Worst job to have at WDW?


Active Member
One person mentioned getting hit on by the drunks at Pleasure Island. Is that sort of thing common for many of the CMs all over the parks? Especially the Jasmines, Mermaids, Tinkerbelle's and other "attractively presented" CMs?

Also, the furry dressed characters, how long are they expected to be out in the heat? And don't they have cold packs or some other way to keep a little cooler?

As for me, I would probably have to agree that dealing with drunks and human secretions would probably be the worst category of jobs. All with a smile on your face.

The princesses get hit on. Im not sure if its an all day thing or just the occasional person trying to be funny. (I only hear them complaining about it when they're returning their costumes at the end of the day.)

The "furry dressed characters" are out meeting guests for about half an hour at a time when they're inside or its cooler out. Its less than that the warmer it is. But yes, they do get very warm sweaty in the costumes (I work in costuming & deal with the dirty stuff.)


New Member
been there, done that

Handling stroller returns at the end of the night can be pretty tough. I've seem CMs completely overwhelmed doing that job.

I worked in the House of Magic way back in the early 90's...but for one glorious week, I got to work Strollers. That was by far the toughest time I had down there. The puke and poo clean up on the thousands of strollers that came in at once was rough, but the total lack of air conditioning for that facility was the toughest part. It stays pretty hot even at that time of night down there. That being said, the guys who worked there full time were a lot of fun to work with and I stayed friends with several of them after my week was up. Disney also had plenty of fans and all the gatorade you could drink for the cast working there. (I'm not sure, but I believe they did get air conditioning at Strollers after I left in '94.)


Well-Known Member
Thats a great Idea! Post it up tp the DJ website!

It would have to come from within Disney. There are several mentions of dirty Disney jobs on the message board, but either Dirty Jobs hasn't approached Disney or vice versa. It would probably only happen if official Disney PR contacted the DJ producers and worked something out that way.

They don't have to show EVERYTHING... Just the stuff that gets common questions which wouldn't hurt the magic if revealed... How do you clean the bathrooms? What happens if someone gets sick on a ride? What is it like to work the night crew at the Magic Kingdom? How are lost children converted into AAs and installed in IASM? Things like that...


New Member
I worked in the House of Magic way back in the early 90's...but for one glorious week, I got to work Strollers. That was by far the toughest time I had down there. The puke and poo clean up on the thousands of strollers that came in at once was rough, but the total lack of air conditioning for that facility was the toughest part. It stays pretty hot even at that time of night down there. That being said, the guys who worked there full time were a lot of fun to work with and I stayed friends with several of them after my week was up. Disney also had plenty of fans and all the gatorade you could drink for the cast working there. (I'm not sure, but I believe they did get air conditioning at Strollers after I left in '94.)

oh yes, air conditioning all around... air conditioning is a wonderful thing...


Well-Known Member
It should be stated the even John Lassater worked in Custodial at Disneyland, and he even claims to have loved it, despite what you might think of the job. He said he enjoyed seeing guest's reactions, and being the first to give directions to lost guests.


It should be stated the even John Lassater worked in Custodial at Disneyland, and he even claims to have loved it, despite what you might think of the job. He said he enjoyed seeing guest's reactions, and being the first to give directions to lost guests.

Yup, I envy the custodial CMs sometimes. They get to work at their own pace for the most part, and get unlimited interaction with guests.


Premium Member
I think parking lot attendant would be the worst, standing in the blazing sun, with hot asphalt and people who are in large machines who have no clue what organized parking means. Of course, it's better for some of them who get a Segway now...

Frank Stallone

New Member
Custodial is actually a position that a lot of CMs try to get into the most. There are people returning after doing a CP that want a custodial role but they are often filled up. The 3rd shift custodial (which is what I do) pays a lot more than most regular CM jobs on property, plus you get to work by yourself, see things you don't get to see everyday, and power wash things down. Bathrooms are actually kind of fun to do because it isn't like your normal bathroom cleaning. We cover everything with a powerful foam (floors, walls, sinks, you name it) and then spray everything down. We often don't even have to get close to a toilet at all. You can make a complete mess and have fun doing it! :wave:

Do you speak Creole?


Well-Known Member
The princesses get hit on. Im not sure if its an all day thing or just the occasional person trying to be funny. (I only hear them complaining about it when they're returning their costumes at the end of the day.)

The "furry dressed characters" are out meeting guests for about half an hour at a time when they're inside or its cooler out. Its less than that the warmer it is. But yes, they do get very warm sweaty in the costumes (I work in costuming & deal with the dirty stuff.)

It think even more than getting hit on, the "creepy" guests would really get to me (if I was female)

I was in line to see Ariel once with my kids. The guy in front of us - about 30 or so - had a doll he made of Ariel himself - ok thats not too bad. Then he wanted Ariel to look at it "longingly" because it had legs and she did not. OK, a little stange but passable. Then he wanted her to play with the doll with him. That's when Ariel got this look like "Mr. Handler, help me here please"

I think the fans that take things a little far would just creep me out.


Mrs. Jobson

Active Member
They don't have this job anymore, but I always felt badly for the CM on Kiliminjaro Safari, whose job was to simply stand next to a jeep holding a fake gun and repeat, "Little Red is ok!" every three minutes.

