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  • Also, make sure you give yourself some time to get there. Not sure what resort you are staying at, but it takes some time to get there. We were staying at Animal Kingdom Lodge, so we took the bas to MK, hopped on the bus to Wilderness Lodge then hopped on the internal bus to fort Wilderness. All in All is took us about an hour of travel to get there.

    Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any more questions. I'd be happy to help
    Hey there, sorry I heven't been on here in a while, stinking work getting in the way on Disney :-) Hey I highliy recommend it!!! We were on the DDP when we went so we were given seats in Cat 2 which were on the floor to the left of the stage. Out seats were awesome! My son and his friend were even picked to be in the show!!! Honestly thou, it didn't look like there was a bad seat in the house! But I definitely prefer the floor. Order your tixs for the show as soon as you decide to go thou as the shows tend to fill up rather quickly. Also we were at the 730p show. I think that was the perfect time to go as we didn't feel rushed to get there and by the time the show was over we still have time to hit the parks!

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