YOAMD Winnaaaahhhs! Boo-Yaaaa!!!


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We just got back from our most recent adventure on Sunday. I'm still crashing down from my Disney-high.

Anywhoo, had to share! While in 'Da World' we scored a little extra magic.

Wednesday, we were in Animal Kingdom. We got back to Kilamanjaro Safaris and decided to get fastpasses because the stand-by was at like 60 minutes. When we approached the fast pass kiosks there was a cast member standing at a machine printing out lots of fast passes. DS11 chuckles and says, "Sir, you sure have a big family for all those passes." CM asked son how many in our party and handed him that many passes. He told us we could go get another fast pass now and have 2 at the same time. Cool!

We headed over to Everest to see what the lines were like there since we now had time to kill before our return time for the safari. We were standing in front of the attraction contemplating the hour long stand-by or grabbing the 2nd set of fast passes when a CM approached us. CM (Matt) asked us, "Thinking about getting fast passes?" We replied, "Yeah. Stand-by looks pretty long." Matt then asks us, "How would you like to ride it right now, no wait, with me?" No way! After a few moments of disbelief Matt walked us thru the exit, past everyone in line and put us on the next train out with him. Very cool! As we were getting off the ride we kept thanking him over and over. It meant a lot to us. Then he pipes up again, "Would you like another treat? How about seeing the control tower for the entire ride?" Holy smokes! How cool was that??? So we were escorted into the control room for Everest. Matt and another CM who was working the room showed us all the controls, monitors, etc. We saw how the tracks switch when the ride changes direction. They showed us how they can stop everything or whichever train they needed to if there were problems. We followed a few trains on the monitors as they went thru the ride sequence. Very informative and incredibly cool. We were awestruck to say the least.

Skip forward to Saturday. We got in a SSE soft opening! I was about to ______ on myself over that one. What was even better was our Backlot Tour guide from the studios earlier in the week was right behind us. I recognized him right away because we took a pic of him. LOL! He was very nice.

I don't know if anyone else has heard me ramble about the dream ears. I know they're silly and probably a lot of people who get them think they're cheesey and never wear them. I've always held mouse ears in high regard as the ultimate classic Disney item to have and wear proudly. I looooove ears! I always have since I was a kid and was bribed with a purple pair to ride BTMRR. Sooo, when we were at WDW in February this year I started seeing the oober-exclusive Dream Ears that can only be obtained from the Dream Squad if you're in the right place at the right time. Saturday Epcot was pretty dang crowded. That was a disappointment. With the heat and DS10 not feeling well I told DH that we could just take the Friendship boat over to Morocco so I could quick hike it into the American Adventure to look for something patriotic to buy my Dad. When we got in line for the boat 2 very funny Dream Squad guys were chatting it up with everyone. They kept pointing to the other side, the line for the boat at Morocco. They jokingly made referrences to the lucky winners over there that were about to win some YOAMD prizes. They joked and laughed at how they could be standing there telling us where to go and be to win something yet the majority of the folks standing there won't turn around and get back in line. I started telling them about my obsession with the Dream Ears, how bad I wanted them, how I constantly kid about tackling people who have them so I can snatch 'em. I even told them that in all honesty I'd probably cry if I ever won them. Again, the guys continued to non-chalantly make referrence to getting back in line in Morocco. We had a fun boat road across to Morocco. The Dream Squad fellas were highly entertaining the entire way. They even warned a young couple with Dream Ears to stay away from THAT crazy lady (pointing to me) because I was going to tackle someone for the ears. LOL! As we went to disembark the boat the funniest of the pair, Elton, caught my eye and with a very deadly serious look emphatically told me, "You want to get back in line for this boat right now." Who was I to argue with the Dream Squad guys? We got back in line. My sons were hopping up and down as Dream Ears started to be handed out as people were getting onto the boat. Elton had the counter thingy in his hand and he was counting out loud telling everyone as he passed them, "Yes! The 1st 100 people on this boat are winners!" As he approached us he said, "...97...98...99.......100!" And cut off right in front of my family. I burst into tears. I couldn't help myself. I kept saying, "I knew I wasn't that lucky. I knew it wouldn't be me. I want it too bad." Poor Elton. I think I scared him. He said, "No! No! YOu win! I'm kidding! Look!" And he showed me the counter. We were numbers 71 -74. A nice lady handed me the ears and man, I tell you, I was boo-hooing. I had 2 of the lady Dream Squad people tearing up. I donned my new crown of glory, composed myself, and took some great pics with the Dream Squad. LOL! That night we took the ears to the hat shop on Main Street and had our names embroidered, free of charge of course.

