Your Most Embarrassing Disney Moment!! (LETS GO, BE HONEST NOW)


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WDW1971 said:
That's a relief!!! :hammer:


Yeah that wasn't supposed to read like that... hopefully you know I meant "she knows what kinda kid I am"

hahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's a riot though..

it certainly is a relief isn't it.... be a bit weird if my gf didn't actually know me... :veryconfu :veryconfu :veryconfu


JKovach said:

Yeah that wasn't supposed to read like that... hopefully you know I meant "she knows what kinda kid I am"

hahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's a riot though..

it certainly is a relief isn't it.... be a bit weird if my gf didn't actually know me... :veryconfu :veryconfu :veryconfu

Yeah...I knew what you meant...but I just couldn't resist giving you a hard time over that. :lol:


New Member
Ok- this may not be my most embarrassing moment but definately a pretty embarrassing one for my husband. We were at Blizzard Beach's Winter/Summerland Mini Golf back in February and we got there pretty early and there were a few people in front of us. Well we got to the second or third hole in the Summer Course which looks like a lifeguard stand with umbrella things fell apart. My husband climbed up (why???) to look at it to see where the ball went and hit his head on the umbrella and flipped off the little hill and landed on his knee. He got pretty banged up and after the bleeding on his knees stopped it was pretty funny. He just spirled out of control. There was a little kid in front of us that couldn't believe that his eyes and kept walking up to my husband and pointing to his knee. The cast member got a little worried and asked if my husband needed medical attention. what he did need for a box of bandaids!!


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The Glowing Brassiere

So far I've only been reading but I couldn't resist this thread. This didn't happen to me personally, but I did witness it:

Three years ago my friends and I were riding Peter Pan's Flight. Two of us were riding in a ship in front of the other two friends. One of my friends that was riding in the ship behind had on a nice short sleeve sweater - one that looked very normal in the daylight.

As we rounded a curve in the "flight" I saw something odd out of the corner of my eye. Something following us in the dark . . . in the black lights the loose knit of the sweater all but disappeared and all we could see was a bra floating from behind.

We still laugh about it to this day.


goofy0101 said:
So far I've only been reading but I couldn't resist this thread. This didn't happen to me personally, but I did witness it:

Three years ago my friends and I were riding Peter Pan's Flight. Two of us were riding in a ship in front of the other two friends. One of my friends that was riding in the ship behind had on a nice short sleeve sweater - one that looked very normal in the daylight.

As we rounded a curve in the "flight" I saw something odd out of the corner of my eye. Something following us in the dark . . . in the black lights the loose knit of the sweater all but disappeared and all we could see was a bra floating from behind.

We still laugh about it to this day.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
I remembered another embarrasing moment, especially for Goofy.

We were in MGM one day in an area where there was a character greeting. My youngest (who has been the focal point of all our embarasing moments!! hahaha) loves all the characters and has from early on. Well, when it was her turn to visit Goofy, she didn't just walk over to him, she ran straight towards him, Unfortunately Goofy being as tall as he is and her being so little, she didn't slow down in time and her head collided with Goofy's, er, private parts. His hands flew down to his manhood and he stood there motionless for a few moments, in extreem agony. He didn't howl or anything, but I'm sure he was turning green under his costume.


Active Member
These are so funny! I got nothing, (suprisingly) except falling up the stairs at Fantasmic. I am a major clutz and had just finished riding TOT for the first time so I was a little shaky. I was going up the stairs to get a pop or something and It was one of those dramatic falls. I think I actually fell up two steps and back down three on flat on my rear. Sadly enough it happens all the time to me so I just laughed and stood up and did a little bow since everyone within that four or five rows was staring and cracking up.


We were at the studios in Dec 99 and my son was 5 and 1/2. We were watching the preshow at Hunchback where the juggler guy is on stage. His last act is twirling rings on one leg and juggling 5 balls with a plate spinning on his head or something. I'm kind of wondering if my son is even appreciating this. Just before he starts, somebody takes a flash picture. The juggler goes "Great. Now I'll spin a ring on my leg, a plate on my head, juggle 5 balls and one red spot. All I need now is some baby to cry." And my son goes really loud, "WAHHHHHHHHHHH". The juggler started to laugh and some older gentleman behind us almost spit his false teeth out laughing. I just looked at my wife and said,"I guess he pays attention." My son is grinning and I realized he was no introvert.


