OK, so I don't want this post to disappear ... and I don't want to play either the What Would Walt the Dead Guy Do or suggest many fanbois simply don't think very rationally.
But seriously, before anyone starts seething with deep hatred for some online Spirited presence, can someone please explain to me based on all we know about Walt Disney's feelings about quality show and doing things the right way, why ANY ALLEGED FAN would want to spend time debating/justifying why HUGE show quality misfires are somehow OK?
Can anyone do this in an adult/intellectual fashion?
Because I have spoken many times with people who knew and worked (and were/are related) with the man, and whether DAK and the yeti would exist isn't the point here ... nor is whether Avatar will have any affect on Disco Hairy Dude getting fixed (it WON'T ... it will either get fixed or not and my $$$ is on NOT). The point is whether that show quality or lack thereof is acceptable. Or any of the hugely bad show issues at WDW from Fantasmic to MK's mountain range of disasters.
Obviously, it is acceptable to TDO and TWDC management or it would have been fixed years ago.
But what does it say about the state of the fan community that people will justify it? (And to the mods, I watched/parsed my words very carefully here. It's a very legit question based on the topic.) ... But at what point is the lower quality and standards of WDW simply YOUR fault? This goes to anyone who immediately comes to management's defense (often over the indefensible) and is great at making excuses for why bad things, broken things, lesser quality things are perfectly OK with them (even though we ALL suffer from this mindset).
I met with a celebrity Imagineer at the DLH back in September (yeah, a name most of you would all know) and he basically said that the fan community is its own worst enemy and the reason why Disney doesn't even attempt to do things right in O-Town anymore. Naturally, I agree.
But will anyone here argue the point? Blame Wall Street? The economy? Having to actually pay CMs? Or my favorite 'people still come and enjoy it so why fix it' excuse?
I am just tired of people fighting against things that are in their best interest and using the type of 'logic' that one would expect from the world is flat type of thinkers.