Do you remember your first trip to DW?


Original Poster
Don't know if there has been a post around this in the past so I decided to start one. Do you remember your first trip to Disney World? Most importantly, do you remember what you were thinking and how much fun you had. I was 7 at the time and still remember ridding the tea cups and Its a Small World till my parents wanted to puke. Mostly I remember seeing all of the Disney people (Mickey, Goofy, Pluto etc.) in real life compared to just on TV. Please post your stories here.


Well-Known Member
I will never forget my first visit to Disney World. I was 10 years old. It was a spur of the moment vacation. I remember my dad comes home from work and tells us that in five days we are going to Disney World. I was so excited. I could not believe. My mom and me were going crazy shopping for clothes. I remember the night before I could not sleep at all, I felt like that kid in the commercial I was too excited to sleep! I remember riding Haunted Mansion, It's a Small World, Snow White, Alien Encounter. When I went Hollywood Studios (then MGM) was just opened not too long, I really dont remember doing to much there. The only thing I can remember is that was the time Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtles were popular and the had a show and me and my brother got there autographs. I love reliving old memories. It just makes me even more excited about my upcoming trip in July. Can't wait!:)


Well-Known Member
Yes I do

I went once with my parents when I was a kid, and then did not go back until I had kids of my own :)

I remember a number of attractions and shows. Of course there was also a lot less to remember back then - there being only MK and EPCOT at the time.



New Member
yep i was 27 years old, and i was crying when i went into the magic kingdom! lucky i had my sunglasses on, i felt such an !, but i was there first thing watched the rope drop, and was very emotional, as i had waited ever since i was child to go.
still im going in 3 weeks and will probably blubber all over again! as a 40 year old male thats not good!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I went when I was around 11 with my parents and I hated it! lol there was no plan we just went for a day cause my dad lived in Tampa. I went again at 14...same deal and didnt like it then either.

But I went when I was 22 with my GF at the time and she was a Disney nut and I loved it and became the WDW nut I am today!


Well-Known Member
I believe it was July or August of 1987, so I would have been a month or two away from my 12th birthday, when I went for the first time. My Dad's sister lives in Neptune Beach, Florida, and we went down there to visit her for a week. During that week, my Mom and Dad took us two kids and my cousin to Orlando for a couple nights. We visited Epcot Center the first day and Magic Kingdom the second day. I remember thinking that Epcot Center was totally boring...all about science and education and no fun rides. The only ride I remember enjoying at the time was either Horizons or World of Motion. I just remember being in a slow moving vehicle, but getting to a spot in the ride where the screen in front of us got to moving so fast that it felt like I was flying fast through the air. When I inquired on this site a few years ago what that ride would have been, everyone said that it could have been either of the two that I just mentioned. My cousin kept talking about us going on a "Mexican boat ride", but I don't remember if we actually rode it or not. The only other rides I think I remember would have been the Universe of Energy, as I think I vaguely remember being in those big omnimovers...and I think I remember gathering in the pre-show room for whatever attraction it was that HISTHA now occupies.

The main other memory I have from that day is that when we went out to the car that afternoon/evening, I had forgotten a can of Sprite in the backseat. And it got so hot in the car that the pressure inside the can had inverted the bottom of the can, so instead of being dented inward like a pop can is supposed to be on the bottom, it was bulged out. :lol: When we got back to the room, I set the can in a bucket of ice for about a half hour, then gulped it down. :D

I don't remember many rides at the Magic Kingdom the next day, either. I remember riding Space Mountain and being scared (and being disappointed when I rode it again in 2000, because it wasn't nearly as intense as I remembered it 13 years earlier). I remember wanting to ride the Skyway all day, but never being able to due to the lines. And towards 4 or 5 PM, close to the time we were to leave, I saw no lines and went to ride it only to be told it was closed. I remember Big Thunder Mountain and being convinced that those were real Dinosaur bones down there in the rock. My older brother kept telling me they weren't real, but being the typical dinosaur loving kid, I just "knew" they were real dinosaur skelotons. And I remember being upset as we were leaving that I missed getting my picture taken with the Big Bad Wolf...or whatever wolf that character might have been. I always assumed it was the Big Bad Wolf, but I suppose it could have been the wolf from Pinocchio. I remember the monorail as well, but I really don't think I remember any other rides than the ones I mentioned.


Active Member
I remember it very well. April of 1978. I was 10 years old. I used to watch the wonderful world of Disney every week. When my parents let us know we would be going I was beside my self with excitement. We stayed off site and I still remember the ride down world Dr. Cars were backed up for what seemed like miles to get through the gate and park. From the tram ride to the TTC the anticipation grew. I remember seeing the topiaries in the shapes of Rhinos and Elephants. On the first day we rode the monorail. I remeber going through the Contemporary and being in awe. (when I grew up and took my family this is the first on site hotel We stayed in, because of the awe I felt as a child). When we finally got into the park we went to a ticket booth and my father bought the tickets ( this was in the day of the actual A - E tickets, of which I still have some) It was un believable. We could not get to do things fast enough. Back then the lines were long. Seemed like 40 minutes was a short line. It did not matter to me. I was in Disney. I think I could go on and on. Needless to say I will never forget my first trip. It is those trips as a kid that help me to stay young at heart as an adult.


