how they found it.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I would get with your doctor and take his/her advice. For the most part the general rule of thumb is do not go on anything with a height restriction with the exception possibly being Soarin.


New Member
I've visited Disney during both of my pregnancies. 1st trimester with both of then again end of the second trimester/beginning of the third during my second. Disney has things pretty well marked as to which ones to avoid. I remember Safari was on the list and that surprised me but I guess because of all the bumps and jumps. I'm not sure about Soarin' I would think it would be ok because at 14 weeks your stomach should not interfere with he safety harness, yet:animwink:. If you check Disney's website they might have listed on the attractions which ones they don't reccomend for pregnant moms.


New Member
My wife and I went when she was 3 months pregnant. She couldn't do any of the roller coasters, no TOT, no teacups, no star tours, and no dinosaur.. I think everything else was good for her to go on. We just made it more of a relaxing type of trip with lots of eating and seeing things you don't normally take the time to do. I know we played in innoventions for awhile and had a blast.. Have fun :wave:


Well-Known Member
I'd say you can pretty much avoid anything that has a seatbelt or lapbar .. :) A few exceptions come to mind, like Peter Pan and HM.

During our last two trips my DW has been pregnant and we have had a great time, just learning to take it a little slower.
My wife was in her second trimester when we went last September. She was able to do just about everything but the major rollercoasters. The doctor said that she was even able to do SM. The biggest conern he said were the jerkyness and bumps on rides. As long there is a smooth ride, you should be fine. She did feel a little quezy on soarin though. I have to warn you though, disney world is a pregnant women's paradise. I'm pretty sure I spent at least $200 on just snacks during a four day stay. Having easy access to chocolate covered bananas, Dole whips, French pastries, fried ice cream and any snack every 50 feat is murder on your wallet:). Enjoy your trip!


Well-Known Member
I went to Disney when I was 14 weeks pregnant too!!! Honestly, my doctor told me to ride the rides I felt comfortable riding and stay away from the roller coasters which I did. That was 7 and 1/2 years ago. I agree to avoid the coasters and ToT. Other then those, I think that you should be good. Again, ride what you think you can tolerate. Have a magical trip and congrats!!! Just think next time you are in the World, your little one will be with you! :wave:


Well-Known Member
General rule is aviod any ride with a red triangle listed after the name on the map. That's the Disney Rule on them. Suprisingly to some, Toy Story Mania and Pirates of the Carribean do not have triangles, and they are fine, which most people don't realize.


Well-Known Member
I agree with everything above that has been stated but I would suggest that you avoid the safari ride. It can be very bumpy and jerky, and honestly is it worth possibly having a problem just to see some animals and ride in a jeep? My wife and I rode it when she was about 5 months pregnant, she did develop some round ligament pain that we attributed to the attraction and everthing turned out fine but it wasn't really worth it in our opinion. Take it slow and don't forget to drink plenty of fluids and you'll have a great time!


New Member
Mission Space Orange.

JK only if you don't want to have a kid.

But like others have sao consult your DR. And I might ask at Guest Services when you enter the park.

If I had to guess

Peter pan
Small world
Snow White
Jungle Cruise
Buzz if you take it easy

Living with the land


Nothing really safari is very bumpy.


Well-Known Member
i went last august and was just about where you will be when i went....i was able to ride soarin a few times and some of the smaller rides. you are right you won't be able to ride any of the major thrilling ones. though i did enjoy TSM a lot......and I still had a great time...and if your like me who is going back in august for the first time. I am so much more excited now that it has been over a year and a half since any of my thrill rides.....


New Member
Mission Space Orange.

JK only if you don't want to have a kid.

But like others have sao consult your DR. And I might ask at Guest Services when you enter the park.

If I had to guess

Peter pan
Small world
Snow White
Jungle Cruise
Buzz if you take it easy

Living with the land


Nothing really safari is very bumpy.

Mrs. Jobson

Active Member
I will be about 14 weeks pregnant on our next trip. I love the big thrill rides but dont mind missing out this year but I was just wondering if rides such as SM, Soarin',etc would be ok? Obviously I will use common sense whilst there but just wondered if anyone had been visited at this stage and how they found it.

There are big yellow Warning Signs posted at each attraction. If they say expectant mothers shouldn't ride, you shouldn't. There is a reason they have those signs posted. What's more important? A ride or your unborn child?:shrug:

Mrs. Jobson

Active Member
Mission Space Orange.

JK only if you don't want to have a kid.

But like others have sao consult your DR. And I might ask at Guest Services when you enter the park.

If I had to guess

Peter pan
Small world
Snow White
Jungle Cruise
Buzz if you take it easy

Living with the land


Nothing really safari is very bumpy.
Expectant mothers should not ride the Safari. It is posted on the Warning sign.


New Member
Just got back and I'm 7 months pregnant. I rode Peter Pan, Haunted Mansion, SSE, Toy Story Mania, Buzz Lightyear's, a lot of shows. Enjoy. I sat a lot and people watched and loved floating in our pool at the Beach Club. Take care of yourself and the little one! Congrats!


Well-Known Member
When my wife was pregnant with our first child, my wife went on ToT, BTM, Splash, Space Mountain and had no problems.

Of course she was only a couple days pregnant...talk about Disney magic:rolleyes:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
When my wife was pregnant with our first child, my wife went on ToT, BTM, Splash, Space Mountain and had no problems.

Of course she was only a couple days pregnant...talk about Disney magic:rolleyes:
My wife and I did all the rides at all 4 parks, US and IOA when she was around 2-3 months pregnant (we did not know she was pregnant until 4 months). The daughter we had is 8 now and an absolute thrill ride junkie. Go figure.:shrug:

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