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They keep gettin funnier, some of these are real good!

I know have more, but I'm tired from lack of sleep so I am not able to update my portion of this thread, but hopefully we'll have some more rolling in... hit 100 replies by the end of the day??? C'mon people, don't be shy!


Well-Known Member
Alright, I didn't want to tell this story, but since everyone else is being so honest, I mine as well be. In 2000, we went to Disney for the 4th of July. It was the first time we had been there in the summer instead of April. One night, the four of us decided to walk from the Beach Club to Fantasia Gardens Miniature Golf. We had been at Blizzard Beach all day, and I was really sunburned. I kept saying that I didn't feel good, but no one listened to me. On the the third hole, I got really dizzy, and the next thing I knew I was face down across the hole. My mom was throwing water at me that some lady had given her, and my dad was flipping out yelling for help. The Reedy Creek paramedics came and made me go to the hospital. They said I was dehydrated and had heatstroke. I still went to the parks the next day though! :lol: We haven't been back in July since, but we're going this July 10-20. My brother made me promise no miniature golf this time, even though he insists I wasn't sick, I was just mad because I was losing.


New Member
April of 2004 my friends and I were on line for ToT. We're standing at the loading area where the elevator operators make some "spooky" faces and actions to try and scare the riders. One of my friends, who thought that she was really brave and smart to make a comment like this says, "You know they have medicine for that constapation that you may have?? It will make you feel better, and you're face wouldn't be like that!" The CM makes a comment to my friend "You know I have the power and authority to remove you from this ride, and then my face wouldn't look like this any more?!" She quickly apologized.

We didn't get kicked off the ride :) but we were all embaressed to be with her.

My other friend bought the "Where Magic Lives" DVD, and in the showing of ToT, the CM was the same CM that my friend dissed!!:lol:


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I just want to thank everyone once more for their contribution. I feel very happy about how popular this thread became and I think a lot of people fun a nice little escape from their day to read some of these threads. 92 replies with about 85 or so being stories... 85 stories... thats just great and I think A LOT of people enjoyed it. I've really enjoyed this thread and watching the replies grow, so I wanted to put it out there one last time for two reasons

1) to honestly thank everyone, we had a lot of replies like "this thread is one of the funnest/funniest" "this has made my day" "this stories are a riot" so... a lot of people enjoyed our stories

2) it has started to get buried and there may be a few more stories out there that people have not shared yet that hopefully will. If not, thanks again to everyone who was brave enough to tell their tales :p



Well-Known Member
JKovach said:
I just want to thank everyone once more for their contribution.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone so happy and thankful over the response to their own thread... :p

Anyway, another embarrassing moment I had was at Splash Mountain with my dad, who was known for being pretty blunt and honest.

ME: Dad, we may get wet on this ride.

DAD: (loudly) That's okay, I haven't showered in two days.

The sad thing is he wasn't kidding.


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Since1976 said:
I don't think I've ever seen anyone so happy and thankful over the response to their own thread... :p

Anyway, another embarrassing moment I had was at Splash Mountain with my dad, who was known for being pretty blunt and honest.

ME: Dad, we may get wet on this ride.

DAD: (loudly) That's okay, I haven't showered in two days.

The sad thing is he wasn't kidding.

:lol: :lol:

I'm sure i sound like a complete dork huh. Its my way of *bumping* my thread, but not with complete intentions of bumping it... I am pretty pumped at all the funny stories, and I am not "bumping" it for purpose if its popularity, but rather because a lot of these stories are hilarious... and at certain points during the day... it feel as if time has completely stopped the day goes by so slow...

so... these are enjoyable

sorry for appearing over the top here... im really not that much of a geek... its working 50 hours a week, I SWEAR! :hammer:


New Member
Okay, I'm here. I've got a few stories from me, my kid brother, and my mom. I would've posted yesterday, but my brother kicked me off the laptop (which is why I'm using some of his stories as well). Okay now:

One night my family was at the Comedy Warehouse at Pleasure Island. They started taking suggestions of emotions for one of their skits. You know, they try to act out a story but every now and then someone shouts an emotion and the story has to change to involve that. Well, my mom shouted "itchy". Not only is that not really an emotion, one of the actors misheard her and instead heard the word b_____.

