Worst smoking area


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
To the people talking about it being illegal, it is private property owned by Disney so it would be practical to ban smoking all together at the parks since it is terrible that the imagineers work so hard to create a magical environment around everyone and then you see someone smoking as if your back home at your local Walmart.
There is no smoking at WalMart.


Park History nut
Premium Member
It won't be banned. It'll alienate too big a customer base and culture.

I hate obnoxious people in WS after drinks. That won't be banned either.

Like I said, better to control than loose control.

And I'm now an ex smoker :)

Jo DeVil

Well-Known Member
I am an Ex Smoker, I stopped just before the laws changed in the UK, but if I did still smoke I would still like some where to go. There is nothing worse as a smoker than being told you can't smoke you just seem to crave it more. As long as the smokers use the designated area they can't be blamed for the location nor the mess of the area, it just needs cleaning more often. It is up to Disney etc to provide and clean areas that are suitable to all.
If I knew how to add it I would show you a picture of the ones at Legoland Windsor (just google "smoking areas in legoland"), the area is behind a solid wooden fence made up of 3 sides and the open side is away from the path. It seems like it would keep everyone happy. A friend who has used it says it is "better because he doesn't have to put up with the disapproving looks and people coughing as they walk by, letting him enjoy a cigarette in peace". His words not mine!


Well-Known Member
I would prefer to have some kind of enclosed buildings for smokers. Keep the cancer contained to just the smokers, instead of letting others catch second hand smoke as they walk by. Like we don't have other means of death to worry about, like drunks, bad drivers, skin cancer from UV rays and other forms of doom....lol

And yes, I used to be a smoker and I made sure to never smoke around anyone else that wasn't smoking and I stayed in a designated smoking area.


Well-Known Member
For the what would Walt do folks, Walt was a chain smoker and he made sure there was enough people with dust pans running around DL to pick the butts off the ground.

He also died from lung cancer, a little over a month after having his left lung removed completely.

EDIT -- I'm going to play devils advocate and go with the libertarian route on this. Let Disney decide their own stance on smoking. If they want to allow it, by all means.
But if they decide to ban it completely, I don't want to hear any whining about it.


Well-Known Member
I have been doing a lot of thinking about this issue since I posted my response to the OP, do I think smoking is bad for you? Absolutely! but how many people here that are complaining are overweight....flat out obese? You are going to die much quicker from clogged arteries then from my smoke. Smell? I dont like smelling your fat disgusting self on the bus but I am not complaining about it. The same people who say the kiddies shouldnt be subjected to....oh my god......someone smoking are fed strict diets of McDonalds and 1200 calorie cupcakes from Starring Rolls. Parents drinking around the world, The same ones I see at 12:00 at night during EMH. Seriously?

If those of you who hate smoking so much, you shouldnt be complaining about Disney. You should be complaining to your goverment. What other drug so addictive, kills so many people would be allowed to be sold over the counter? Tobacco and alcohol makes billions of dollars anually....thats why. Disney even sells tobacco, as they do alcohol. Smoking has been so demonized ( and maybe well deserved ) so much that people take their venom to the extreme. The buses probably put out way more carcenagenics then all the smokers put together....dont see no one complaining about that. I agree with other posters that DIsney has to do a better job with the placement of these areas. You can route your walking to avoid such areas.

I know I will never get a honest answer here.....dont expect to. But just ask yourself.....how many people do you honestly know who has died from secondhand smoke? Are there some? ofcourse.....no doubt. If we really cared about society we would totally ban tobacco and alcohol. What positive purpose do they really serve?
If NY cared so much about their citizens, why would they allow tobacco to be sold at all?


Well-Known Member
I know I will never get a honest answer here.....dont expect to. But just ask yourself.....how many people do you honestly know who has died from secondhand smoke? Are there some? ofcourse.....no doubt. If we really cared about society we would totally ban tobacco and alcohol. What positive purpose do they really serve?
If NY cared so much about their citizens, why would they allow tobacco to be sold at all?

None actually. I've had relatives who have lived with a smoker and never had any ill effects.

The secondhand smoke is dangerous is a half-truth perpetuated by the anti-smoking militants. It's no more dangerous than the smoke you breathe in from sitting by a campfire.


