You've been pixie dusted!!!


New Member
I think that it's a cool idea. It shows that there are cast member out there trying even harder to bring more magic into the parks. It cast members like you that keeps my family going to Disney.
Thank You and keep up the good work:D

Pixie Duster

New Member
Original Poster
See I knew that other CM didn't know what they were saying ;)

Clemson so is WDW, not the same, but still, I am definately getting it.

John Baynes

New Member
Pixie Dust

:D Personally I think that it is a great idea and a very magical thing to do. When my wife and I are at WDW is November we will volunteer to be pixie dusted. Oh Yeah, and I'd even do your survey too.:)


Well-Known Member
I would love to be pixie dusted. I love being surveyed. Didn't get either when I was there last week. Guess I'll have to go back in December!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
This is what I love about you, Dani. You're always coming up with ways to make the experience of going to the parks that much better. I have to think that Walt himself is looking down and smiling on your initiative and imagination. Keep up the good work and feel free to pixie dust myself and my family if you have the time after we take your survey. :)


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
One of the activities I do when at work, when I find I have extra time is graba big batch of Mickey pixie dust (the Mickey confetti) and radomly pixie dust people. This involves either sprinkling it over someone, blowing it on them, or leaving a few in their hair without them seeing so that they will be surprised later.
So today I had time and I grabbed a good amount of pixie dust and began making my screen name (Pixie Duster) true. Midway through a fellow a CM asked, "don't you think people might be annoyed by that?"

I am surely asking biased crowd, but would you be annoyed by a drive by pixie dusting by yours truly?

You're kidding, right? DUST ME!!! :sohappy: Actually, let me wet my hair down a bit first, then it sticks better. ;)

I only saw one or two Research people when I was there from May 5-May 11. I didn't get dusted. :cry: haha

Pixie Duster

New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by PhotoDave219
FYI, If you come up to a researcher and asked to be surveyed, you wont be. Thats policy. It has the potential to bias the results.

Yep, I have been meaning to post that, I did in some other threads. It's nothing personal, we are just not allowed.


Originally posted by Pixie Duster
Well as you all are probably aware I am a research specialist, which is fancy talk for I conduct surveys. If and only if I have time I will pixie dust the guests. I usually do this right before the parade since I can't really do surveys during the parade, but if I still have more work to do then I do that.

I usually only put the pixie dust in the hair of boys, it tends to stay in there a good while better with boys' hair. I blow pixie dust on birthday people and sprinkle anyone that looks like they won't punch me. I really love to get kids who look tired or grumpy cause they usually cheer up after that, works on most adutls too.

:lol: Actually go for the women with the hair at at their waists! Sticks WAY great there. My husband got me with a confetti egg over Easter and I swear I had confetti junk (and probably shell) in my hair for a couple of days at least. No matter how well I washed & brushed it was still there. hehe thats a cute idea though Pixie. They ought to let you put on some wings and flit around as "Tinkerbell's assistant" or something. None of us would mind.


Active Member
One of our fav activities is to be surveyed. Last summer we were surveyed approx. 5 minutes after entering Epcot, after having just checked-in at the GF. We never refuse. Dusting us would be just as cool. People keep talking about being surveyed after they get home. How can we get that too? Since 1993, we've visited every year and have not had a home survey.


Premium Member
I wouldn't be happy if I got back to my hotel and saw that I had been walking around like a dork all day with Mickey Mouse confetti in my hair without realizing it, but if it was done with my knowledge it would be cool! My kids would like it too.

Pixie Duster

New Member
Original Poster
I can understand that. I tend to just get the kids for the surprise dusting, the adults I just walk up to them and sprinkle or if I am feeling extra Pixie Duster like I will ask them a question...

"Excuse me, I was wondering if you could answer a question for me, I have been trying to figure it out all day..."

If they say ok then I proceed "I was wondering, what do you think make the world go 'round?"

They spurt off some answer like "love, money, family, etc." To which I say, "do you wanna know what I think it is.... PIXIE DUST!" and thus they have been dusted.


Account Suspended
Sorry but if someone threw glitter on me I would not be very enthused. I would probably just give them a dirty look and be like what the heck are you doing?!


New Member
Question though,

What do you say when u survey, cause everytime i am its where are you from and how many days are you staying? Why dont they do ask questions about the rides and stuff and/or give out prizes or something if people take a little bit more time to answer extra questions.

Oh and i'd love to be dusted so if you see a 22 yr old girl (me) with a 3 and 9 yr old girls, a 11 yr old boy 2 forty something women and a 50 something man, thats me, i'd love to be dusted we leave for wdw on the 4th for nine days I cant wait!!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by KimPossible

Oh and i'd love to be dusted so if you see a 22 yr old girl (me) with a 3 and 9 yr old girls, a 11 yr old boy 2 forty something women and a 50 something man, thats me, i'd love to be dusted we leave for wdw on the 4th for nine days I cant wait!!!!

after reading that.....I'm spent :lol:

Pixie Dust the 50 something man!!!! :lol:



Well-Known Member
Ummm...I would not be happy...I would be real annoyed....well...hmmm...maybe not...because I would be in full Disney "happy" mode...I don't know...just to be safe...don't ever do that to me...

But then again you don't know what I look there's a possibility that it could happen...oh well....

:lol: :lookaroun :hammer:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by objr
Ummm...I would not be happy...I would be real annoyed....well...hmmm...maybe not...because I would be in full Disney "happy" mode...I don't know...just to be safe...don't ever do that to me...

But then again you don't know what I look there's a possibility that it could happen...oh well....

:lol: :lookaroun :hammer:

*sprinkles you with paprika, in your face* BAM! Youve been Pixie Dusted... *giggles then runs away* :lol: :lookaroun

;) :p

Pixie Duster

New Member
Original Poster
Ok I am not Emeril :)

Anywho, to explain what we ask and why we don't give prizes...

First, most of our questions / surveys pertain to statistics and demographics. We can't make smart business decisions if we don't know what the trends are. Second, we offer two surveys that deal with perception and opinion. Thirdly, we offer the e-mail survey which has a lot of open ended questions which offer you the chance to give your feedback.

Now to address the give-away. First and foremost, we make our numbers just fine without having to bribe someone. More importantly, the results of the surveys would definately be skewed if we were to offer a bribe for completely a survey. We have entertained the possibility of giving stuff away and it did not help at all.

And I will do my best to avoid the folks that object to the pixie dusting, just remember you're in Disney World :)

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