Your Biggest Disappointment At WDW?

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Well-Known Member
My biggest disappointments include:

That they had the wand over Spaceship Earth AT ALL as well as how long they had it on there.

The multiple ruinations of the Imagination pavilion.

The very disappointing "update" to Spaceship Earth.

The stupid sorcerer hat still in place in DHS.


Well-Known Member
Parents who HONESTLY think their child is the universe for all the world, not just their own little world.

Parents who won't wait in line with their family, but would rather stand right behind me, while I'm photographing another family with a character, just because they hate standing in line.

The mother who lost her child and repeatedly said over and over again that she was sure someone had stolen her child. It wasn't because she took her eyes off her child, it was because someone stole her child. And of course, HER child is just the type of child that people want to steal. Her child is the cutest child ever. Yes, she knows people say it all the time, but in her case it is really true............5 minutes later when her child was found, I can tell you with absolute certainty that her child is not the cutest child that ever lived; not even close.

Back to the original poster:
Sometimes some of our entertainment friends have their friends come visit them. Sometimes they spend a bit more time with people they know than they do with the usual guest. It doesn't happen a lot, but it happens. You might have run into a day when the candy makers friends were visiting her and she was making candy for them. By the way, the term is Asian, not Oriental.


My husband and I waited ages to get on Test Track and thought it was a bit BLAH. Too hot, too long a queue and too tired to really enjoy. Going to WDW this year, might give it a second chance.


Well-Known Member
My biggest disappointment? Having to leave WDW!

Can we start closing threads after we get the best answer to a question. This one should be put in a nice frame and kept for everyone to see.

Why some people still insist on finding things that they can be unhappy about at WDW always amazes me.


New Member
HISTA is far worse than SGE imo. A boring pre-show that had nothing to do with the attraction and a poorly written/developed show that left my entire family ticked that we lost a good 45 minutes of our time in Epcot sitting through this garbage. Slamming SGE is the popular thing to do around here. At least it has a cohesive storyline and has some entertaining elements. Yeah, AE was better, though far from being a classic, untouchable attraction.

I'm shocked that no one else has said this yet, but... It's A Bug's Life.

If you mean "It's Tough To Be a Bug", then I definitely agree, and yeah. I agree with this post above. Maybe I am only realizing this now, but I find these types of attractions are epically unspecial. I find them (usually) boring, with a focus on "creepy scream-inducing" moment). When I heard that was what Stitch was getting, I was disappointed, and am hoping his next few attractions aren't disappointing (I believe he's getting 2? Or did I misunderstand?).



Well-Known Member
I have to say that very little disappoints me at WDW. The bad behavior of some of the guests is probably my pet peeve. I can't get too worked up about changes.. i.e. wand vrs. no wand.... changes happen so what's the big deal.

The only thing that has really disappointed me is the new web site. It is so labor intensive and, as far as I can tell, is still missing information. Probably they should have not brought up the new site til it was ready to go. Emails to Disney took forever to get an answer and the reply was unhelpful. Why should I have to call them on my dime to find out what days and times Fantasmic will be shown????


New Member
I know its a forum so discussions and opinions are meant to be aired but there seems to be a lot of highlighting of the negatives at Disney! As previously stated and well presented, the only disappointment is checking out the hotel at the end of your stay and getting on your plane/bus/whatever home!

A lot of the issues I have experienced havnt been with Disney, its a magical place and you will find nothing like it anywhere else in the world! Most of the issues are created by some of the people that visit and there can be little or no control over that!

In the grand scheme of things, Disney is awesome! Anywhere you go/anything you do in the world will have its downsides, and yes, I know we've all paid for being there, but you're on your holiday....forget about it, move on, and remember why you are have fun and a great time!

Lets highlight the positives!


Well-Known Member
Monsters inc show. And the HSM parade things at mgm. And sounds dangerous. Worst additions ever to the disney parks.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I know its a forum so discussions and opinions are meant to be aired but there seems to be a lot of highlighting of the negatives at Disney!
Lets highlight the positives!



New Member
So, what is your biggest disappointment of any trip to WDW. Rude or just plain ignorant Cast Members?

Mine happened at Japan in the World Showcase. We had waited almost an hour for the girl who does the candy animals due to her being late although it did give me extra time to browse in the shop, I love that place. Anyhoo, she finally turned up and started off with a demo of her skills before asking if there where any requests. My young son was very excited by all of this and was waving his hands in the air but time and time again she ignored the toddler that was right in front of her in favour of the oriental guests who where at the back of the pack. Poor show and it ruined what had been a very enjoyable day at Epcot.

The term "oriental" refers to objects, such as rugs or art. Asian people are, well, Asian.


Well-Known Member
Last 2 trips we haven't been able to eat in canada. And we tried 6 months in advance both times. Yeah, I know. You walked right in and got seated.:mad:


My point is that she asked for people to raise their hands and then proceeded to ignore them, my son included, and continually ask a group of adult Japanese\Chinese\Malaysian\Thai\Korean .... oh , Oriental (and I'll damn well say it if I please) guests who only looked mildly interested.

The people, such as what you mentioned above = Asian
The things, such as art, rugs and vases and the like = Oriental



Well-Known Member
My biggest Dissapointment @ WDW is that there is no longer a Figment Meet and Greet outside of the Imagination Pavillion.:cry:


Well-Known Member
continually ask a group of adult Japanese\Chinese\Malaysian\Thai\Korean .... oh , Oriental (and I'll damn well say it if I please)

If you want to expose yourself as a racist, feel free. But are you really that stupid to not know that the proper term is Asian?

As for your unhappiness about the situation in your original post, you are not by any stretch of the imagination entitled to be called upon for participation by any CM. Get a grip, there are greater tragedies in life.


Aside from rude guests and over indulgent parents who let their children run amok, I am most disappointed when something is closed the day that I wanted to see it . I always check online before I go, but every visit something gets closed down the day I'm there that I really wanted to do. It's no ones fault, but it's a major downer to look forward to something that was open just before you get there. And rude guests and overindulgent parents who let their children run amok.
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