YOAMD Winnaaaahhhs! Boo-Yaaaa!!!


Well-Known Member
Great story. I am very happy for you and your family.

I still to this day have not even seen any of the Dream Squad CM's let alone win anything. We have been at he parks 42 days since the YOAMD promotion has been out and are ussually in the parks open to close and still have never seen them. We aparently know how to pick the wrong places to be. I have even met people that have won multiple times in one week. :shrug: We will be back for another 2 weeks before it is over and maybe we will get lucky next time.


Well-Known Member
Great story. I am very happy for you and your family.

I still to this day have not even seen any of the Dream Squad CM's let alone win anything. We have been at he parks 42 days since the YOAMD promotion has been out and are ussually in the parks open to close and still have never seen them. We aparently know how to pick the wrong places to be. I have even met people that have won multiple times in one week. :shrug: We will be back for another 2 weeks before it is over and maybe we will get lucky next time.

If you just want to see them, just be at the turnstiles before the park opens or at rope drop in the mornings - they are always there. Additionally, most Dream Squad CM's are "waving goodnight" at the end of the night at all 4 parks. :wave:


Well-Known Member
We had two near misses on "Official Dream Squad" give aways. The first was at Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. As we were getting off the ride, the group right in front of us got nabbed and given Dream Fast Passes. To rub a bit of salt in the wound, I ended up taking the picture of the family.

The second was a few days later at Epcot. We had got Fast passes for Soarin, rode it, trekked over to Test Track, rode it and were heading back to Soarin to use the Fast pass when a group of Dream Squad members popped out of no where. I suggested we follow them to see what was going on (my daughter was wearing her Birthday button afterall) but I was vetoed 3-1.

We did have some "Magical" experiences though. The best being the morning of November 18. We decided to do AK on Sunday instead of Monday. We got there early and were first in line. When they opened the gates we were one of the first to the rope. The CM (name slips my mind - Great Guy) noticed my daughter's birthday pin and asked if she would be willing to "crank" up the cover for the park information board. In addition, he gave us front row seats to the Festival of the Lion King where my daughter also got to provide the Lion's Roar. Very Magical especially since the last time we were at the AK (2004) we missed out on FOTLK.

Congrats to your Magical Experiances :wave:


Well-Known Member
Elton was working TT last night. I don't think the guy ever stopped talking, it was amazing to watch the interaction.

I thought this was the same guy we saw at TT in September!! He is great, we all commented on how nice he was and just so friendly, funny and all smiles. Hade made waiting to load fun.

:wave:Congrats to the OP on winning, it's great isn't it?!


Well-Known Member
Congrats! Its great that you won the yoamd ears, but also nice for you to have run into such great cm's elsewhere.

I also worked with Elton on my cp at space a few years back. I know he wouldn't remember me, but I definitely remember him as one of the most magical and upbeat cast members there.
(I'm pretty sure he was the one who used to walk around telling guests "Disney World is like Burger King...you can have it your way" :lol: )

Anyhow here is a video of him from the Disney Destinations site...I found it browsing around there a few months back.


Active Member
Post Cards

We mail one post card a day to the YOAMD. We have won 3 YOAMD Ears & 2 Lanyards with 2 YOAMD pins on them. And now that they have extended it to the end of 2008. We hope to win more. Our next trip the WDW is July 2008. I know very hot and very crowded. That was the only time everyones schedule would permit. I have been many time but this will be my sisters first trip back since 1973 when we went as kids. Her DH,DS & DD have never been.

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