Your Grade for Walt Disney World

What grade do you give Walt Disney World as it exists today?

  • A+

    Votes: 16 10.3%
  • A

    Votes: 22 14.1%
  • A-

    Votes: 36 23.1%
  • B+

    Votes: 16 10.3%
  • B

    Votes: 21 13.5%
  • B-

    Votes: 15 9.6%
  • C

    Votes: 21 13.5%
  • D

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • F

    Votes: 2 1.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I gave it a B-. I think there is room for improvement. WDW is a great place and I love visiting it eery year, but it is not perfect in my eyes.

I am still frustrated with Pleasure Island and specifically the AC being closed. As an adult who travels without children, I would like more child free evening entertainment.

I am frustrated with AAs that do not work properly.

I am frustrated that offerings are removed, (haunted carriage ride, EMH reduced) while prices continue to rise.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Voting has slowed to a trickle. WDW's GPA has inched up to 3.27. A solid B+.

With 94 votes in, 26 (28%) have given WDW an A or A+, pretty good for a vacation destination but perhaps to be expected for a WDW fan site. Another 26 gave it an A-, making this the most popular grade by far. Slightly less than half (45% or 42 votes) gave WDW a grade of B+ or lower, with 15 giving it a grade of C or D. No F's so that's nice to see.

I don't know what others think of the grading so far but based on what I've read on these discussion boards, IMHO it seems to be a reasonably good representation of what people think of WDW.


Well-Known Member
Voting has slowed to a trickle. WDW's GPA has inched up to 3.27. A solid B+.

With 94 votes in, 26 (28%) have given WDW an A or A+, pretty good for a vacation destination but perhaps to be expected for a WDW fan site. Another 26 gave it an A-, making this the most popular grade by far. Slightly less than half (45% or 42 votes) gave WDW a grade of B+ or lower, with 15 giving it a grade of C or D. No F's so that's nice to see.

I don't know what others think of the grading so far but based on what I've read on these discussion boards, IMHO it seems to be a reasonably good representation of what people think of WDW.

I think B+ is a bit high given the amount of things that are currently lacking. However, there are so many A+ parts of WDW, I think it's a fair grade.


Well-Known Member
I went to WDW when all the only thing there was MK. If you might consider that it then rated at least a "B", not based on quality, but strictly on things to do, then today with the massiveness of it, and the ability to be doing something different for days on end, it would warrant an A+. However, I gave it an A- completely because of their aggravating habit of closing attractions and not replacing them.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I think B+ is a bit high given the amount of things that are currently lacking. However, there are so many A+ parts of WDW, I think it's a fair grade.
I agree. There are parts of WDW that deserve an A+. I'm a big fan of the water parks, for example. But I also think there are parts that deserve a considerably lower grade.


I gave it an A, I've experienced many wonderful vacations in many differant areas. The one place I talk about going back to the most is WDW, that means they're doin above average to me!!


Well-Known Member
I gave it an A. I don't know about all the stuff that is wrong. Light bulbs burnt out or the broken Yeti and what not. All I know is that planning our trip makes us all very happy. And we can't wait to go.:D


Active Member
I gave it a B. I will always love Disney World but, and this is solely my opinion that others may or may not agree with, they've become overconfident in their abilities. Ten years ago I would have given them a solid A, of course I was much younger then, but some of my favorite and most innovative rides were replaced with lesser ones. It's like the one smart student who decides not to study because they think they'll know everything. One day, Disney will have to get back to studying.


Well-Known Member
I gave it a B. I will always love Disney World but, and this is solely my opinion that others may or may not agree with, they've become overconfident in their abilities. Ten years ago I would have given them a solid A, of course I was much younger then, but some of my favorite and most innovative rides were replaced with lesser ones. It's like the one smart student who decides not to study because they think they'll know everything. One day, Disney will have to get back to studying.

I love your statement. I very much agree and you worded it perfectly, as I feel exactly the same way word from word. We must be on the same Disney wave length! I also voted a B.


Premium Member
I voted A-. I think there are a few glaring issues that do get pointed out over and over and over on here that bring down the grade some. If they fix Splash, Yeti and add some more to DTD to replace PI (which I still give an A+ as a stand alone attraction) then my grade would move toward solid A. I think A+ could be achieved but only with significant investment in DHS and AK (Avatarland?) and some serious attention to a lot of small details. For the price they charge I expect near perfection so even though some of the issues are small or petty they prevent a perfect score. If we are grading on a curve WDW still excels above all of its peers in my opinion so they would get a bump up.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Looks like final grades are in. GPA was 3.29, definitely a B+. More than half gave WDW an A- or higher, which makes a lot of sense for a WDW fan site. A- was the most popular grade, followed by A.

Thanks to all 115 who voted.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Looks like final grades are in. GPA was 3.29, definitely a B+. More than half gave WDW an A- or higher, which makes a lot of sense for a WDW fan site. A- was the most popular grade, followed by A.

Thanks to all 115 who voted.

3.29 puts it in the "B" range.....


My favorite place on earth...but they can do so much better.

Being honest, grading on show quality, maintenance, upkeep and freshness...had to say C based on comparison with the other resorts. Tokyo would have to be in the A range, Disneyland a B, and Paris a C. WDW fits right in below Disneyland.


Well-Known Member
I think as in anything else we are to give a grade to the item/product/thing we are to grade needs to be analyzed. Can you really grade something on "feelings"? To give any kind of grade shouldnt we have a standard? What is excellent or what might be failing? Shouldnt we be gradeing on substance? How the product is presented? Disney is a buisness as we have all discussed over and over. Their buisness is to provide a product. That product is family entertainment in a theme park presentation. What standard are you going to grade with? Their own standards? Your standards? If so have you visited other companies that provide the same product? Have you visited other parks of the same company?

I am not sure how anyone could give WDW an "A", I guess if you just go by how warm and fuzzy you feel I could see it. But that isnt much of a standard to grade by. You might not like lima beans and give it an "F" but I like Lima Beans. Neither really explains weather Lima Beans are a good bean or not. Just different strokes for different folks. Am I being over analytical about this? Maybe....maybe not, The OP was asking what grade I would give WDW? Not how I feel about WDW....and what grade I would give it on those feelings. If you gave them an "A"....great! But most of you say....I realize it could be better BUT....I give it an "A". So you say even though it isnt an "A"....I will give it an "A". Therefore the GPA is skewed. Me? I give it a B-.... C+ Can anyone dispute that in recent times offerings have been cut? FLE? can anyone also say that this is as good as it could have possibly been done? or could it have been better? Does anybody say the same thing about Carsland at DLR?

An "A" is excellent, can not do much better then "A" is perfection. Is WDW perfect?

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
Gave it an A+ out of the sheer joy it brings me. Nothing compares and I give it full marks. However, I don't think this is the highest grade it can get. I would like to give it an A++ if that were an option but from Walt's standards the park could use a bit of sprucing up. MK could utilize their space a bit more. DHS and AK need at least one more dark ride.

But I am nitpicking because there is so much to see in this place and there is so much I HAVEN'T gotten the chance to see. Not the parks, but just being able to drive around the grounds would be interesting. Plus there is Typhoon Lagoon which is the world's #1 waterpark in my opinion. I never get the feeling that I am in a waterpark when I am there but rather a relaxing island.

So yeah, still an A+.

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