Your Most Embarrassing Disney Moment!! (LETS GO, BE HONEST NOW)


New Member
I think you missed the point of what actually happened. One guy told you that your comment was not nocessary, which it wasn't because if you look at any of these threads, most can be found with a simple search, but as I've read hundreds of people say, this is a forum for discussion, same topics will arise and if someone does not want to read a similar topic or post a story again, who is forcing them, who??? There's been hundreds of posts that hit up similar topics, who really cares so much that they need to make a reply that says "use the search option!"

Yes, I understand steve put it in there for use, but is it really causing a problem when someone else starts a thread that has already been there? No. So your comments were not needed.

Then, another person called you a newbie and you attacked the same guy for that. Also not-called for.

Either way, you comments just were not needed... like the original poster said, there have been like 150+ replies, no one else had a problem, so you didn't need to comment.

And if it was an accident, thats why steve put in the edit option, so people could make a change to things they say "accidently"
Clumsy wino

In October of 2002, I was in France at Epcot with my husband and was walking with a glass of wine in my hand from Morocco. I was walking past this lady that was painted to look like a statue and I was not watching where I was going. I ran smack into this CM lady. My wine went everywhere, even my eye and I couldn't see for a minute. I apologized b/c I really wasn't looking in front of me like I should have been. Then I realized she was not just any old CM lady, but somebody higher up that was giving a tour to these men in suits. She said she didn't see me either and then offered me a free t-shirt which I didn't take since I though it was my fault. She had another CM who just magically appeared out of nowhere fetch me a fresh glass of wine from France for free and made sure I was alright before she moved on because I kept blinking because of the wine in my eye. I was beet red in all of our pictures for the next hour. It really was my fault, my husband even got onto me for it and drank my free wine. Be careful with that Morocco wine, it is some potent stuff. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Dukeblue1016 said:
I think you missed the point of what actually happened. One guy told you that your comment was not nocessary, which it wasn't because if you look at any of these threads, most can be found with a simple search, but as I've read hundreds of people say, this is a forum for discussion, same topics will arise and if someone does not want to read a similar topic or post a story again, who is forcing them, who??? There's been hundreds of posts that hit up similar topics, who really cares so much that they need to make a reply that says "use the search option!"

Yes, I understand steve put it in there for use, but is it really causing a problem when someone else starts a thread that has already been there? No. So your comments were not needed.

Then, another person called you a newbie and you attacked the same guy for that. Also not-called for.

Either way, you comments just were not needed... like the original poster said, there have been like 150+ replies, no one else had a problem, so you didn't need to comment.

Didn't know there was a rule whether a member can post a comment or not. Sorry, even though you only have 5 posts you must know a lot more than this old veteran. I never attacked anyone in my original post. I simply posted a comment then people attacked ME.


New Member
Lots of beer + 21st Birthday + Big Silly birthday hat + Adventurer's club = :sohappy: happy singing drunk guy :sohappy:

I didn't think i had done anything to crazy that night till i got my pictures developed and saw one of me on stage in the librery. No cast members standing near me, just me, alone, doing some sort of dance. I asked my girlfriend about it and she says I was pulled up on stage for one of the singalongs and wasn't singing the right song.

It was like I had my own little show for about 20 seconds. :hammer:

I wonder if I can ever show my face in there again.


New Member
raven said:
Didn't know there was a rule whether a member can post a comment or not. Sorry, even though you only have 5 posts you must know a lot more than this old veteran. I never attacked anyone in my original post. I simply posted a comment then people attacked ME.

look, sorry im not trying to attack you, just pointing out that you comment wasn't called for, so when someone or a few people say it was uncalled for you, you shoulda just let it slide

ya know, this is really is a pointless thing to argue about, so lets just drop it


Well-Known Member
Dukeblue1016 said:
look, sorry im not trying to attack you, just pointing out that you comment wasn't called for, so when someone or a few people say it was uncalled for you, you shoulda just let it slide

ya know, this is really is a pointless thing to argue about, so lets just drop it

My original comment was a simple statement not attacking anyone. But notice that the first person to attack ME (JKovach) has now been suspended. So be careful how you word your posts. I have never attacked anyone nor called them names. I post when I feel like posting. It's that Freedom Of Speach thing that someone else tried to pin me with.

