You're the New CEO of Disney: What Project Do You Greenlight?


Well-Known Member
It's not necessarily that they don't get it; there are budgetary concerns, corporate bureaucracies, and more to deal with.
Oh definitely. But surely those obstacles can't block EVERYTHING. But largely, I think they don't get it - they dump billions into MyMagic+ and changing the FP system. I'm not a WDW doom-and-gloomer. The parks haven't lost their magic. And I largely think, in time, MM+ will yield all worthwhile things, but not worth the billions it costs them. Priorities, man! Meanwhile Epcot's Future World is a joke, World Showcase is stale, and DHS struggles is severely lacking entertainment. LOVE me some WDW, but I would love to see them take up some of these ideas in this thread haha! :)


Well-Known Member
Well, infrastructure is an often overlooked part of business. You can put in all sorts of new attractions, but it helps to predict what kinds of attractions are going to be popular. MM+, if successful, is a way to predict crowd traffic and interest and to plan accordingly.

Yellow Strap

Well-Known Member
These are the many expansions I would green-light as part of the NEW DISNEY DECADE IN FLORIDA!

MK: Frozen Land expansion to Fantasyland: Ice Castle, Village with snow, Dark ride (Sled/Wolf Chase)
EP: Add Egypt, Raging Spirits roller coaster to Japan and Mary Poppins dark ride in UK in WS, Copy Mystic Manor onto Journey to Imagination, replace Monkey with Figment. Update Soarin, Bring Stormrider from Disneysea in place of Body Pavilion.
DHS: FULL Star Wars land. 3 new Rides (two E Ticket), plus sit down restaurant. Complete immersive experience. Monstropolis Land (Coaster, Mike's New Car kids ride and Harryhaussen restaurant)in place of Lights Camera Action and Backlot Tour.
AK: Keep current plans.


Well-Known Member
The ride has zero sense of adventure, my two boys never ask to go on it. 30 years ago I never wanted to go on it either. I think the effects are dated. Maybe create something that promotes the feeling of actually flying. Seems like everything in Fantasyland is girl centric and Peter Pan is the one chance for boys to have some fun and adventure. But the ride fails to capture the imagination of me and my two boys. At least the mine train should help out a little.
Excuse me, I think you've forgotten about Pirates of the Caribbean. And I think boys can enjoy Haunted Mansion too.


Well-Known Member
Excuse me, I think you've forgotten about Pirates of the Caribbean. And I think boys can enjoy Haunted Mansion too.

Well, neither of those are in Fantasyland. And the whole boy-centric/ girl-centric argument is silly, as boys can like Princesses and stuff just as much as girls can, just as girls can like "boy things" like pirates and ghosts and superheroes. When I went to meet Cinderella, as the attendant was about to wave me through, the little boy with the family behind me rushed ahead, possibly thinking the attendant was speaking to him. They tried to tell him it wasn't his turn, but I waved them off; he was just SO enthusiastic about meeting Cinderella that I didn't have the heart to make him wait one second longer.


Well-Known Member
I want a park with adults type rides.

Take 101 Dalimations car chase could make a great roller coaster ride.
The Rescuers could have a fast water ride.
Some kind of flying ride for Tarzan
Another roller coaster with Wreck it Ralph.
You could even put Star Wars land there.

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
WOW! I guess if you want to just go blue sky and add attractions....that would be swell. But I think the issues with WDW are much deeper then just adding some attractions. I think to "fix' things you have to start from the ground up. There are CM issues, food quality issues, Transportation issues and one of the most important issues...... MANITENANACE issues! Adding attractions and parks before any of these issues are addressed is just adding more things and is not addressing the problems...just will add to them.

If I was CEO I would try to restore the level of service that they were known for. Is WDW still a great place to visit? sure....but its not the level of service it used to be. Please don't give me the line....nothing is. Does anyone here think we don't pay a premium price for a WDW vacation?....anyone? So why wouldn't we get a premium product and service? You go to McDonalds and order off the value know what to go to Ruth Chris ( not my favorite choice....but you get the point) you know what to expect.

Disney among other things is in the hospitality business, they once wanted to be the bench mark for service and show. If I was CEO I would start by seeing how I can once again regain that status.
You actually raised an excellent point. This is a more strategic change which I wholeheartedly agree with for the most part. I was referring to a project you could greenlight that would enhance the World, but I suppose you could greenlight "Project Walt: Back to Basics" to see if you can implement some of Walt's original ideas and visions. I do think that would be a valuable initiative if it could be executed and have staying power.

I do think we tend to overstate the shortcomings at Disney and downplay successes. Adding more and more would make it harder to manage, which I believe has contributed to its "problems" to date.

Very interesting point. I like it.


