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  • Hey, disneygirl~
    My husband and I are sort of thinking about going to Hoop Dee Doo when we go to WDW in early June. I see that you posted that you recommend going there. If I am correct, where would you suggest reserving seats? Floor, lower level around the back, or balcony? The price differences are not that much~ really. Any suggestions would be helpful. I want to be wow'd if I pay that much money. Any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks so much! : )
    You are NOT kidding about MK on the 6th! It was packed! We were there Sunday the 5th as well and the difference between the 5th and the 6th was night and day! We also saw a lot of Cheer groups that day. Did you see them too?
    So much for the "Pop Warner kids don't affect the park crowds" idea! :-) Are you writing a Trip Report? I want to read it!
    Had you said meat and potatoes I would have had a perverted comeback...but you ruined any hopes of that.

    But yeah I like basic foods too. I don't even like yellow cheese and thats horrible because its on EVERYTHING.
    Looks REAL good! I'm impressed! Well I hated Boma...but I am a picky eater so I am sure it was good and I just suck. Is that everything you wanted or did you have to switch some stuff around?
    Yeah we both are. We both have a LOT going on and we just moved out of the place we were in. We should know at the end of summer. Well send you a save the date just because we are going to make our magnet pictures naked!
    So when do we look for your trip report?! You always show so much love to my TR, I can't wait to reciprocate! I hope you had a great time!
    may have seen you at Dumbo ride,if not you have a twin it was on the 24th white tank top,black n white checkered shorts(gingam) with a little girl whose ears said Alyssa,let me know
    oh hey if ya want to go to you tube n check out .....cheekymamaG The New Disney Princess Song,it's my girls in the video.
    hey Okay so I looked at ur trip omg ,okay we have a few things in common my oldest is in second grade aswell n her n ur son have been the same amount of times ,u n i have also been the same amount of times lol.and not only do we have similar reservations on the 24th but we also plan to visit the same park that day,by the way devon is incredibly adorable!!!
    cool yeah i'm positive we'll still be around at the same time as you if u like take a lookat my pics n if u spot us come say hi that would be neat!!!
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