Your Most Embarrassing Disney Moment!! (LETS GO, BE HONEST NOW)


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Embarrasing Disney Moment

THis was the first time we took my nephew to Walt Disney world. We went to get Mickey Mouses' autograph. When we get to Mickey my 5year old nephew to all my horror says with all his might says "grandma is right that rat is just as big as the ones you have at your house Aunt Nancy." I wanted the earth to open up and shallow me. Everyone looked at us for a long time it felt like. Mickey turned around a faced the back wall I bet he was laughting his tail off.


New Member
About three years ago I went to Disneyland for the first time since I've only been to WDW and was having a fun day with my mom and pops. And right near Disneyland's castle there is a little wall that has Chesire cat perched in it, so my pops decides it would be good if I climbed up there to take a picture with it. So I agreed and climbed up, and at this point in time there was a lot of people walking by so we had to wait to take the picture and naturally people stopped to see this photo opp. I really did'nt mind it but as soon as the photo was taken, me clinging to the rock next to Chesire, I slip and fall straight down a couple of feet right onto my back and into a ton of laughter. By the end of the day I had gotten some unwanted laughter, some back pain, and a bad pic. But it was an experience none the less, hahaha.


I forgot about this was in 2001 and I was on Main Street buying a Sleeping Beauty doll for one of my friends so I could bring it home to her and when I got up the register with my mom the wonderful CM asked me some disney princess trivia of course I was like ::wiz::..but..llolol

CM: What's the name of Sleeping Beauty?
Me: Oh that's easy..Andromeda
CM and my mom: ::laugh forever::
Me:.......oooh Aroura!

lolololol I felt sooo dumb..Andromeda..lololol forever


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Since1976 said:
Funny stuff! I have to know, just how old were you and your brother in these stories?

Varies. My brother was at least 12 in each story, I was at least 14. The ToT incident was when he was 14 and I was 16


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This was only in front of like... 10 people so it wasn't that bad, but I felt like a tool.

So, last year when I was there with my girlfriend, we were supposed to leave the same day hurricane charley hit, so we had to stay 2 extra days (yeah... that was just devastating having to stay 2 extra days in disney... :p )

so... i love weather and storms, so when the hurricane hit, i filmed the whole thing and it was amazing (i filmed a more detail describtion of what happened under another of my posts "how busy from aug 27 to sep 2).

Anyways, after the storm hit, and it was over and done with, I went outside to film the damage, I go out and NO ONE is out there... everyone is still hiding in their rooms (understandably) and so i was at the Pop Century so I was on the fourth floor but... outside the rooms (the walkway is outside the rooms if you've never seen it, its not like a hotel where you go to your floor inside... its all outside) so... these people are looking out their windows at me, and some are checking with me to see if its still windy at all... and i'm like "nope, not at all, its REAL calm" as soon as i say that, I start filming some part of Pop Century and i give like a detailed analysis of what i was filming and all of a sudden when your watching the film... you see the camera point up to the sky sooo fast and it gets loud and like muffled... and you hear me go "oh ____"

well, in front of all these people... a HUGE gust of wind came through and picked me up off my feet and flipped my right onto my back... it was so embarrassing cuz im laying on the ground just as i'm trying to be a hero and talk about how calm it is... That was the only gust of wind that came through... it was like a freak gust of wind to make me look like an idiot... but it was funny, and its funny to watch the video cuz people are like "what the heck happened?!?!?!!"


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I.M.Fearless said:
Once I was sitting outside the Conservation Station doing math homework.

WHAT?!?!?!? You were doing HOMEWORK?!?!?!? At Disney World?!?!?!?


That is embarassing.

:hammer: :lol: :hammer:


New Member
I can’t think of anything truly embarrassing that happened to me or that I have done on a visit to WDW. It just goes to show you that it really is a magical place. :animwink: :lol:


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RPMdfw said:
WHAT?!?!?!? You were doing HOMEWORK?!?!?!? At Disney World?!?!?!?


That is embarassing.

:hammer: :lol: :hammer:

Hey, I wuv my homework! :kiss: But anyhow, back then my mom wouldn't let me go that far from Brandon. And I had been through Conservation Station about a HUNDRED times. But nowadays I get to do whatever (usually a photo tour of Everest).


Active Member
Allright, I finally finished reading this whole thread, and boy was it hilarious. I have a few of my own to add.

When I was about 14 or so, my family went to eat at the restaurant in the Japanese Pavillion (can't remember it's name right now...the one where they cook your food in front of you). There are 6 people in my family, so they put a couple on the end of our table to fill it up. My dad just happened to be sitting next to them. Now, my dad is quite the goof ball (and very outgoing), and likes to embarrass my mom (and boy is he good at it). Well, it turned out that this couple was from Japan and didn't speak English. So my dad starts trying to tell them where we are from. He holds up his hand and points just below his thumb to represent Southeastern Michigan, and starts describing it this way: "We come from Mi-shee-gan. FAR away. Land of many lakes," while trying to gesture out the lakes surrounding his outstretched hand. We felt like we were in one of those old cheesy western movies. The poor people probably think all Americans are nuts now. Or at least all the ones from Michigan.

