Which addresses an interesting point...
Why is Al Lutz getting a pass on this one?
His already-questionable credibility should now be null and void for reporting that the Year of a Million Dreams was cancelled... Instead of issuing a retraction, or even saying "oops, I jumped the gun a bit" he is doing his best to hide the offending (and WRONG) remark with a new statement. I have always been a proponent of hanging him up by his thumbs, but this could quite possibly be a new low for a man who long ago exchanged his shovel for a backhoe.
He got everyone all riled up about the contest going away, then, when I am sure someone of substance called him on his idiocy, stated they are taking down a few banners and changing a few bags.
Attn: WDWMagic forum members - Micechat fans already drank the Kool-Aid, we need to be the responsible ones and hold him to the tripe he reports.