Well-Known Member
I wonder if this is a cyclical thing- people visit Walt Disney world in the '70s or '80s as children, grow up and figure out that companies are in the business of making money, decide that the parks aren't as amazing as they were when they were kids (and weren't having to pay for the own tickets) and become disgusted with the whole thing.
Then, they have kids, decide to try bringing them to Disney, and learn to love it again...
Of course we see things differently as adults...I stopped eating lucky charms and started taking showers daily at some point too
But I would issue a counterpoint that if the parents are the ones paying (and the ones noticing increasing issues) that at some point Disney simply will not be uttered in the household as a possibility for vacation and then that will be that. We all love our kids there is no doubt about it and at some point or another we end up "taking one for the team" to keep them happy but at the rising cost of a vacation to the world our household sadly reached its' breaking point.