Another classic occured a year ago when my best friend and I visited WDW for our senior Spring Break. She likes all of the thrill rides, but gets kind of freaked out in the dark. So, the second time we rode ToT, when the elevator stops on the way up and you see the family disappear, I grabbed her arm just as the window shatters. She screamed so loud that everyone in the car was staring at her like she was crazy because we weren't even to the dropping part yet. I was laughing so hard that I had tears in my eyes. I didn't stop laughing until we were on the other side of the park.

My family also made a trip for Christmas 2003. A rather unfortunate family tradition is to dress up in seasonal costumes to take our Christmas card picture every year (we've been snowmen, angels, reindeer, etc.). Since our house had been under construction we hadn't had a chance to take the picture at home, so my parents packed up 6 big cardboard boxes (so we could be presents) from our new kitchen cabinets and hauled them with large rolls of wrapping paper down to WDW. We checked into Fort Wilderness, set up our camper, and then they brought out the boxes. We taped them up, wrapped them, and then my mom had the brilliant idea to take the picture in front of the huge Christmas tree they had over by Pioneer Hall. So, we each took our box, and we hiked all the way up there past all of the people sitting around their campers, and set them up inside the fence in front of the tree (down by the marina, so TONS of people going by). My brother and I were so embarrased, that we were pretending to be British exchange students and commenting on our crazy American host family. To make things worse, once we got all set up, some man came over and offered to snap our whole roll of film off for us. I just about died when we took the roll to the Sam's club (or is it Costco?) nearby and had it one-houred. Then we ordered the cards, and they hung up our picture for everyone to see. I thought I'd be scarred for life, but I've gotten over it somewhat.

I'm sure there's more...but I can't remember any right now...


I have a few...

-I don't handle 3D rides very well. I HISTA, I nearly ran out of the theater when the mice tails come out and I screamed at the top of my lungs.

-Durring Dinosaur, I knew what was going ot happen and I knew that my picture was going ot be taken but when the dinosaur came out to "attack" us I hid my head in my mom's arm ( I was like 21 at the time). My mom insisted in buying the picture and brings it up evey time. I can not go on that ride.

-My favorite momemt was when we were staying at PORS. I had been rainig fairly hard but we were coming back to the resort for lunch anyway. We had gone back to the roomto change into dry shoes so I put on my flip-flops and our ponchos and walked to get lunch We were leaving the restrant since it was only drizzeling at this point and you would think I would remember how had it had rained but no.....I walked into this huge puddle the was deeper than my ankle :lookaroun . Thank goodness for my flipflops. Instead of being completely embaresses like I should have been, I made the best of it and pretended that I was Gene Kelly in Singin in the Rain and kept splashing and kicking in the water. I had everyone around smiling and laughting. Needless to say I avoided that door whenever it rained. One is funny but twice is completely embarissing


Active Member
Okay I have nothing to add to this thread embaressment wise, but I just wanted to say that the "natural gas explosion" story is my absolute favourite and I wanted to add a little story of my own that connects to that.

Last night I had this dream it was a weird dream started off with a dating show that involved cross stitching and makeovers and ended with walt disney world. Well me, my mother and someone who was apparently my friend were in this large field in what was supposed to be Downtown Disney. To our left were all these disney stores and a huge parking lot filled with cars and behind us was a supermarket and surrounding on all the other sides was forests and condos behind the forest. We decided to investigate this bag we saw smoking in the forest when all of a sudden huge balls of fire came shooting out of the condos and started to engulf the forest in flames, it was a huge forest fire outta california or something. We started to run through this field when the forest fire went straight to the parking lot and all of a sudden my mother screams "NATURAL GAS EXPLOSION" and then I woke up

So, nothing embaressing for me, but I just thought you'd find it intersting that I'm dreaming about this thread. That doesn't make me weird does it?


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I'm 45 and my cousin is 24. We both love to sing and can keep a tune fine (certainly not soloist quality but we'd make great back-up singers). The music on Main Street is our fav with all the Music Man and Hello Dolly songs which we sing together while walking through the park.

Embarassing momemt to follow:

We had just seen our 3rd presentation of Wishes and were exiting the park with the hordes of people. As you're exiting, the music is still playing, "Wishes, ..., Wishes..., Wishes..." So I see my cousin a few steps in front of me and I sneak up and warble into her ear, with a lot of emotion and feeling, "WIIISHHEES...WIIIISHESS...WIISSHES!" At this point I notice that the ear I'm singing into is attached to a head wearing a hat. Knowing Carol as I do, she would never wear a hat into the park. I look up and see that she is about 4 people in front of me on the right. I begin to laugh now that I realize I've been singing to a stranger. I weave my way up to my cousin and brother and tell them the story. The lady I was singing too never flinched, turned around, or even acknowledged that I was there. My family is still teasing me about it. I know I didn't have to confess but it was just too funny not to share.


This is more embarrasing for my family than actually funny. We had to leave the Animal Kingdom early and my niece who was around 10 at the time really didn't want to go. So, she grabbed on to a lamppost outside the gate and refused to let go. She screamed and carried on like she was being kidnapped or something. My brother had to pry her off.


