I have a Bone to pick

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Well-Known Member
I have two, both born early and small for their age. We have been going since my youngest was 6 (he is 20 now). Never used a stroller.

We are often told how good and polite our children are and we did a great job raising them.
That was your choice...not everyone has to do what you do..

I will use a stroller for my daughter until we and she feel it is not needed..and could care less if you or anyone else likes it..it is MY business..no one elses.

I am told daily that I am doing a great job raising my daughter...that has nothing to do with whether she uses a stroller or not though..:shrug::lol:


Active Member
And just to make things clear!!!!! Since I started theis thread. I am not against peolple using a stroller, wheel chair, ECV. I am fine with that. It is about the lazy parent who puts their healthy 8,9,10, and older child in a stroller. I even read in one of these threads the people were giving it as a tip to rent a stroller to carry what they need and buy for the day. I have been going to WDW since teh 70's and I have never seen the stroller abuse as I did last week. You literally could not move after the fireworks there were so many on MSUSA.

AND if I'm getting feet run over and shins banged it IS my business.
You're right it is your business but when you put several thousand people into one space somebody's legs or shins or feet will be banged or run over it's just a fact. It's not fair to ask someone to NOT use a stroller, because it's better for you, they have to do what is best for themselves and for most parents that's using a stroller when they have small children. Sorry bout your luck!


Active Member
Don't think you argued your point well, but I do agree about the ecessive use of strollers and EMVs.

Some people shouldn't be using EMVs and strollers, but not everyone is a genius. Let's just hope the ones who genuinely need to use them know how to operate them and are respectful of others.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That was your choice...not everyone has to do what you do..

I will use a stroller for my daughter until we and she feel it is not needed..and could care less if you or anyone else likes it..it is MY business..no one elses.

I am told daily that I am doing a great job raising my daughter...that has nothing to do with whether she uses a stroller or not though..:shrug::lol:

I'm fine with that. She is young and needs it. I am still going to say that there are alot of parents abusing (for lack of a better word) using strollers for children who are old enough and able enough to walk on their own.

Pepper's Ghost

Well-Known Member
I gotta tell this story-one time we were crossing the walkways in Epcot on the way from World Showcase to where Test Track and Mouse Gear is. We were on one of those bridges and this group came toward us. My husband was pushing the stroller so I moved behind him out of courtesy to the large group that was coming our way to give them room.

Now for some reason, this group was all walking side by side next to one another, taking up the whole walkway. They saw us coming, but continued walking side by side. I figured the two coming right at us would move back behind their group like I did so we could pass. Nope. They kept coming at us. What were we supposed to do? We couldn't fold up anymore than we already were. Even if we stopped walking, they'd still have to move to get around us. We couldn't go anywhere. We did stop walking and --

Finally just before bumping into us, they moved aside, but gave us really dirty looks the whole time. I looked at my husband and asked him what the heck was that all about? What did they expect us to do? We were on a bridge-jump over the side so they could pass and still walk side by side with their group? It was really bizarre. :confused: We couldn't get any smaller than we were and I had made room for them to pass, but they were still going to have to move a little to get around our stroller. Strange.

I did notice after this incident though, how many groups walk side by side each another and take up a huge portion, if not all, of a walkway. When we're in a big group, we don't do that. We kind of walk in a small group-maybe 2 by 2 or whatever. It's easier to talk to each other that way. To each his own, I guess. :hammer:

Ok Linnie, you just hit on one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. I hate when people do this. I notice it all the time. They do it in the hallways at my office and on the sidewalks going to the parking lot. On the sidewalks I used to walk into the grass so that people wouldn't have to move. But I got sick of always being the person who had to be considerate of the other. Now I walk straight forward. If they're three across and there is one of me, I'll stop right in front of the person until they duck behind the other person. I have on occasion stood my ground when it's a man and just bump his shoulder. I wouldn't do that to a lady though.

It seems like 99% of people in this situation assume the other person should move instead of them. I'm always very conscious of not monopolizing walking areas like that. I'm glad to see there's at least one more person in the world who does the same.


Active Member
Disney could correct this problem if they wanted to, but they would take a short-term hit in the wallet and have to field thousands of complaints for a couple years, so the odds of it ever happening in the near future is slim.

Krack's Disney Stroller/ECV fix:

1. No motorized transportation.
2. Personal strollers and wheelchairs may not exceed a maximum size (not unlike carry-on luggage at an airport). These strollers will be a size that carries a child, not a size that carries every personal belonging a mom doesn't feel like carrying (or can't fit) in a backpack. Make these stroller-size rules clear and present when people are booking vacations and purchasing park passes.
3. Stop renting strollers.