Everyone loves Disney for their own reasons. Let's just stay happy! :wave:

Globe Girl

New Member
My DH and I were on our honeymoon and we had a great week. The last day he was really not feeling well, so we decided to just go to a movie at Downtown until our shuttle left for the airport. We went and saw Pirates, which was new at the time, and got out later than we expected. Well, it was raining pretty hard and we saw our bus to take us back to our hotel and so we starting running. I then slipped and fell flat on my back in front of Planet Holllywood. I was so embarrassed and really wet. :) There was a employee of the restraunt there in seconds saying I needed to fill out paper work and such. I said I was fine and just keep heading toward the bus. It is funny to think of now, but at the time I bet I was quite a sight! :p


New Member
One night at MGM awhile after closing (thankfully so not many people were around), we were walking back from the entrance to the buses and we decided to cut across the parking lot, well i was just enjoying the night so much thinking what a wonderful day it had been, and SMACK, i run right into a parking block and go flying trhought he air landing right on my face! my shopping bags went flying one way, and the princess crown i was wearing went flying the other way. i had a nice size scrape on my leg and elbow, but that didn't hurt as much as having to listen to my friends the rest of the trip telling me to watch out for parking blocks! :lol:


New Member
This wasn't embarrassing for anyone but the two of us - and we still laugh about it. It was our first trip to the WDW 'together' and we stayed at the Carribean Beach. My husband had a fruit basket or something sent to the room with a balloon attached. Well, one night we went to bed and turned on the ceiling fan. We were dead asleep when we hear a BOOM BOOM BOOM - we woke up with a start, wondering what was going on. We thought someone was trying to break into the room, pounding on the door -- because the rooms there open to the outside, like a motel.

Then...we realized, it was the balloon, caught in the ceiling fan!!! We felt like such idiots, but were so relieved all the same!


Active Member
This one was more embarrassing for my friend than me, but it's a nice little story, so I'll put it on here anyway:
When we were at Disney for Spring Break a year ago, we decided to ride Summit Plummit. I went down first and was waiting down at the bottom for her when she rode. As soon as she stopped at the bottom of the chute, she stood up, and shouted, "OH MY GOD. That thing gave me an ENEMA!!!" to me. Unfortunately, everyone within 100 feet heard her and turned to stare while one of the lifeguards desperately tried to refrain from laughing. When she realized that everyone was staring at her, she ran away, only to be stopped by another lifeguard a little ways away and scolded for running. The poor girl will never live that down.


New Member
Last August I was eating with my family when the gentleman next to me started to wipe my butt with a napkin. He had taken a bite of his hot dog and the mustard landed on my shorts. I had no idea any of this happened until I heard a quiet "excuse me" from him as he tried to clean it off. It was probably only seconds but it felt like ages as all the other people in the area watched. My family just sat trying not to laugh. :rolleyes:

The only other occassion I can think of was when I lost my top ar River Country. One of the slides shot a big gush of water and WHOOSH. Made some new male friends who wanted to accompany me down the slide again...


Well-Known Member
DisneyMissy said:
Yeah, my poor hubby, I don't know how long he walked around with a "cheesebum". My niece noticed it.

Probably not to long, with everything there is to see at WDW - I bet no one is really on the lookbout for cheeseybuns. :lol:

Dean Stevens

Account Suspended
brich said:
I agree, I think we all know the OP's most embarassing moment now... I miss him...:lookaroun

i do too, but he got what he deserved

Gucci65 said:
Probably not to long, with everything there is to see at WDW - I bet no one is really on the lookbout for cheeseybuns.

Are you serious, you don't look for cheesybums when you're in WDW? That's basically all I do. :lookaroun

well having said that, that could be my most embarassing story :lol:

A "Ghost" Host

New Member
well, when I first started working, I tripped upon entering the stretching room, my voice cracked when I yelled to the bodies to step allt he way in....(hehehe) Oh! Not my most embarassing moment but...

One day when I was being "good friends" with the country bears, poor Liverlips' head CAME OFF, in front of EVERYONE!!!! All the characters and cms were doing everything they could to drag the attention away from him, so he took his head, put it on backwards, and he ran. I hav'nt seen him for a while......what a shame. :goodnevil

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