New Member
I have one and it happens every year we go. My Hubby and Son like too collect the differant chareter hats and they only wear them at Magic Kingdom. Last year my Hubby picked up the castle hat, and my Son got the Chesire Cat hat as we entered Magic Kingdom. As we started to walk down Main St. they were getting alot of stares. Because they do this every time i'm kinda used to that. Be we stop to get something to eat. My hubby went to grab a table while my son and I was on line to get the food when some woman came into the shop and asked my hubby if she can get a picture of him with the hat on. :lookaroun I just stood there and hung my head but my hubbys reaction was even funnier. He looked at the woman and said yea you want a picture of a big baldman with a castle on his head and started to laugh at her but she was serrious and he posed for her. :animwink: :lol He had so many pictures taking of him that day that hes gonna bring the hat back with us this year :lol: :lol: :lol:
Then the same day our son decided to do some kind of dance through the park that everyone was laughing at him even the CMs we were passing to make it worst is that our son was 20 at the time. :animwink: :lol: :lol:


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Alright ladies and gentlemen, I'm bring this old Dust rag back out... see if any of our newer members, or just some people who may not have been around have a few stories to share.

Do we have anymore entertaining stories? I know A LOT of people enjoyed all of them so far. I'll keep thinking for some, I had a few before, but recent events within the family have caused me to stray away from Disney thoughts unfortunately.

Anyways, who can bring some amusement back into my day while here at work.


Well-Known Member
Well, our families most embarrassing moment actually happened at Disneyland. We were at DL for several days back in 1988. One night we decided to skip the evening parade and hit the rides while the lines were low. I was 15 at the time and with my brother and his wife, my mom and my little cousin. Well, it was just prior to parade time and they were dimming the lights and they had CM's posted with light wands to show people the walkways. Well, one CM walked over to talk to another CM and my mother missed her step and fell right into the middle of MainStreet USA. She had broken her ankle. They had to stop the parade, turn on the lights, get a wheelchair and wheel her to first aid. I was 15 and completely mortified at the fact that hundreds of people were watching us and waiting for the parade to get going~ At first aid the woman says "oh looks like your ankle is broken and your foot might be fractured as well. Probably wouldn't have happened if you weren't so old!" Well the look on my moms face must have told the CM she said the wrong thing. So she says "well, I mean if you were younger your bones wouldn't be so brittle." That didn't help. My mom said "Gee I am near death at 50!" Still we laugh about it every time we are at WDW we say "watch the curbs Granny"


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Alright, it seems as though bumping is not a big deal on here, and I hope not... and I hope people realize that the reason I am bumping is simply because I have enjoyed every single one of these stories, and its been two weeks since this thread has seen a reply, and in that time I'm sure we've gotten some new members, or people who were away while it was running.

Either way, I figured I'd bump it to see if there are anymore interesting stories out there, just because I really enjoyed all of them before and I know a lot of other people did to!


Active Member
I posted about about singing to a stranger. We had a new embarrassing moment just this past trip.

We were down from July 7 - 15 with me 45, brother 43, cousin 24, son 18, son's friend 18, 2 neices, 17 and 14. Arrived on 7/7 and had a great day capped off with a late night swim at the Poly quiet pool. The next morning my bro and I (the early risers) got up and had breakfast. Since the teens were still sleeping, we decided to check out the new store at the Poly, Boutiki. Great store by the way.

I have contacts and forgot to bring my swim goggles with me so while wandering through the store, we find swim goggles which I pick up and carry around as my bro looks for a new Poly shirt. I'm carrying my resort mug with coffee and the goggles in the same hand and have my wallet in my pocket. We have now looked the store over, front to back and decide to check out the shops on the second level of the Great Ceremonial House. Just before we walk into the sundry shop I realize that I've shoplifted the $6.50 goggles. I hand my mug to my brother and run downstairs back to Boutiki to pay for the goggles. I apologized profusely, and pay for the goggles. The CM says, with a wink, that security is right now searching the resort for me and my $6.50 goggles.

For the rest of the trip our group teased me about stealing, shoplifting, made sure I saw the security guards etc. Even my son got ribbed for taking an extra straw, "like mother like son" he was told.


New Member
I had an embarassing moment at Disneyland. I had just boarded the Pinnochio ride and the girl operating it had her hand out so I figured what the hack? and gave her five. It is Disney after all. She looked at me like I was nuts. I quickly realized she was motioning to the family behind me to stay back. I was pretty humiliated, as everyone around me started laughing. My husband still bugs me about my excess enthusiasm for Pinnochio.


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PamelaNiebergal said:
I had an embarassing moment at Disneyland. I had just boarded the Pinnochio ride and the girl operating it had her hand out so I figured what the hack? and gave her five. It is Disney after all. She looked at me like I was nuts. I quickly realized she was motioning to the family behind me to stay back. I was pretty humiliated, as everyone around me started laughing. My husband still bugs me about my excess enthusiasm for Pinnochio.


ohhhhh man that is great

I have done things like this before, not as bad and not in disney... but where you think someone is giving you five, but they're doin something else

i'm also not sure if i've ever done it to a stranger, but that is fantastic

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