They've wisely eliminated that.
As a former KS Cast Member, being the Warden was a welcome relief. After about 10 rounds you would understand. I can think of many others things that could have been worse.
It think even more than getting hit on, the "creepy" guests would really get to me (if I was female)

I was in line to see Ariel once with my kids. The guy in front of us - about 30 or so - had a doll he made of Ariel himself - ok thats not too bad. Then he wanted Ariel to look at it "longingly" because it had legs and she did not. OK, a little stange but passable. Then he wanted her to play with the doll with him. That's when Ariel got this look like "Mr. Handler, help me here please"

I think the fans that take things a little far would just creep me out.


and that does sound wierd...especially for a grown man......but i wonder if he might have been mentally challenged. Some people have disabilities and you would never know unless you spent some time with them, a lot of them do not know boundaries or are unable to realize social norms......maybe a possibility. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Do you speak Creole?

Heck no! Spanish either and I don't plan on learning Creole as it's probably one of the most annoying-sounding languages there are. One fellow CM insists on yelling in Creole every night simply to annoy others. The other Hatians laugh because they know what he's doing but we've caught on too. :mad:


Well-Known Member
I hate to come off as callous about this, but creepy people are creepy no matter how mentally challenged they may be. They may not have evil intent due to a disability, but mentally challenged people can be very scary and do harmful things, although vast majority of them have learned to avoid becoming a danger. It is a sad fact that people with disabilities indeed require a greater degree of understanding, but occasionally they can do serious harm. In fact, our mental health facilities have thousands of "sexual predators" whose biggest problems are adult sexual urges without the adult capacity to control them. Yes, making an Ariel doll is scary, and an adult man constantly standing in line for certain female characters takes . . . patience to deal with properly.

And on that happy note, I think that cleaning up after the horses is nothing campared to cleaning up after the dinosaurs in Animal Kingdom, the mammoth in SpaceShip Earth, the Yeti in Expedition Everest, or the Polar Bear in Maelstrom. No shovel has a handle big enough for that.
I hate to come off as callous about this, but creepy people are creepy no matter how mentally challenged they may be. They may not have evil intent due to a disability, but mentally challenged people can be very scary and do harmful things, although vast majority of them have learned to avoid becoming a danger. It is a sad fact that people with disabilities indeed require a greater degree of understanding, but occasionally they can do serious harm. In fact, our mental health facilities have thousands of "sexual predators" whose biggest problems are adult sexual urges without the adult capacity to control them. Yes, making an Ariel doll is scary, and an adult man constantly standing in line for certain female characters takes . . . patience to deal with properly.

And on that happy note, I think that cleaning up after the horses is nothing campared to cleaning up after the dinosaurs in Animal Kingdom, the mammoth in SpaceShip Earth, the Yeti in Expedition Everest, or the Polar Bear in Maelstrom. No shovel has a handle big enough for that.

First of all I wasnt making an excuse for this mans behavior by implying he might have a mental disability. If he was normal....then he was indeed creepy....no way for us on this forum to know that....i was only speculating.....and I know you didnt mean to offend, and I do not want to start a flame war or a battle of words, as I hate that kind of stuff here in these forums, but in the way you worded your response it did come off a little offensive. You see you never know who you are talking to on these boards as I am a father of a 12 year old daughter who is mentally challenged. To look at her you would never know unless you spent time with her. I am fully aware that a lot of people who act criminally are mentally diminished, but so are there many thousands who are completely fine who become the worst criminals out there.
Once again I know you didnt mean to come off that way.....but I was a little offended. no need to apologize I just wanted you to know, so you could maybe put your point a little differently perhaps next time.

just my two pennies


Well-Known Member
First of all I wasnt making an excuse for this mans behavior by implying he might have a mental disability. If he was normal....then he was indeed creepy....no way for us on this forum to know that....i was only speculating.....and I know you didnt mean to offend, and I do not want to start a flame war or a battle of words, as I hate that kind of stuff here in these forums, but in the way you worded your response it did come off a little offensive. You see you never know who you are talking to on these boards as I am a father of a 12 year old daughter who is mentally challenged. To look at her you would never know unless you spent time with her. I am fully aware that a lot of people who act criminally are mentally diminished, but so are there many thousands who are completely fine who become the worst criminals out there.
Once again I know you didnt mean to come off that way.....but I was a little offended. no need to apologize I just wanted you to know, so you could maybe put your point a little differently perhaps next time.

just my two pennies

It's also a matter of definition. We all "know" that it is outside of North American social norms for a grown man to ask a face character to play dolls with you. So by extension somone who wants to do that is not "normal"

I do know where you are going with this though. I have been around some challenged kids at times, and somtimes they just act in a certain way because they do not understand social interaction.

However, this guy seemed pretty "normal". He was there by himself, waited in line, had this big talk with her about how he made the doll. Had her hold it and took pictures, and then started to "dance" it around and play with it and wanted her to join in.

Regarless of if he was "challenged" or not, if I was Aerial that day , it would have made me uncomfortable.

It's also a matter of definition. We all "know" that it is outside of North American social norms for a grown man to ask a face character to play dolls with you. So by extension somone who wants to do that is not "normal"

I do know where you are going with this though. I have been around some challenged kids at times, and somtimes they just act in a certain way because they do not understand social interaction.

However, this guy seemed pretty "normal". He was there by himself, waited in line, had this big talk with her about how he made the doll. Had her hold it and took pictures, and then started to "dance" it around and play with it and wanted her to join in.

Regarless of if he was "challenged" or not, if I was Aerial that day , it would have made me uncomfortable.


and given the case you said he looked normal, then perhaps he was just a wierdo.....I was just speculating to the fact that maybe he was challenged...I was in no way excusing his behavior...as If I would have witnessed it I would have felt the same way you do...

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