Well-Known Member
As someone who quit a year ago. Doesn't it suck you are so controlled that you have to light up on a vacation that costs you thousands? That's one of the reasons I quit. I imagined execs sitting in an office with millions of dollars on their desk, swimming in money laughing at my addiction and lack of control as I gave them my hard earned money to slowly kill myself.

In 2010 I was stopping at mosts smoking destinations through the park to smoke as my son (2 1/2 at the time) sat so patiently waiting to keep enjoying the most magical place ever as I puffed my lungs out. I can't wait to go next week and keep walking (in better shape and easier to breathe) to the next attraction for my son without a small paper wrapped chemical pulling on my sleeve to smoke it. Hell yeah!!!!
As a former smoker, I have to say that I didn't realize the control those things had over me until I quit. And it didn't come right away, either. Because at first, you're so busy with the Not Smoking that you don't even notice it. It was later that I said, "My God, I can't believe how much those things ran my life!" I honestly didn't realize it when I smoked.

Smoke isn't a pleasant smell, but it isn't horrendous. Even when you are a smoker, nobody likes getting a face full of smoke. When someone exhales smoke and the wind ahifts and blows it straight into another smoker's face, the exhaler always apologizes, because they know that sucks. And the recipient always says its okay because they know it wasn't intended. If only all non-smokers could all be so polite about it.

I am not pretending that it isn't a little more bothersome to me now than it was then...but if you are outside, it just isn't that big a deal. The smoke dissipates quickly. No, I don't love the smell, but there are many other smells at WDW I don't love, either. Not going into a tizzy over any of them.

I don't care if fat people want to sit down and eat cupcakes, alcoholics want to drink their booze or anorexics want to vomit and exercise, etc.

I try to live and let live.


Well-Known Member
I'll stop smoking when everyone else stops over eating...

In the mean time? I'll NEVER smoke outside of a designated smoking area. Never have, never will. That's because I try to respect the wishes of those that do not smoke. Long ago, someplace very far from today's US, this was refered to as civility.
Over eating doesn't effect the person sitting right next to you eating a salad. There's a difference.


Well-Known Member
Over eating doesn't effect the person sitting right next to you eating a salad. There's a difference.
Some people claim that it grosses them out so badly that they can't enjoy their meal, sets a bad example for children and makes the cost of everyone's insurance higher.

There is a big push to start taxing unhealthy food. There is even talk of limiting what fat people can buy in grocery stores.

I swear that one day, people will be pushing to either keep fat people out of restaurants or at least have them in different sections, like they did with smokers.

I really wish everyone would just let it be. All of it.


Well-Known Member
Smoking areas are worse than people smoking in random spots because the smell is so concentrated.

I'd rather walk past one person smoking where they shouldn't be than twenty people smoking in a smoking area ANY day.
That is a very good point!:D


Well-Known Member
My husband is a smoker. He is truly addicted to the nicotine.:( He starts to shake if he doesn't have a cigarette.:eek: We stop for him to smoke. Our boys both have asthma.:( He just can't quit. He's tried. I guess addictions are just a horrible fact of reality, including overeating!:( Please don't be so judgmental.:( In Epcot, there is a smoking area in the middle w/ seating away from people, so they do have some "hidden" places for smokers. I guess the worst smoking areas would be the ones so close to others who don't smoke.:( He places his butts in the correct receptacles, and is a courteous smoker ( there are some of those). Bottom line, I truly wish he could stop smoking. Maybe some day! But, until then, I don't judge anyone for anything! Live life and be happy, especially at WDW!:D


Well-Known Member
Some people claim that it grosses them out so badly that they can't enjoy their meal, sets a bad example for children and makes the cost of everyone's insurance higher.

There is a big push to start taxing unhealthy food. There is even talk of limiting what fat people can buy in grocery stores.

I swear that one day, people will be pushing to either keep fat people out of restaurants or at least have them in different sections, like they did with smokers.

I really wish everyone would just let it be. All of it.

None of that physically effects anyone. It can effect an appetite I guess. But it won't cause to cough, choke or have medical effects. And this is from a former smoker. It's just facts. No need to sugar coat it.


Active Member
None of that physically effects anyone. It can effect an appetite I guess. But it won't cause to cough, choke or have medical effects. And this is from a former smoker. It's just facts. No need to sugar coat it.

I sure hope you don't drive a gasoline powered car, because I would not want you to be a hypocrite.

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