Well-Known Member
We're just going to completely fix my favorite park, DHS: Big expansion. Includes:
  • Star Wars Land: Will include a 3D show, a new roller coaster, a dark ride, and some other smaller attractions, as well as a new show. We would say bye to the Muppets area and the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular
  • But Indy's not gone completely! He'll get his own new e-ticket ride.
  • Say goodbye, giant hat! The Chinese Theater will once again become the symbol of the park.
  • New shows! To replace BatB and Little Mermaid, we will have a new Tangled show and a Toy Story show
  • In addition to Fantamic (which will receive some upgrades) there will be a new nightly fireworks spectacular around the Chinese Theater.
  • Great Movie Ride will get an upgrade, featuring both modern and classic films. No more Alien scene (because it's just creepy), we will see about getting the rights for Star Trek, or if not, another modern SciFi film. The Tarzan, Footlight Parade, and Public Enemy (sorry Cagny) scenes will all be replaced, as well as the Western scene. Films to replace are open for debate.
  • Muppets can't leave completely! They will get their own dark ride.
  • Improved food. Includes more TS restaurants. Star Wars Land could get a few of these.
  • A Wreck-It Ralph dark ride. Because it would be awesome.
  • No more Backlot Tour. The old movie props will be consolidated into a walking tour (possbily where the animation tour is currently located) and the space will be reused, possibly for an outdoor roller coaster. Possibly still themed as a movie-set though (Backlot trams out of control anyone? No? Okay then...)
  • New parade
  • And last but not more American Idol. It will be replaced by some sort of interactive show, but American Idol will be a thing of the past.

I love it all. When can you take the job and get started?


Well-Known Member
Excuse me, I think you've forgotten about Pirates of the Caribbean. And I think boys can enjoy Haunted Mansion too.

Was talking about Fantasyland.

Well, neither of those are in Fantasyland. And the whole boy-centric/ girl-centric argument is silly, as boys can like Princesses and stuff just as much as girls can, just as girls can like "boy things" like pirates and ghosts and superheroes. When I went to meet Cinderella, as the attendant was about to wave me through, the little boy with the family behind me rushed ahead, possibly thinking the attendant was speaking to him. They tried to tell him it wasn't his turn, but I waved them off; he was just SO enthusiastic about meeting Cinderella that I didn't have the heart to make him wait one second longer.

Far easier (socially acceptable) for girls to like boy things than vice versa. At least in the America I live in. For example do you ever see a boy dress up like Cinderella(over 4 years old)? But I have seen girls dress up in Pirate and sports outfits. I have seen girls play little league, soccer,football but I don't see boys playing softball, field hockey,etc. The fact is Fantasyland skews toward feminine interesest. Which is fine, but if I was CEO I would throw some masculine characters like Knights and Robin Hood etc.

But to my original point, I just think the Peter Pan ride could use an update that uses new technology to create a more realistic (immersive) neverland. It's hasn't changed, ever!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well, neither of those are in Fantasyland. And the whole boy-centric/ girl-centric argument is silly, as boys can like Princesses and stuff just as much as girls can, just as girls can like "boy things" like pirates and ghosts and superheroes. When I went to meet Cinderella, as the attendant was about to wave me through, the little boy with the family behind me rushed ahead, possibly thinking the attendant was speaking to him. They tried to tell him it wasn't his turn, but I waved them off; he was just SO enthusiastic about meeting Cinderella that I didn't have the heart to make him wait one second longer.
HAHA Old pawpaw is still giving DGS7 heck over who the "girl in blue" really liked at dinner that first night...

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Oh definitely. But surely those obstacles can't block EVERYTHING. But largely, I think they don't get it - they dump billions into MyMagic+ and changing the FP system. I'm not a WDW doom-and-gloomer. The parks haven't lost their magic. And I largely think, in time, MM+ will yield all worthwhile things, but not worth the billions it costs them. Priorities, man! Meanwhile Epcot's Future World is a joke, World Showcase is stale, and DHS struggles is severely lacking entertainment. LOVE me some WDW, but I would love to see them take up some of these ideas in this thread haha! :)
This is an interesting point.

Let's be serious for a minute. The new technology implemented has been insanely expensive and I'd bet anything, over budget and under delivered. I believe i read $1B+ for the full cost and implementation (perhaps more by now). Let's just stick with $1b. I understand it does a lot more than just Fast Pass+ and has a lot of future applications, but what does it truly save? I believe it saves some staff, makes it easier to purchase things, and allows guests to do a lot more via the web. However, imagine what pumping that same $1b into EPCOT would do? Or spreading it amongst new and exciting attractions.

