This is fun.
How about putting a Pinto engine in a Mercedes chasis?
Or kissing a supermodel with bad breath?
Or seeing the Grand Canyon on a foggy day?
Or seeing the Patriots play the Packers, with Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers out with injuries?
Or ordering filet mignon and getting meatloaf?
Or slapping up a strobe light for 5 years and calling it a must see attraction? Oh wait, that's actually happening.
Or going to see the White Stripes but it's just Meg and no Jack?
Or paying to rent "Star Wars" but getting "Dunstin Checks In" instead?
Or ordering Saint Emilion and getting Bud-light?
Or waiting in line to meet Mickey for 45 minutes but meeting Chuck E. Cheese?
Or buying a hi-definition LED 3D tv, but only getting black & white movies from the cable company?
Or paying money to hear Beethoven's 9th and getting John Cage's 4'33'' instead?
Or paying $14 for an album of hi-quality music but instead getting something that's compressed and void of any tangible form or artwork... Oh wait...this happens...sorry I'm off topic....
OR!!! maybe most people think its still fun even though you don't see the yeti swing it's arm for three seconds.
Ok, maybe something more like this then...
Paying to see a 3D, Hi-def state-of-the-art widescreen film, but getting a 4:3 cropped, standard picture on a small screen. Sure, the movie is still fun...but it's not as great as it COULD BE (or once was, in the case of Everest).