Your Favorite Restroom!!!


New Member
The last time I visited WDW I was suffering terribly with IBS (now cured thankfully!) - so I got to know most if not all of the restrooms in most if not all of the parks!!!!!! All welcome havens at the time. However - I was the most intrigued by the ones in Planet Hollywood - free perfumes to sample before you left!


I've always liked the restroom in Camp Minnie-Mickey, way back by the Character Greeting Trails. Something about having birch trees inside the restroom just charmed my pants off, literally.



Account Suspended
ive already stated my two favorite restrooms, but i thought i would try and make an interesting point:

i think the most valuable characteristics a restroom can have is its cleanliness and privacy.

so alot of the times, my preferred restroom of choice is in a restaraunt or way out of my way.

is it just me who seeks out these types of restrooms?

nothing against the more general location restrooms, i know why theyre there and i have used them many times, theres just something about having peace and quiet....and cleanliness.


New Member
My favorite USED to be Rainforest Cafe at Downtown Disney, because they had free perfume and lotion and such to use. But they got rid of that awhile ago. So now my favorite is probably one in Magic Kingdom. Maybe the one near Peter Pan just because I've been in it so many times.


Well-Known Member
Mmmmmmm a difficult question but I vote for the loo, sorry, restroom, at Electric Umbrella in Epcot as they are nice and big and I have never seen them that crowdwed.
My favorite in MGM is the one right at the entrance, just behind the gas station/stroller rental. At the MK, I like the one in Cosmic Ray''s always fairly clean, and if you eat lunch during an off-time, you can use it when it's not crowded. Also, the one on Main Street in the little courtyard area is pretty cool. At Epcot, I always liked the one in WoL :hammer:

Slightly away from WDW, but I'm also a big fan of the restroom at the Disney Center in Ocala. It's always clean, never crowded, and is at the perfect spot in the drive down for a potty break.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Pippa
Mmmmmmm a difficult question but I vote for the loo, sorry, restroom, at Electric Umbrella in Epcot as they are nice and big and I have never seen them that crowdwed.


...must be just the 'womens' restroom! Men's is pretty small.

Originally posted by MerHearted
How about the one at the Magic of Disney Animation in MGM? I remember using that one a lot.

Sounds like what Eisner was thinking when he made the decesion to ax it! "Oh wait! mean there's really a 'bathroom' there? Ha, Ha!" :D


New Member
I have found it to be a hibit of going into a bathroom ANYWHERE I go and I must say that my favorite bathrooms are at the Rainforest Cafe when they had the guy in there who would do stuff for ya, and now at Planet Hollywood cuase the guy talks to you and makes it interesting!:D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by FanofDinsey1981
ESPN club all the way! you don't have to miss a single moment of the game there. brilliant.

i totally forgot that one! in addition to the hand dryers in DAK that is the best hands down. i even cleared it out so i could bring in a few girls i went there with.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
I always seem to find myself at the restrooms between Frontierland and Adventureland just at the right time.

By the way, I too am nostalgic for the powdered soap. I remember going back to WDW after a few years' break and finding the powdered soap MIA. It just didn't seem quite as "Disney" after that...:rolleyes:


New Member
OK, I'm probably going to get some bad reviews for this, but I have to tell my story - it's been eating me up inside since this happened to me, and I had read this thread before my trip, never expecting to contribute....but I must now.

We were on Sunrise Safari (via AKL Concierge), and I had too much coffee to drink that morning, since we awoke at 6am for the early AM safari tour. As we were about to embark on the truck ride, I had to go (#1) so badly that I asked the safari guide if there was a restroom. He said there wasn't one nearby, but could see that I was in a state of dire need and extreme discomfort, only minutes from getting on one of the bumpiest truck rides, for two to three times as long a duration as the typical AK safari (about a one hour safari). So he said to go back out thru the waiting coral, head up the pathway, around a bend, and find a tree. He said this is the only way I could go because the nearest bathroom is more than a 5 minute walk one-way into the AK main park, and the truck is about to pull up to take all of us, and they were on a tight schedule.

Although slightly off-topic, since it's not technically a bathroom, in a pinch, this became the most important and best bathroom in all of wdw.

And really, there is no bathroom facility available to anyone from the moment you start on Sunrise Safari at AKL - let this be a good early warning to those of you who will do SS. You spend about 20 minutes on a bus ride through the backlot where the animals are tended to, and then pull up to a backside entrance for the AK safari truck ride - a very interesting way to enter AK and the safari waiting area that I never even knew the pathway existed. In other words, you come in the backway and never step foot in AK or go by a restroom, and are rushed immediately onto the awaiting safari trucks, so that you can have time for a long tour while the animals are being fed (much better than the typical AK safari ride, and a real live guide talking and answering questions).

An hour and a half with a coffee filled bladder isn't comfortable, and I was about to quit the sunrise safari, but he gave me the go-ahead, and SS was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Please forgive me, but I had to get this one off of my, uh, chest.


New Member
And I must agree with the previous poster (optjay), the baby care centers are the nicest, cleanest, coolest air conditioned, roomiest/single person (like in your house) bathrooms I have ever encountered. Since our 2.5 year old son has been to wdw 3 times in the past couple of years, we have come to know them well.


Best in-park restroom goes to MGM Studios back by the new stunt show...very clean and the hand dryer will blow the skin off your hands.

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