Todd H
Well-Known Member
My worst WDW experience was not guest or CM related. A few years back, I volunteered to keep my youngest son while everyone else went to ride Splash Mountain, since he was not tall enough to ride (as an aside, he will be tall enough for the first time when were at the Magic Kingdom in 26 days!!! YAY!!!). So, after the whole crew (wife, two older kids, my father and my wife's mother) left to queue up, I went over to the smoking area right there by Splash/BTMRR and had a quick burn. Then I decided that we would walk around the Briar Patch and browse while we waited for everyone to finish riding. So, I walked over there and parked the stroller and went to unstrap my son from the seat and it was then that the smell just took my breath away. My little guy was just swimming in feces. It was everywhere. It must have been an inch deep in the stroller. So, I hurriedly ran over to the POC bathrooms, totally forgetting that there were bathrooms right where I was located, and locked myself in the family restroom for probably a good half-hour while I cleaned him up. I needed a good tub to plunk him down in to wash him and he wouldn't fit in the sink (I tried). Meanwhile, everyone's done with Splash and my wife is calling me to find where we're located and I'm not answering the phone because I'm up to my elbows in feces, so she's freaking out. It was a fiasco from the get-go and one Disney memory I will never, ever forget.
I had that happen once when my little boy was about 1.5-2 years old. Don't feel bad. It happens to us all.