Active Member
Sure do. My first trip was July 1976 - I was 9 and my brother would have been 5. I only have a couple memories of the trip though. First I can remember we stayed in the Contemporary, in one of the Garden Wings, though I don't know if it was the north or south wing. We had a ground floor room facing Discovery Island. And I can vividly remember seeing the shipwreck on the shore of the island from our room. The only other thing I really remember about it was that tickets were still used for rides, and my parents telling my brother and I that we could only ride 1 or 2 more rides because that's all the tickets we had. :(

But as a family (my dad especially), we have the fun memory of riding HM, with my dad holding my brother. Brother got scared enough to relieve himself on my dad. It's now a running joke that when we all get together to go to WDW as adults, dad tells my brother that they have to share a doombuggy, so he can return the favor.


Active Member
My First and Only Trip to WDW:

August 1986---I was 13 years old. My family and another family vacationed together every year from the time I was 6 through high school. We stayed at Ft. Wilderness in a "cabin"--I hate camping, but a single wide mobile home with maid service is MY kind of camping!! Most of my memories are from the pictures in my scrapbook, but I do remember other things.

MK: Watching the night parade, riding tea cups, Dumbo, Haunted Mansion, It's a Small World, COP, Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain, Jungle Cruise, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, driving the cars (can't remember the name right now!), riding the river boat. We ate in Frontierland and I believe it had to be Pecos Bill's but I have no proof of that. It was the only meal we ate in the World. We ate everything else at the campground. It rained at least one afternoon. We went to MK two days, probably 1/2 day each day.

EPCOT: The fountains that shot out water, "The Ball", watching the 360 movie in Canada, my sister leaving her purse in "France" and we had to retrieve it, buying an EPCOT mug with my souveneir money (I'm sure that cup is somewhere at my parent's house!), watching some movie with talking veggies in it, riding a boat and seeing a banana tree. Riding the Monorail.

Ft. Wilderness: Riding the bus and boats. Standing behind my parents while they bought tickets. I suppose it was at TTC, but I don't remember. Buying a sweatshirt with Musket Mickey on it (also probably at my parent's house somewhere!), buying postcards, thinking it would be neat to see the Hoop-De-Doo Revue. Sleeping in the bunkbeds with my friend.

My DH has never been and DD will be 5 for our first family trip, June 2010. I've already been planning for over a year and my notebook is already a handy reference! I don't think DH will want to go again (hoping he'll be sprinkled with Pixie Dust!), so I'm trying to cram in all I can without wearing us out. He wants to stay at Contemporary and do waterparks, I want to do all the Character Meals we can (DDP), and DD wants to do BBB. Otherwise, I hope to be able to relax and soak up the magic! We'll have 6 nights/7 days to get everything in.


Active Member
I wish i had memories of it.... my parents brought me to MK prior to my first Bday...

i remember being young and not liking epcot.... all my memories got jumbled and i thought the beginning of UoE was the entrance to Epcot... and i remeber the beginning of UoE taking FOREVER!

i remeber my first trip to AK though! back in 98'. my whole family (aunts and uncles and cousins too) took a long weekend trip to the then Disney Institute.

well the week we went they were having previews of AK for those staying on property... i was completely unaware a new park was even being built... you know being 8 and all... but i went and i loved it! the safari and all was amazing.... i always loved zoos and seeing animals. (for a while i wanted to be a vet at AK)


Yes, I remember, but not much of it.

It was 1976, and I was 9 years old. I remember needing tickets for everything. I remember It's a Small World, SM, COP, what was the show in tomorrowland where you had to stand and there was a 360 degree movie? and, of course, 20k most of all. My fondest memory though was the fact that we (my sister and I) were chosen to be the daughter and son of Liberty and got a Declaration of Independance replica and got to ride on a float, I think. It's really fuzzy. I have to ask my dad.


Well-Known Member
Yep - 1994 wasn't that long ago (honest).

Looking back on that trip I was as unprepared for WDW as was possible - no knowledge about what was there - parks, parades etc etc.


Well-Known Member
I sure do! I was 30 years old when DH and I went together for the first time. He had been several times as a kid, but I had only been to DL when I was 16. I was so excited in the months leading up to the trip I couldn't stand it, I was even too excited to be very nervous about the flight. We had to stay off property, but we stayed really close and had an absolute blast. We saved MK for last on that trip and the anticipation was killing me when we finally got there. I was so emotional about the whole thing. That one trip was all it took to get me hooked. It was 5 years before we could get back, but we've been the last two years and now that we are DVC members we plan to go A LOT more :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I certainly don't remember my first trip, but the farthest I can remember would have to be the 25th Anniversary. The Remember the Magic Parade was my first ever parade (and still my favorite), and Fantasy in the Sky was the most amazing fireworks show ever. I can't believe how fast the time has flown!

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