Worst Meal at Disney


New Member
For me it was pizza planet worst pizza I have ever had. I'm surprise not many more complain about it :hurl:

Not sure about the San Angel Inn but the Cantina de San Angel was great I loved the food. I only had nachos but they were fantastic. :slurp:


New Member
1900 Park Fair for dinner. I booked this because I thought the stepsisters would be fun and the food at least average. The stepsisters and stepmother were good, but the food was abyssmal. The carving station meat was completely bland and not seasoned. The floor around the buffet was dirty and the chocolate on the ice cream machine was broken. Kids were dropping food everywhere (which I can understand, but around the buffet they need maybe an extra person to help out with the clean up of that). All the dishes were bland and looked unappetizing as well.

It was this experience (thankfully we were on the dining plan- the total bill was around $120)- that swore me off character dining forever. As my husband said, this is a total family feed bag. I could relate the food to my college dormitory cafeteria.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
The dining plan has been the bane of good food at Disney. They can feed you pig slop and you will eat it because it's free/paid for. :rolleyes:


Chef Mickey's. We just ate there last Wed. That food is barely edible! The choices are few. All the way around, the very worst! We did have a great server though. Without her, it would have been intolerable. It's just horrible!
The worst CS we had was at Rosie's in HS. The cheeseburgers were really bad!
We had a lot of good meals though....at other TS and CS.


Active Member
Ahh, so many to choose from, where to start??

My all time worst was at Tony's. Of course, it was many years ago but the place was dirty, the server had an attitude and my shrimp were cooked until they were like rubber and the pasta was way overdone.

Other nominees include Chef Mickey's...for our vist last October, the eggs were a runny mess. I agree with another poster about 1900 Park Fair...while the characters were a hoot, the food was putrid and flavorless.

Like so many of you, Mexico has been a low-light of a couple of my trips as well.

But, maybe I should give the winner to those where I have gotten food poisoning? Over my many, many trips, I have had food poisoning three times. The worst was Boatwright's (turkey and dressing for dinner) and nearly as bad was Alfredo's (fettucine carbonara.) Both knocked me out of commission for two days.

The last was McDonald's in Downtown Disney. I grabbed something there on the way to the airport. While waiting on the flight to leave it started and I spent the flight to Atlanta in the toilet. Funny enough, this was one year after 9/11 and when they turned off the fasten seat belt sign, I ran to the front of the plane and the attendant thought I was trying to get to the cockpit. Once I started to vomit, she jumped out of the way. After that, she felt sorry for me and they even landed the plane with me on the floor of the bathroom still going at it. Ahh, nothing better than those warm fuzzy memories of a trip to WDW......:lol:


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Geesh, tough crowd.
I don't want much:

Get rid of the Dining Plan and bring back decent food,
Get rid of the Dining Plan and bring back full menus,
Get rid of the Dining Plan and bring back prices that aren't artificially inflated because of the DDP,
Get rid of the Dining Plan and bring back character dining instead of sticking Mickey in a lobby at Chef Mickey's,
Get rid of the Dining Plan and bring back being able to eat spontaneously,
Get rid of the Dining Plan and be able to get a AR the day of your trip.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
I don't want much:

Get rid of the Dining Plan and bring back decent food,
Get rid of the Dining Plan and bring back full menus,
Get rid of the Dining Plan and bring back prices that aren't artificially inflated because of the DDP,
Get rid of the Dining Plan and bring back character dining instead of sticking Mickey in a lobby at Chef Mickey's,
Get rid of the Dining Plan and bring back being able to eat spontaneously,
Get rid of the Dining Plan and be able to get a AR the day of your trip.

:sohappy: Now wouldn't that be wonderful! Even if they just implemented 1 and 2 on your list Disney would be getting more of our money instead of the offsite locations we go to on our trips now. Its VERY rare that we get more than a snack in the parks anymore.


Active Member
Although T-Rex food was much better than Rainforest Cafe.

I disagree. RFC has much more variety in food that I personally like. I had the chicken breast there last time and it was delicious, but I won't be heading back there for a while anyways.