If your child is injured or has a disability, of course they should be able to use a stroller. If you are an adult who is injured or has a disability, of course you should be able to use a wheel chair. But that is not the complaint being voiced here (and in numerous other threads).

I have attended the Magic Kingdom at a time when people didn't use strollers unless they had young children ... and these strollers had a small footprint and were not much more then 4 wheels and some canvas. So I know it is possible to attend the park this way. Further, Disneyland (for whatever reason) does not have nearly the same issues with strollers. This is a problem WDW helped create and they will have to be the ones that eventually correct it, if ever.


Well-Known Member
This is a problem, WDW helped create and they will have to be the ones that eventually correct it, if ever.
Because personally responsibility is overrated right?

You know Krack, not everything is WDW's fault.

Sometimes people just take the easiest way out.

Others need what is available.

I'm not sure an entertainment corporation should dictate what is necessary for a family.

While I disagree with some choices parents make, they are the parents. I wouldn't want Disney telling them what they can and can't bring into the parks.


Active Member
While I disagree with some choices parents make, they are the parents. I wouldn't want Disney telling them what they can and can't bring into the parks.

Oh really? Should people be allowed to bring large boombox radios into the parks and blast (insert type of music you don't like here) as loud as they want? Should they be allowed to bring bicycles (it's a long walk from Splash Mountain to Space Mountain)? How about a beer keg in a wheel barrow?


Well-Known Member
Oh really? Should people be allowed to bring large boombox radios into the parks and blast (insert type of music you don't like here) as loud as they want? Should they be allowed to bring bicycles (it's a long walk from Splash Mountain to Space Mountain)? How about a beer keg in a wheel barrow?

You didn't read my post.

If you did, you failed to understand it.

Disney shouldn't make medical decisions for families...limiting strollers would do that.


Active Member
If you think a stroller is objectionable, you need to get out more.

I find this objectionable.






Well-Known Member
I find this objectionable.




Then maybe you should not go to a park that caters largely to children..andwith children come strollers..and maybe you should also get a hobby if you are so concerned about what other people do or use on their vacations with their kids.


Active Member
I believe your first picture is from Disneyland. Isn't that IaSW in the background?

Really, Krack, if this makes your list of objectionable pictures, you have a serious priority issue.
Yeah that is a Disneyland photo, and if you're going to object to a park Krack that was built to cater to "families" because it has strollers then you have serious issues.


Active Member
I believe your first picture is from Disneyland. Isn't that IaSW in the background?

It's true, that's the northeast corner of the park in front of Small World. That said, I've been inside Disneyland almost as many times as I've been inside the Magic Kingdom (over the last 35 years), and I've never seen it look like this ... and MK has looked like this for at least the last decade every visit. To me, it's like comparing night and day.


Active Member
It's true, that's the northeast corner of the park in front of Small World. That said, I've been inside Disneyland almost as many times as I've been inside the Magic Kingdom (over the last 35 years), and I've never seen it look like this ... and MK has looked like this for at least the last decade every visit. To me, it's like comparing night and day.
Disneyland has an off season, WDW does not.


Well-Known Member
It's true, that's the northeast corner of the park in front of Small World. That said, I've been inside Disneyland almost as many times as I've been inside the Magic Kingdom (over the last 35 years), and I've never seen it look like this ... and MK has looked like this for at least the last decade every visit. To me, it's like comparing night and day.
So...you're wrong?


Active Member
Then maybe you should not go to a park that caters largely to children..andwith children come strollers..and maybe you should also get a hobby if you are so concerned about what other people do or use on their vacations with their kids.

Well, I attend less often than I used to and it is not because I feel WDW is getting better. In fact, the reason I have visited Disneyland as much as WDW is because I got dragged there once and found it to be the favorable experience and started vacationing there instead.

Yeah that is a Disneyland photo, and if you're going to object to a park Krack that was built to cater to "families" because it has strollers then you have serious issues.

Would you prefer I lie to you? I object to that which I find objectionable. If I found that the stampede of strollers and motorized carts had a positive effect on my park visits, I wouldn't complain.

So...you're wrong?

Wrong about what? Not enjoying the strollers? Nope, I still don't like them and I think Disney has created a monster that is negatively effecting trips for many visitors.

Wrong about believing DL has a much better stoller/ECV situation than MK? Perhaps, but I don't think so.
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