I'm with you on this. $1b could build TEN $100M E-Ticket attractions (Basing this on the $100m cost to build ToT and Mission Space). and we surely have a significant impact on the bottom line as well. There must be savings and benefits that aren't things guests can easily see. If you ask me, spend $1b to make Fast Pass WORSE (from my perspective) or build 10 new E-Ticket rides or even hire more staff to make parks more enjoyable? I'm sinking that money into park/staff improvements.

I honestly just don't see it either. Maybe we are being simpletons.


Well-Known Member
Far easier (socially acceptable) for girls to like boy things than vice versa. At least in the America I live in. For example do you ever see a boy dress up like Cinderella(over 4 years old)?

Fair enough, but then you have things like My Little Pony and "the bronies". I don't care for bronies myself, as they are one of the more irritating fandoms, but I do respect them for showing that boys can like girl things.


Well-Known Member
I would go with DHS, it has so much potential that isn't being used. I would love an EPCOT revamp, but i have to stick to 1 main "project".
To start:
Phase 1, Build a parking lot across from DHS and build a tunnel underneath for transportation to and from the park. Also, Remove the back lot tour.
Phase 2, In the area of the back lot tour, turn it into a city. This will be home to a Monsters Inc. Door coaster, and an UP simulator. There will be shops, as well as restaurants. Remove The Muppet's.
Phase 3, Lucas land will be created, a new Indiana dark ride with replace the show. Star wars will be expanded to Pixar land. This will include a new stage for the Jedi training academy and a quick service restaurant.
Phase 4, Remove the BAH, American Idol and sounds dangerous stage. A second Star Wars ride will replace American Idol and Sounds Dangerous and the building will be expanded towards echo lake.
Phase 5, The entrance will refurbished, and the GMR with be updated with new technology and films.
Phase 1-3, F! will be revamped to include new technology, and updated systems to enhance the experience of the show. This would include a new dragon, lift stations, new boats, fountains projections and lighting.​

This shouldn't take less than 100 years to complete in TDO hands, but in mine, Hopefull 2-4 years.


New Member
I would focus on Magic Kingdom, get people attracted to new and recent things while other major refurbishments or installments *hint hint* happen.
  • Start by completely converting Tomorrowland to actually being futuristic. Instead of concrete painted grey, put up stainless steel with a (forgetting word that starts with an l and keeps materials fresh looking) coat.
  • Update Monsters Inc. so you can tell you're traveling to Monstropolis. (Realized this when I heard an obvious Disney fan questioning the doors between the queue and pre-show).
  • Change Stitch back to AE (I would hate to see it go but it doesn't follow the movie).
  • FIX Buzz. That aa is seriously bipolar, working at park opening but down by noon, then back up right before closing. And refresh the paint jobs, plus making the queue interactive.
  • Change COP so it really shows the enhancements of technology throughout the ages with a really big futuristic finale showing that we need to work together to shape a "great big beautiful tomorrow". *starts humming*
  • Put some cool displays on TTA, like it's showing you reality and then what it will be like in the future with dark ride scenes at inside parts.
  • Now for the Speedway. O-V-E-R-H-A-U-L. I have 3 different ideas for this just F.Y.I. First, (this is a part of the first two ideas) make more of a building for the queue (plus blocking wind carrying fumes). This is where you travel into the video game world. Next : Sugar Rush. Build up the landscape so it's like the candy-themed world. You can use it to hide the show building for Dumbo and separate the back pathway/railroad from it. Bulldoze the current road and whatever that place is where they have the empty cars sitting. Make a much longer road with cars themed to the actual racers in the movie. Plus the same technology on MSUSA to blow candy smells onto the path in Tomorrowland. Now for the second idea. Tron. Electric motors. Neon Blue or Orange on cars. Same lights to line road. Grid themed landscape. Maybe some broken vehicles or misplaced (still drawing a blank but the frisbee things they throw around) all over. With the cast members dressed like the characters. Now for the third idea, Litwack's Arcade. Toppers rest stop, Sugar Rush candy store, plus a full functioning realistic arcade with typical games (those in the Space Mountain arcade) plus ones from the movie.
  • This one would only work with the Litwack's Arcade idea. Use the freed up space by SM exit to make a meet'n'greet for characters forgotten. A.K.A Ralph, Vanellope, Sulley, Mike, Buzz with other space cadets or, dare I say it, Zurg, plus ones from the Tomorrowland Dance Party. Just to keep people off of the pathways.
Next post, Fantasyland.


New Member
Just to clarify, AK seems like a zoo with a few rides slapped in to be a "theme park", Hollywood Studios, without the wait lines, wouldn't even be a half day park, and Epcot is amazing and awesome (at least the WS part) but is worn down. Everyone has been talking about two out of three of those so I thought about the one only mentioned by about 4 people.

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