I can't believe it. I don't think I could've been happier had I won a stay in the castle. I still get teared up when I see my Dream Ears. I love them so dearly. So yeah, we were winners and one of my dreams really did come true at Walt Disney World. I'm such a dork! :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Congratulations, that is such a story to hear, I'm glad they helped make some of your dreams come true.

I bet you must of been so amazed and happy.


New Member
And to think people dare to say there is no more magic in the Disney company.

I think this proves that the only reason most people hate the YoamD is because they haven't won anything. It's a great celebration, celebrating what we all love about WDW.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sounds like you had some incredible experiences during your trip. And yay for getting Dream Ears! Elton gave me my own set last spring at Test Track. Your picture is so sweet!


Well-Known Member
I really think being a Dream Squad CM would be a great job. Sure you get the people who think its a scam or don't realize what is going on, but the guests that are truly excited and thrilled should make up for that. Plus they get to walk around the park quite a bit, they aren't stuck in one spot like almost everyone else.
As we went to disembark the boat the funniest of the pair, Elton, caught my eye and with a very deadly serious look emphatically told me, "You want to get back in line for this boat right now."

Great story, and I've seen Elton on both of my visits to WDW this year, such a great CM. First time he dished out some dream lanyards to a load of us on Test Track, second time (several months later) I chatted to him lurking around the exit to Mission Space. No prize that time, but he still made me laugh. Funny guy.


Active Member
The thing that happend to ya'll for Everest happend to us back in July for Mission Space it was pretty cool! We have pictures from inside the control room but the night before was my b-day so we went to DTD to party so we look a little umm "tired" in the photos...


New Member
I know Elton very well, we used to work together at Space Mountain a few years ago. I will let him know of this story and tell him how he made your trip so special!


Well-Known Member
Great story! Congratulations on winning dream ears and thanks for sharing your experience.

Which one of the CMs in the picuture is Elton?


Awww... that made me tear up a little! Great story!

I wonder if it's one of the stories Elton tells to friends, too? Most CMs (and former CMs) have our "magic moment" stories. I'll bet the Dream Squad CMs have more stories than most, but still, it's funny to think that YOU might be someone else's Magic Moment...


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I know Elton very well, we used to work together at Space Mountain a few years ago. I will let him know of this story and tell him how he made your trip so special!

Please do! I'd love to send him a copy of the picture, too. Can you PM me where I can send it so that he gets it? I know the ears are so menial and trivial to other people but they are the epitome of all Disney mementos to treasure forever in my eyes. I love them so much. I wish I could explain it. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great story! Congratulations on winning dream ears and thanks for sharing your experience.

Which one of the CMs in the picuture is Elton?

Elton is the 2nd CM from the right standing next to my DH and DS11. He is the most animated, entertaining CM I think I've ever met. Being around him was like being part of a one-man-comedy-act. He was a ball. I'll never, ever forget him. He plays off everyone around him, brings everyone into his excitement. He said he does a lot of the tv specials for Disney like the stuff on Travel Channel and Food Network. You better believe I'll be catching every show I can looking for him. Elton is the embodiment of the ultimate CM. His energy and excitement generate the magic that Disney is known for. I just love him!

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