Your Grade for Walt Disney World

What grade do you give Walt Disney World as it exists today?

  • A+

    Votes: 16 10.3%
  • A

    Votes: 22 14.1%
  • A-

    Votes: 36 23.1%
  • B+

    Votes: 16 10.3%
  • B

    Votes: 21 13.5%
  • B-

    Votes: 15 9.6%
  • C

    Votes: 21 13.5%
  • D

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • F

    Votes: 2 1.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I voted B-. I've been visiting regularly only since 2008 and since then things have gotten better. Things are being refurbed and built more than at any other time in the last 4 years. Heck, in 2008 for my honeymoon, I thought WDW was was pretty freakin' amazing as it was.

I cut WDW some slack cuase the place is bloody huge and I couldn't imagine being part of the group in charge of making sure everything is in tip top shape. It's hard enough making sure all the light bulbs in my own house are working. Anyway, I see improvment since getting "Disneyfied" and can't compare to WDW's golden-era cause I wasn't there. But looking at pictures from the 90's, it didn't look all that great if you ask me. Disneyland was left to "rot" for a long time too and it's doing fantastic today. I'm part of the group that optimistically thinks it's WDW's turn now. B- sounds good to me on it's way to an A in the next 5 years or so hopefully.


Well-Known Member
I can not give WDW an "A+". WDW has to be flawless in order to get an "A+".

I give WDW a "B" for many reasons.

WDW has a lot of stuff that I enjoy including attractions. There is a good amount of places that I enjoy eating, and I enjoy looking the shops. Even the parks that flaws has attractions that I enjoy like DHS.

Maintenance is an issue because of what I experience. The vehicle I was for one of the attractions had a problem with its lap bar while I was at the Magic Kingdom on my last visit. I also saw a car breaking down at Test Track. Monorail has broke down while I was on it the last time I went to WDW and it has broke down on my last couple trips also. None of the breakdowns I am talking about is weather related. I understand if things breakdown once in a while, but it is an occurring theme over there.

DHS, Future World, Tomorrowland, Pleasure Island plays a part on why I can't give a higher a grade. I know Test Track is under refurbishment, but it doesn't increase the grade because Future World has attractions need more help than Test Track. Disney not updating some of their nighttime shows plays a role in my grade also.

I will not give WDW a higher grade for FLE because Magic Kingdom gets an "A" grade from me already and World Showcase get an "A" too from me. The only way Magic Kingdom's grade gets higher is fixing Tomorrowland. That means the way for me giving WDW a higher a grade by taking care of the flaws.


Well-Known Member
I gave it a C. The last few years we have seen more and more problems....things we wouldn't expect at WDW...esp. for the prices they are charging. If you charge a premium you better deliver a premium. We are not picky people..I am not talking about burned out light bulbs or chipped paint. Here are a few of the reasons I gave it a C:
Yacht Club resort: had to call a manager to our room when we arrived...the bellman suggested I do this...because of the mold growning on the shower curtain (I did send them copies of the photos), broken lamp and door covering the fridge.
Decline in food quality, service and wait time. June 2012 we had three different sit downs where we waited well over an hour to be seated. June 2012: Big Thunder Mountain broke down on three different days we were at MK (one day it was down so long they wouldn't accept our FP's), Haunted Mansion also broke down this trip as did Pirates, People Mover and CoP. These were just the break downs in MK.
I would love to see a little more love put back into Epcot at HS. I am all for going for the toddler set...I get that they are a 'cash cow' for Disney. However, I think you can appeal to them w/o taking away from the rest of the crowd.


Active Member
B- The parks are awesome for the most part- but the following items dragged down their grade:
1) Huge loud groups of unsupervised teens being booked into moderate resorts (and ruining the park experience for many- can we not get a little more insistent on following the rules even if they do have $!!!).
2) Please, WDW, don't ignore the huge demographic of avid Disney fans who visit the parks,( spend money) who do NOT have children- we love the magic, too.
3) The dining experience-pricing is steep for those who have passes and pay out of pocket for mediocre food- and we don't always want to be seated next to a screaming toddler when we are dining as a couple.

Todd H

Well-Known Member
Would have given it a B but after visiting Universal for the first time and seeing how they are raising the bar for theme parks, I dropped it to a C. DW needs a lot of work. Don't get me wrong though. Still love it.

Gojira ゴジラ

Well-Known Member
I understand why people give WDW an A+ (see tinkgrl1685 post above) but wonder why you did. You give it an A+ "[e]ven with its flaws". Giving an A+ to something with flaws seems counterintuitive. Is the grade more because you want to go back so badly ("I've missed it dearly")?

Not really. You can give it the highest score even with flaws, this does exist in product reviews too. I think as long as the reviewer believes that the flaws don't cripple the system/the whole experience, it's still okay to give an A.


