The DL hotels have been pushing back availability one or two weeks at a time and canceling reservations at the same rate. They seem to keep the 'now you can book for ______' date approximately four weeks ahead. Think this was probably just a miscommunication that 'now you can book for September 16th' got interpreted as 'we'll be opening September 16th!'.
As always, I could be wrong. But the pushing of the date trends has been consistent for months and 9/16 was just the latest push out.
You could be right, and it’s probably easiest to assume that this is just another tentative date push back. However, this particular push back is unique for the reasons I explained prior; namely, the date push backs of recent times have always been through Saturdays for reservation availability starting on a Sunday. That’s how it has been done for a long while. Aug 5, aug 22, aug 29, sept 5, and now sept 16. This is the only date since the proposed opening date was scratched that fell in the middle of the week. A “middle of the week” opening is what happened last time it was actually proposed. Prior to that date push, it was the proposed hotel open of the 23rd, Also on a weird middle of the weekday, and prior to that was the 15th, which was right before the proposed opening, also in the middle of the week. Before that, they had been cancelling reservations in month increments (June 1, July 1). Correlating with that date, a user here in a different thread mentioned that a reservations CM told her to keep her reservation as they have a planned opening of Sept 16. I always take these with grains of salt, but this was backed by another user as well. And then I looked at good neighbor hotels and, though I didn’t check all and though I know some are already open, a couple had opening reservations for Sept 16. So are they doing that to match up with the Disneyland’s hotel model? I’m not sure, because I never checked them during the prior push backs so it could just be that.
ALSO, every single date push back has been announced on a Thursday, but this push back was announced yesterday I believe. The only days where this wasn’t the case were the July 15 date and July 23, both of which are significant to the initial proposed date of resort opening.That in and of itself makes this unique.
Honestly, you could be right that this is another nothing. It’s very probable that I’m grasping at straws

But there are certain factors that do make this unique, and that’s the fact here, which is why I’m crossing my fingers a little bit for this one while I wait for Newsom and Disney to say for certain haha