It's all opinion. Some love it, some despise it. :lol:


The cs in the american pavilion. We waited over 20 minutes for 3 hamburgers that were frozen solid in the middle and soggy fries. My 4 year old dropped hers on the ground and the birds wouldn't even touch it.


Well-Known Member
It really is ashame to have one of the best dining atmosphere's in WDW and it has some of the worst food. This is a problem the really need to correct and hopefully will. Although I do love the margaritas


Active Member
Garden Grill for dinner is absolutely awful. The food was disgusting, the servers were rude. We left most of the food. The characters were the only thing nice about it.


Active Member
Garden Grill for dinner is absolutely awful. The food was disgusting, the servers were rude. We left most of the food. The characters were the only thing nice about it.


Was it that bad? I was looking forward to dining here next vacation :lookaroun


We have eaten at Liberty Tree Tavern for lunch for the last 7 years. The last time we went was the worst. My salmon cakes tasted like oil and my DS' burger was hard and cold. Not going back.
unkadug! you are soooo right!


Well-Known Member

Was it that bad? I was looking forward to dining here next vacation :lookaroun

I have had it both bad and good at GG.

I never had rude servers, but at times the food has been sub-par. Other times it has been good.

It's not fine dining, but when done right, the flank steak is very good. In fact it is one of my youngest daughters favorite dishes - when it's done well. She even notices (and she is 9). Sometimes we go there and she is all excited to eat, then she takes a bite and says "it doesn't taste right this time does it dad?" I would not go so far as to call the food disgusting, just when it is off, it is bland and uneventful.

I make the steak at home (the recipe for the marinade is in the recipe thread) and it always comes out good, so I don't know what the problem is with the restaurant.



Well-Known Member
the wave.

tried it twice for lunch and didn't like it both times. the food wasn't that good and the service was awful.

i want to say san angel inn based on how many people dislike it and how unappetizing the menu looks.


Well-Known Member
Big River Grill at the Boardwalk fooled me once...and then twice.

I went once and the food was terrible and then I gave it a shot about three years later and it was just as bad.

It amazes me that a cheeseburger and fries, and years later, a chicken quesadilla could be ever be that bad. How does something taste bad and also tasteless at the same time? Bread and burger comparable to what sawdust would taste like. Er, I guess.

And I can't remember because it wasn't something I wanted to remember possibly but I was with different people both times and they didn't like what they ordered either.

Could be wrong, but it might be the only restaurant in WDW that I can't in all good conscience as a human being recommend to people I know...or my worst enemy(really if I had any.) My face says it all...."And when you go to Disney please, please don't eat there. You have been warned." And it is the only place I ever say that about to those who ask

Just my own two cent experiences, but problems I have had with San Angel , 50's, Sci-Fi, and a few other places were what I ordered that day or the cooks and when I went again it was better. I feel for people's bad experiences there though.

As for Big River, it is painful to talk about.

Have never been to Garden Grill or Hollywood and Vine and I am mad because I should have went years ago when the menu was different and people raved about it. Er, many years ago. I won't go now because reviews are terrible and I am fearful at how consistenly bad the reviews are. Also, for the price and once I checked out the menu I wasn't impressed. Probably the only thing that interested me was the flank steak, because done right, it is amazing.

But last year a red alarm did go off for me at 50's. My steak was stringy, gray, and horrible and either I will go back and order something else or pass. Still debating for my summer trip in 2011.


Oh man!

We never eat at DHS unless we're grabbing something quick at Pizza Planet. And don't get me wrong, we only eat there for the amount you get for little $$. Subpar at best, but the best of the worst.

And for Epcot, we ate and San Angel, and never again. Nasty!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I have found that anything that is served in MASSIVE bulk, like hamburgers, are not very good. Because of the HUGE amounts sold, they buy them in bulk at very low cost and quality. I can truthfully say that I've NEVER has a decent hamburger at WDW. Other fare that doesn't fly off the shelves as fast is generally much better.

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