Yeti is indeed being fixed! Update 8/4/2014


Well-Known Member
Depressing......Guess im lucky to have enjoyed him in A mode a few years.Some have never seen him working as he should.Maybe after Fantasyland is done,Maybe

Did you mean "few years ago"? Cause he hasn't fully worked since 2006. I saw him in full A mode several times on our trip that year right after it opened then about a month later people started reporting that he was broken and he hasn't done much since.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Did you mean "few years ago"? Cause he hasn't fully worked since 2006. I saw him in full A mode several times on our trip that year right after it opened then about a month later people started reporting that he was broken and he hasn't done much since.

And it's a real shame that they think that's acceptable.

It's even getting hard to find a YouTube of the attraction as it was designed.


New Member
I know odds are they wont have the Yeti fixed by June when I go to Disney but this is a depressing topic and I'm disappointed to hear Disney hasn't addressed this yet :\. Keep me posted please!

Space Mountain

Well-Known Member
So in my most recent trip, which was 2 weeks ago, A CM told my 10 year old that the projection Yeti is named "Freddie Yeti", and the actually Animatronic/Stroblight Yeti is "Bettie Yeti". Can someone confirm this is true? BTW this was my son's first ride on EE, he absolutely loved it!



Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I know odds are they wont have the Yeti fixed by June when I go to Disney but this is a depressing topic and I'm disappointed to hear Disney hasn't addressed this yet :\. Keep me posted please!

Keep writing those letters and expressing your opinion here and anywhere else that they can hear you.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
My got blocked :ROFLOL: I said, "I can't wait to see what type of strobe light they use to simulate the motion of the kids sliding down from the tree house."
I posted something similar "Will movement be “simulated” by strobe lights?". It is still awaiting being deleted, err I mean moderation. :drevil:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Looks like two Disco yeti posts made it through LOL:

Where’s the Disco Yeti? from Michael in NY

Where is the room with the giant Yeti stuffed animal with a Disco Ball? from WDW Fan Boy Tim.... :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Depending on who you believe, the biggest issue would be the closing of one of AK's few E-ticket attractions for an extended period of time.

I'm sure this has been suggested before and I'm sure it's not as simple as this but....

Is it not plausible or possible to throw in an actual mannequin yeti (which lets face it, he virtually is now anyway) rip out the AA and repair him thus keeping the attraction open....?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I'm sure this has been suggested before and I'm sure it's not as simple as this but....

Is it not plausible or possible to throw in an actual mannequin yeti (which lets face it, he virtually is now anyway) rip out the AA and repair him thus keeping the attraction open....?
That has been suggested but the foundation is one of the possible problems.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Just got back from Disneyland. While there, we had the occasion to ride the Buzz Lightyear ride. The main buzz AA in the que evidently was not functional as they had it completely curtained off. I think disco balls have been found to cause cancer by the state of California, therefore they can not use the same effect. :eek:

On a serious note, why not put up a big scrim and project a yeti in full motion on it so they can work on the real yeti behind the scenes, or just leave him there until they get Avatarland built so they can bring the attraction for a proper repair.


Well-Known Member
That has been suggested but the foundation is one of the possible problems.
Yeah...I know technically the the yeti is just one of three separate pieces of the mountain though I know they are very integrated. Hasn't it been said that to even take him out they would essentially have to open the mountain? I suppose that is what is related to the foundation, how you just said. It's really too bad. And it is a shame considering the rest of Everest (temporary light falling over notwithstanding ;)) functions so well.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Yeah...I know technically the the yeti is just one of three separate pieces of the mountain though I know they are very integrated. Hasn't it been said that to even take him out they would essentially have to open the mountain? I suppose that is what is related to the foundation, how you just said. It's really too bad. And it is a shame considering the rest of Everest (temporary light falling over notwithstanding ;)) functions so well.
Surprisingly the track the yeti and the mountain, while intertwined, operate completely separate from each other and never actually come in contact. The yeti was installed after the mountain was built and it can be removed. Without knowing what is wrong really make knowing why it has not been fixed a little more problematic. For all we know is simply comes down to park management not wanting to close the attraction or it might be a serious enough problem that it realistically can not be fixed. The reality more than likely lies somewhere between those two extremes. About the only fact we have is Disney has no motivation aside from pride to fix the thing as most guests do not even know he is broken.


Well-Known Member
Not a big EE fan, as it goes so fast been on it only a couple times. But after watching the YouTube videos of the ride . . . the Yeti is right at the end, not way high up in the mountain somewhere! I am guessing his platform raises him at most 15-20 feet off the ground? There's probably a gigantic door where you can simply walk inside the mountain and see the Yeti. This actually makes sense as the Yeti and his related machinery is pretty heavy, I bet he's at the same height as in that making of EE video documentary done by Disney, that would give him the 15-20 needed to reach the last climb of the track.

So . . . to fix the Yeti they don't need to take off the top of the mountain like some have suggested, but at most they'd probably have to open a door, or rebuilt the door that was used to get the Yeti in there by knocking down a wall, which probably doesn't "hold up" the mountain as it is steel girders.

Pathetic. Really. It looks like maintenance has 100% access to the Yeti. If the foundation is the problem, they could removed the Yeti and repour it as the foundations are supposed to be separate. I don't see why they couldn't do this work slowly at night, unless there are some rules/reservations about running the rest of the ride.

After hearing about a lamp post falling over on the ride (a sure sign of going cheap), I am guessing that Disney could fix this issue, but maybe with a month of down time if they did it in a coordinated fashion.

I'd like to believe that there are all of these technical issues because the Yeti AA was groundbreaking, but I think its just TDO being cheap. They couldn't pay somebody to properly install a lamp post, why would they pay for cement for a new foundation?


Well-Known Member
So . . . to fix the Yeti they don't need to take off the top of the mountain like some have suggested, but at most they'd probably have to open a door, or rebuilt the door that was used to get the Yeti in there by knocking down a wall, which probably doesn't "hold up" the mountain as it is steel girders.

Pathetic. Really. It looks like maintenance has 100% access to the Yeti. If the foundation is the problem, they could removed the Yeti and repour it as the foundations are supposed to be separate. I don't see why they couldn't do this work slowly at night, unless there are some rules/reservations about running the rest of the ride.

Are you an engineer or are you just assuming? Here's a clip from an episode of Modern Marvels where they talk about how all 3 systems of the ride were constructed at the same time because of the scale, none could be added before/after the others.

Youtube Link (it's time stamped to start you right where they begin talking about it) - lasts about 3 minutes or so before they change topics. This episode aired before they even showed the yeti to the public and the ride was still under construction so it's not some retro-fitted BS excuse

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