Your Most Embarrassing Disney Moment!! (LETS GO, BE HONEST NOW)


New Member
Welcome to the world of One-upsmanship where everyone wants to one up each other, pushing their comments to the extreme only to recognize after the fact that they crossed the line, ushering in a barrage of counter comments that eventually cross there own line. It's done, it's over, let's admit we all have issues and move back to Disney related arguements.... :eek:

Dean Stevens

Account Suspended
MiRi said:
I enjoyed JKovach's posts. It's a shame this had to happen.

I agree. I never saw any of his posts, but having read this thread and gone into his post-history (I was curious to know what type of person he was on here before all this happened) it seemed like he was a pretty happy person.

It is a complete shame he had to act that way and get himself booted, I would have liked to have heard more from him.


New Member
My WDW embarrassing moment. My 3rd trip to Disney World, and i was about 8, and it was right after the Magic Kingdoms fireworks and me, my Mom, and Dad were walking for the huge mass of people towards the gates. While we were walkin i saw my Dad in front of me, "or i thought i did" so I whent up to him and hugged him. But to my horror it wasnt my Dad...I looked behind me and my Mom and Dad are laughing hysterically at me:lookaroun luckily the guy hadnt noticed haha. For the rest of the trip my parents always reminded me that they were behind me hahaha.

:sohappy: August 5-11 2005 only a few more days:wave:


New Member
Years ago it was my first time at Prime time cafe and I didn't know about the playfullness there. So my waitress told me as I was looking over the menu to remove my elbows from the table and I replied who the hell to you think you are to tell me what to do.She then explained what the place was about and I felt like an asswipe.The look of everyone around me was like you jerkoff. A big tip came her way after much groveling.

Another trip me & my brother were racing to get to the boat at the beach club dock and I was running down the dock and just had to much forward momentum and just head planted and rolled into the water.

That one was worse.


New Member
swimsuit 2 big

here is one that i remember

once when i was swiming my swimsuit was a little to big and so i made a huge splash and i realized that my swimsuit top was pushed up (oh god :eek:) hopefully nobody saw


KraziJediGurl said:
here is one that i remember

once when i was swiming my swimsuit was a little to big and so i made a huge splash and i realized that my swimsuit top was pushed up (oh god :eek:) hopefully nobody saw

I remember that...that was YOU????!?!!?!

Just kidding...


Well, how old were you? If you were say, eight, it's not like it would matter much, really. Now, if you were eighteen...THAT'S a different story!


New Member
Mine was the frist time we went in June 2002 with friends. We stayed at All Star Sports hotel. My friend Megan & I were walking around the pool looking for a place to sun bath when I triped on someone towel & skinned my knee. I had to were my capri pants the rest of the trip so no one could see my skin knee.


New Member
These are really hilarious!

My most embarassing moment at WDW happened at Splash Mountain. We had just arrived at MK at opening, and Splash was our first ride. I couldn't wait to get on. I didn't didn't mind getting wet, but didn't want to walk around in squishy sneakers all day, so I brought a pair of flipflops just for this ride. There weren't a lot of people at Splash yet, so when we got to the loading dock and the CM was about to place us, I asked her if I could change my shoes. Well, I could see the logs from where we were, and I was so excited, I bent over and changed my shoes in a hurry, leaning on the wall for support. The stone wall at Splash *looks* straight, but let me tell ya, it isn't, because when I straightened up (still in hurry), I hit my head *hard* on a "ledge. " On the one rock that sticks out, I had to hit my head. I say "Ow" really loudly and the CMs all stare at me. Then I get in our log and pretend nothing happened. :)

Another thing happened when we were leaving WDW once. We were at the airport, and I guess I was over-exhausted or something, because while we were in the HUGE line for security screenings, I had to throw up. There line was seriously winding back and forth, so there people were like three deep, and there was no way out. So, I very discreetly threw up in the only thing at hand--our gift bag with all the souvenirs inside! I don't think the people around me knew what was happening (I was very quiet), but I threw away the bag at the next trash can and our whole family was very sad the whole way home! Oh, and the next trash can was *after* the security screening, so that bag had to been x-rayed! (I wonder what the TSA thought of that...)