Once we were at Typhoon Lagoon and I headed for the restroom. They do not have those rooms marked good enough. Guess where I, a teenage male, went in. The girls' room. I did my business without realizing and then casually walked out, not suspecting anything. I only realized what happened when I walked past a woman washing her hands. I somehow glanced into the mirror and saw a very shocked face glaring at me. My mom's face.

About two years ago we were at the Not So Scary Halloween Party. My family was all in homemade costumes. I was dressed up as a Big Thunder Mountain miner. Kid brother Brandon came as Indiana Jones (just like every other Halloween for about seven years). Mom and Dad came as a butler and maid from the Haunted Mansion. Only, since we knew it would be warm, Mom's and Dad's costumes were slightly altered. Dad's had short sleeves and short pants. Mom's had a VERY short skirt and bare shoulders. It was a rather revealing costume. (Brandon and I had spent a long time trying to convince her to make the costume longer, but with no luck). So we went up to the Haunted Mansion, and just for fun, Mom asked one of the butlers how Dad's costume looks. He said something to the effect of "He doesn't look quite right, but I think you look very good."

That same night (earlier, I think) we went on the Jungle Cruise. Well, Brandon's costume tends to stick out, because it happens to be a very, very good costume. So the ride seemed to be going as normal, until we reach the temple, when the skipper looked right into Brandon's eyes and says: "Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes." Everyone started laughing hysterically.

Another occasion, we're just normally in the Magic Kingdom on a normal day. Brandon was wearing his Indy hat to keep the sun out of his eyes. We were walking towards Space Mountain when Push happened to "see" Brandon and shouted "Hey look! It's little Indy!" and loudly started humming the Indiana Jones theme tune. We still talk about that one.

Once I was sitting outside the Conservation Station doing math homework. Brandon is inside watching the veteranary procedures (he always loves watching that). So I was working on a few graphs and Push came up to me and says, "Hey cool! Are you drawing things? Can you draw a picture of me?" And everyone started staring at me. Push says "Hey, draw a picture of me and I'll sign it!" So I started drawing, half out of embarrassment and half just to see exactly what Push means by signing it. Well, I'm an okay drawer, and I finished soon enough, and showed it to Push. He said he likes it, and told me to put it on the ground. He rolled over it and created a small tire track in the corner of the paper. And he let me keep it. For about three years the same drawing was hanging on my bulletin board before I moved it to my keepsake box to make room for other stuff. Although it was kinda embarrassing, in the end it turned out to be a great souvenier.

Now here's the big one.

For a couple of years Brandon had been trying very hard to get me back on the Tower of Terror. I had already been on it twice and hated it both times, and that was back when it only dropped once. So he actually managed to get me in line, and I seem to be okay with it. Then, somehow, the preshow sorta freaked me out. I started getting more and more scared. Just as the bellhop asked him how many people, I lost it. I started begging him to let me go, and saying I don't want to do this anymore, and... and this is the best part....
In the middle of the line, I went, "No, I'm a chicken, buck buck buck-AWK", and EVERYONE in the boiler room, including all the bellhops, started laughing hysterically. I managed to hitch a ride on the express elevator with a couple of laughing-so-hard-they-are-crying bellhops. I still don't know who came out worse, me or Brandon.
P.S. As a side note, I did manage to actually go on Tower of Terror before that trip ended, and the photo was so hilarious that we wound up buying it. And now I do not mind Tower of Terror anymore.


New Member
Here's another embarassing moment in Disney World. We were traveling with a large party of family members (seems like we always are) with my mother in law in a wheelchair and we are on our way to the Contemporary on the monorail to Chef Mickey's for dinner ressies. We push mama up the ramp to the resorts and a CM took mama and was trying to push her on the monorail on one of those little ramps. Well mama is a little large and is in a wider wheelchair, we called it her "wide glide" so the CM was having trouble getting her up this ramp and onto the monorail and the wheels got stuck. My husband and my brother in law decided to give this CM a hand so they all got behind the wheelchair and pushed as hard as they could. Well she got unstuck and is now flying through the monorail car headed out the other side. Now the family and everyone else who can see this is yelling, "she's going out the other side!" Well by a stroke of luck or something the doors on the other side closed just in the nick of time and she stayed in the car, thank God! It was embarassing for her, but we are all a little sick because we all were hysterical :lol: All we kept thinking was the movie Throw Mama From the Train. Even she laughed about it when she got over the shock :eek: I thought the poor Cm was also going to have a stroke :lookaroun

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