Well-Known Member
On experience and "feel" I'd give it an A - A+. If I'm going to use attraction technology/updates and how well they've stuck with the original "vision"'of each park/land, it's maybe a C+ or B. Nothing will ever take away the feeling I get when I'm at WDW, it's just a wonderful place to be. But "feelings" aside, I do get a little frustrated at the lack of thematic commitment and a seemingly uninterested TDO. DTD, Dinorama, FW, Stitch, and others really make me go "huh?". I'm happy that some of these things MAY be turning around, and that's great. All in all though, I still love the house of mouse and I'd rather be there than pretty much anywhere else!


Well-Known Member
Disney gives me all I want and expect and even with some things lacking I make it my Go To place.
I graded it an A, not an A+, because no matter how good Disney is, theres always going to be room for improvement. Like a college professor of mine used to say, no one gets the top grade because once your on top theres no place to go and you stop trying. Walt was always trying to "plus" the show, the plans and the ideas so even he was never completely satisfied.


Well-Known Member
I gave it an A-. I love WDW, but I recognize that there is room for improvement. Because the need for improvement does not take very much away from my overall experience it was a small deduction. Also, one of my BFFs goes to WDW much less regularly and does not notice as many of the issues that are noticed on this site so I figure in the grand scheme of things WDW is still in great shape.


Well-Known Member
Its the best theme park there is, I don't think we can argue (well .. ) about that - based on that alone I have to give it an A. It has always been the best and most well rounded family experience as far as vacations are concerned. The pure joy derived from going as a child and now with my children has never been equaled (although I've taken various vacations prior to having kids that can rival Disney, such as 6 weeks backpacking around Europe..).
Anyway, I think we can all agree that WDW has at times been better in it's history so not only do I compare it against other contemporaries, I compare it against itself. It has been better, and CAN be better. That has been preached on here ad nauseum.
Sadly, this is the first year in the last 10 years that we won't be going to Disney. The prices have just reached the point where I think they are too much for a weeks visit - I'm not saying it's not WORTH the price, I'm just saying that in comparison to other vacation destinations and based on the amount they have added, removed and/or changed in recent years, its no longer the value it once was IMO. No need to argue this point - I still love it, I'm just talking about personal value here, not WDW's significance or appeal.
We'll be back, maybe just a little less frequently. That's 3 or 4k that Disney won't be getting from me this year. Hopefully the FLE and future additions continue to move the company in the right direction.


Well-Known Member
I gave it an A, there is always room for improvement, even if it comes to something as simple as cost. But it was tempting to just give it an A+ based on how much I love WDW.


Well-Known Member
B from me. but it's a relative B. as in, they redefined what an A+ actually is. that said, that's the standard i choose to hold them to.

basically, it gets props from me for still being a vacation destination that i enjoy thoroughly. the food (while you can argue the quality may have slipped a bit) is still delicious. i view the resorts as a solid value

here's where they fall flat:
  • DHS: was there last week. embarrassing. did RNRC, midway on a fastpass, star tours 2.0 and that's it. TOT had mechanical problems on one of the elevators an hour into park opening, pushing the stand by time to 80 minutes before 10:00. that put stress on the very few attractions that were left (think 40-45 minute wait for GMR).
  • Future World: again, did soarin' twice (once stand by, another FP), spaceship earth...and nothing else. wonders of life has been closed for years. imagination is a joke, EO wasn't good in the '80s and '90s, there's no more soul in the seas, mission space gives half my family motion sickness, and test track is being reburbed.
  • Kid-centric: over in the rumors thread, there's a good stat that a majority of theme park guests are between their mid 20s and late 40s without children. that demo can't be ignored anymore. whenever/whatever the DTD expansion entails, it has to offer more for this demographic. same goes for anything they do in future world in the coming years. related note, and a sad truth: i was always fierce in my brand loyalty towards disney. went to uni in '94, then never again..until last year. next trip, a day at DHS is being replaced by a day at IOA.
i'd be remiss if i didn't mention that i enjoyed the animal kingdom quite a bit this trip. it's officially moved into my number 3 park spot, and if avatar does happen and is done well, it could go up to number 2. had wonderful dining experiences. so it's still my favorite place to vacation. they just need to fine tune their game in some key areas.


Active Member
B+ , its mostly the same park I grew up with, with a few flaws. To get an A+ from me, they would need to fix up Innoventions, Future World, Tomorrowland and DHS. That aside, I still always want to go there and always have a blast when I do! :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Mid Term grades are in. A slight GPA improvement from 3.14 to 3.20, just about B+ territory. Numerous A's awarded but these were offset by some C's and D's. Some polarization is becoming evident. Plenty of people who still believe in the magic while a smaller group give WDW a poor grade. (Where are those WDW critics when you need them?;)) Let's see what happens during tonight's voting.

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