Your Favorite Restroom!!!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I like the ones by Pirates of the Carribean. Always clean and not too crowded. The one by the Japan pavilion has been a life saver on a few occassions!! I also like the ones in Cosmic Ray's...brings back memories of visiting with my family as a child.

Side note...and don't think I'm a freak for doing this...but I've already gone through the park maps in my Passporter and have picked out some restrooms that I have not visited yet so they're on the agenda for this trip!! Always want to try something new. :hammer:


New Member
Originally posted by got2lovedisney

Side note...and don't think I'm a freak for doing this...but I've already gone through the park maps in my Passporter and have picked out some restrooms that I have not visited yet so they're on the agenda for this trip!! Always want to try something new. :hammer:

Hmm... I guess it's a good thing that so many new attractions will be opening soon. Sounds like you'll benefit greatly!:lol:


New Member
Well, I know what bathroom is my least favorite! When I was five or so, my dad took me into the bathroom by the Universe of Energy...he needed to wash his hands or something and in the attempt to get soap, somehow the powder blew up in my face and got into my eyes, I mean the thing completely unloaded on me!... I haven't been in that restroom since


Well-Known Member
The restroom in Pizzafari and the restroom in Communicore that is closest to Test Track are my favourites. Oh, and the one in the Contemporary's lobby. And the one downstairs from Chef Mickey's.



New Member
hmmm.... never put alotta thought in2 this 1. A majority of Epcot's FW bathrooms r usually very nice and clean IMO... Also the 1's @ the polynesian (main building) and contemporary (upstairs near monorail escolators i think) r nice.

Also what is this powdered soap??? Im 17 and have been goin 2 WDW since i was 2, i dont remember this, mayb it was b4 my time or i was 2 young 2 remember.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Kopp8699
mayb it was b4 my time or i was 2 young 2 remember.

It was a rolling change...

...and I think a lot of us miss it!

If you ever get the chance to visit the restaurant "El Pirata Y el Perico", there is a little known, very secluded bathroom...right across from PoC.

I barely remember it myself untill I took the Key's to the Kingdom tour...

(we all had to take a "Tender-foot time-out" at that point!)


New Member
I found a nice little bathroom in Hollywood Derby or whatever restaurant that is in MGM. It was very clean and secluded. I went in there twice, and since it was always empty I was tempted to think it was a CM only area. I found out about it in the Unoffical Guide to WDW. They have some really good tips in there.


Premium Member
Originally posted by BwanaBob

If you ever get the chance to visit the restaurant "El Pirata Y el Perico"

I love that restaurant. Too bad it's seasonal and NEVER open when I am there. :mad:

Sorry, that was a little off topic wasn't it?


Well-Known Member
i really like the restrooms at Boardwalk's lobby. the handicap stall even has its own sink!
but i like most of the other restrooms as well...if it works and its clean, i'll probably like it!
but i too wish they'd bring back the powdered soap. my hands always felt cleaner after i had used it.


I like the bathroom in the RnRC section of the Disney Studios. There isan't ever alot of people and it is kool seeing the little people to say its a men or womens bathroom have a male or female with a guitar rockin out :p I also like how theres rock music playing in releave your self while singing to some rockin music. :D


Active Member

In MGM it is the one on Sunset where you have to go up the stairs. It seems hidden and not to crowded. MK is the one by PoC. Also hidden and not crowded. AK, hmmm, I don't know? I guess the one in Pizzafarri. Epcot, I've only used the one in Norway so I couldn't say for sure. No wait I used the one on the walkway to the Boardwalk. Very nice. :)
I like the bathroom right by Beaches and Cream at the YC. It is always quiet and secluded. And there are actually terrycloth wash cloths to wipe your hands with:p


Account Suspended
My two favorite restrooms would be: the restroom inside the brown derby (very nice, QUIET, and clean) and then the restroom by town hall on main street in MK. (its very conveniant and clean most of the time).


New Member

I can't say I've had too many memorable experiences in the parks with restrooms, however the ones in Victora and Alberts in the Grand Floridian are GORGEOUS! My DH and I went in there during our meal in 2001 and it was great! DH had gone first, and then I excused myself. When I came back, I sat down and looked across the table at him and said "Wow. I wish I had a purse. They have these great little soaps in the ladies room." He just grinned, leaned forward and patted the lapel pocket in his suit coat. He'd already grabbed some! LOL
~J. Darling

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