New Member
I guess I have to tell this on myself. After reading a thread containing funny things people say at WDW, my DS and I had been making fun of people all week(not a good idea).

We had dinner at Chef Mickey's on our last night and got our pictures with all the characters. We were waiting our turn to get our picture with Donald Duck and while waiting I started to wonder about how many people walk up to Donald and call him Daffy(Can you see where this is going?).

My DS and I walk up to Donald and I blurt out something about getting our picture taken with Daffy. Boy was my DS embarassed.:brick:


Well-Known Member
since some one tried to start a new thread..

since some had tried to start a new thread, we might as well bring back the real thread of stories.

this one has a ton of great stuff to read. :lol:


Active Member
I posted a couple of stories in the other thread, but thought of a couple more:

One of the first nights I was down on my CP, my roommates decided to go to PI. I tagged along even though I was exhausted (I had started training at 6:30 that morning) and don't really like clubbing because I wanted to get to know them and not seem like a fun sponge. So we went and bounced around a few of the clubs and then they decided to go to the BET Soundstage. I was raised on a steady diet of Classic Rock and I absolutely CANNOT stand rap music, so I was less than thrilled. We ended up staying there for over an hour, and I was bored out of my mind and sick of feeling the sound waves vibrating through my body. So I told them that my feet hurt and I wanted to go sit down upstairs. I ended up sitting on one of the couches by the balcony, and leaned over and put my head on my arm and I dozed off. I literally fell asleep in the middle of the dance club with music blasting. I was incredibly embarrassed when I was woken up by a concerned CM who was about to call an ambulance because he thought I had passed out drunk. He turned out to be a neighbor, who never let me forget the story either.

Also, my family has this horrible tradition of taking our Christmas picture in holiday costume (we've been snowmen, Christmas trees, reindeer, etc.). The first time we went down to Disney for Christmas, we hadn't had time before we left to take our picture, so my Mom decided to do it down there. She decided that we'd be presents, since that would be simple, and we packed a bunch of flattened cardboard boxes and wrapping paper in the back of the car. When we checked in to Fort Wilderness, we taped the boxes up and wrapped them and were about to take the picture when she decided that it'd be even better in front of the big resort Christmas tree down by Pioneer Hall. So then we had to trek through the entire campground carrying our huge empty boxes and set them up in front of the tree with people milling all around. We set up the camera on the tripod and were trying to use the timer, but my Dad couldn't hit the button, hop the fence, and get into his box in time, so another guest noticed us and offered to take our pictures for us. She stood there and took a whole roll of film of us sitting in front of the tree in our boxes, with my brothers and I feebly attempting to manage smiles. It was NOT a good way to start a vacation.


It was December 2007, We met some friends at POR for some drinks in the lounge. Bob was playing the piano as always and well he came around and was talking to people in the crowd. He came to our table and asked me my name and oh boy i had no idea what i was getting myself into. I got called out by Bob a few times throughout the night to do a few things... but the best one was during the 12 days of Christmas song. he got to the lords a leeping he called me out and my buddy who was at the table with us leep through the bar as if we were the lords a leepin :) ahhh such an embarassing moment!


Well-Known Member
This was bad, really bad. We were at Animal Kingdom and the kids wanted to ride KRR. I love that type of ride but I really didn't feel like getting wet that day but since I had never been on it before I decided to give it a try. Everything was fine and here we go. I knew that if the raft went down the slope and I was the first to go down, I was going to get soaked. So guess what happened. As soon as I saw this I said "Oh S**T". I couldn't believe that it came out of my mouth at Disney. I'm not sure if anyone heard me but I was sooooo embarrassed.


Well-Known Member
When Epcot was still Epcot, my Uncle had an 'Orbit Burger' near the Imagination Pavalion. Immediately after eating, he really had to pass gas. And so he did. And the entire parameter scattered as people turned their noses and covered their mouths with their sleaves. It was hillarious...for the most part.


Active Member
Most embarrassing moment at Disney:


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