I also just want to mention my scores obviously don't count...but the way I'm writing these reviews I felt it wouldn't make any sense to leave you all hanging without an actual score at the end. But just want to make that clear if it wasn't already (a lot of these were very close!)
Feedback Part 2!
Danni Spink and Chaplin's Big Break
Off the bat, this feels like a classic Disney-fied character personality, in a good way. For instance, her finding humor in naming a musical instrument after a movie star, since a movie with sound is ridiculous! It reminds me very much of the father John in Carousel of Progress saying the Wright Brothers will never make it or something like that. Very fitting to the time period her character takes place in, and very fitting in Hollywood Studios!
I also find it funny when you say her personality is compared to Meg from Hercules, I can see that, but I actually think for women of the time period, her personality is very progressive and nuanced in that respect! Her grit and determination (and looks from the reference photo) reminded me more of Dottie Hinson from A League of Their Own (again in a good way!)
Though perhaps Danni has a bit more sass and spunk. Which is put on display in an animation video! Holy cow that is great! Round of applause for the effort - and definitely when you have the time share how you did that in the Imagineer's Workshop thread if you want. Something I haven't seen before and would like to see you develop your skills in it more!
I also love the subtle tie in with the Dapper Dans and her father...it gives her character depth...and a backstory that revolves around her personality. Most casual guests won't understand the reference, but for the hard-core fans that will definitely be an 'ah-ha!' moment.
Chaplin the piano gag where she picks strong guests to move the piano, and then releases the lock, that is 100% classic Disney entertainment tropes. Spot on character act there...and I also like the variety of shows and how guests can come in and out regardless of the time and hopefully be able to see new things in the show. And can I just say that I am no proper judge of singing ability, but the fact that you had the courage to even put that out there as part of the presentation needs to be commended. I know I wouldn't have the guts to do that, so high praise from that.
My only concern with this is that there are already so many walk-around characters on Hollywood/Sunset that have a spunky personality, how would Danni stand out? While an auto-played piano in the 1920s is definitely a stand-out, there's a lot of this project that feels so real to me that it feels like she could blend right into the Citizens of Hollywood (which honestly I'm not sure if that's a criticism or not

) So I'm going to go with an overall score of an A and call it a dapper day!
Grade Translation for SYWTBAI Scale:
Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 10/10
Detail: 9/10
Presentation: 9.5/10
Total: 37.5/40
Clef, Royal Minstrel of Fantasyland
Clef, not to be mistaken with
Cleft The Boy Chin Wonder
Clef is a character that fits in well in the medieval courtyard section of Fantasyland in the Magic Kingdom. And moreover, I appreciate the historical significance of a royal minstrel type character in medieval Fantasyland. Even though this is a bit out of order, while I liked the variety of locations I thought Clef would fit the best by the wishing well and Cinderella Castle in the backdrop. Fantasyland on most days is a stroller parking, wall to wall guest freeway, and while there are little areas that are out of the way, just in my personal preference if I wanted to go see a show by Clef, I would want to know the time and place so that I can see the narrative in full, and not be surprised to miss it or to show up halfway through a story.
Continuing on, I do think the variety of shows, and his eccentric character traits were the highlights. Unlike Mickey's Royal Friendship Faire, or the Royal Majesty Makers walk-around characters currently in Fantasyland, Clef focuses on telling the narratives of different stories told in Fantasyland, for a more intimate audience, and with an oral tradition that is unique to the time period itself.
The detail in the narrative as well should be commended. By far the most detailed of projects, while a do think some of the dialogue could have been trimmed, or an image inserted to get a better perspective on the locations for novice Magic Kingdom readers, Clef's personality of the changing character dialects and styles can be read through your script very well! (in both parts as well) Lastly, a small point that I will blow up into something worth noting...your very classical diction shines through...words such as festooned, ragamuffin, and so on, caught my attention!
Other than that, there isn't too much more I can either praise or nitpick...this is a very straightforward project that follows the prompt and evokes the narrative of the land, though I do think it could have taken advantage of a singular location a bit more. Nevertheless, an A- for a very well-elaborated concept!
Grade Translation for SYWTBAI Scale:
Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 9/10
Detail: 10/10
Presentation: 7.5/10
Total: 36.5/40
@D Hindley
The Grid Hotel (Character - DJ.exe)
Taking the approximate location of the Persian Resort in the original Seven Seas Lagoon designs, The Grid Hotel blends in seamlessly with Tron Lightcycle Power Run and adds additional 'futuristic' vibes to Tomorrowland through DJ.exe. I really enjoy the complimentary design to the rest of Tomorrowland, Bay Lake Tower, and the Contemporary. It feels like a perfect location for another deluxe resort. (which I'm assuming this is, though it never said the specific category so I'm taking that assumption with a grain of salt)
Though, an issue I had is that guests approaching the hotel see a futuristic Zaha-Hadid edifice (great word btw), yet then enter a lobby themed to an abandoned industrial storehouse? Something about that feels a bit off to me. If I were approaching the resort, I would expect the interior to compliment the exterior. And since I already saw the futuristic exterior, the check-in transition to 'The Grid' is foreseen, which downplays the significance of the transition.
That being said the main part of the innovators show would be how the entertainer's personality transitioned into the entire resort. The End of the Line Club, ElecTRONica, and DJ.exe's synthesizer stage is a perfect transition that one would expect to find in a Tron themed hotel. Not that I personally frequent 'da club' I just appreciate the idea of a dark-light, neon raves of sorts to synthesizer music. Also always a fan of alliteration and rhymes; Chez Rez looks and sounds delightful and unique...something none of the other Magic Kingdom Resorts contain, trust me on that. Also...soothing CPU cooling...that phrase was well done

And Bytes, your quick service spot, another nice locale.
Now to two things I think could be improved or expanded upon, one being the capsule rooms. Similar to the bunk-bed option in the Wilderness Lodge, or the bungalow rooms in the Polynesian, I would hope that the capsule rooms are a side-oddity for the hotel, and not every single room. It wasn't elaborated on, but that would be my hope. Secondly, while I love the idea of the Prism Rail, I feel like WDI would slash this and just make it a moving walkway...as the hotel is so close to the MK there would serve no purpose to have a train. If the Contemporary (2-3x the distance of The Grid) only has access via walk-ways, I think The Grid would as well. But nevertheless, there's a lot of positives in this project that to me outweigh most concerns, and for that, it nets a B+ from me.
Grade Translation for SYWTBAI Scale:
Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 7.5/10
Detail: 8.5/10
Presentation: 9/10
Total: 34/40
Final 3 coming up next!