World of Color


Well-Known Member
Anyone else see the note from Al Lutz on the Miceage front page today? It apparently doesn't look good for AP parties or general public soft openings.

We're just three weeks away from the grand opening, and they haven't said a word about anything regarding soft openings or previews. :eek:


Active Member
Anyone else see the note from Al Lutz on the Miceage front page today? It apparently doesn't look good for AP parties or general public soft openings.

We're just three weeks away from the grand opening, and they haven't said a word about anything regarding soft openings or previews. :eek:
That is scary!


Well-Known Member
Anyone else see the note from Al Lutz on the Miceage front page today? It apparently doesn't look good for AP parties or general public soft openings.

We're just three weeks away from the grand opening, and they haven't said a word about anything regarding soft openings or previews. :eek:
Extremely bummed about Al's note today. :( I was looking forward to soft openings. Maybe there's still hope...


Not old, just vintage.
It seems so odd to me that they wouldn't do any soft openings at all. Every attraction/show that I can remember has had at least a few test runs with the general public before the official debut. If nothing else, it provides them the opportunity to practice/adjust their crowd control methods. I think with a show this is especially crucial since rides and such have crowd control measures already built in. Weird. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
it's hard to believe they won't hold any soft openings. you'd think they would want to test out crowd control, viewing area arrangements, showpass system.. I'm sure they've already tested that thoroughly after-hours but they need to test it out with actual guests. Not to mention, let the APs see it beforehand so that they don't flood the park on opening day!

But it's important to remember that everything is always subject to change. They usually won't announce soft openings in advance, so it's possible they may surprise us with an unexpected preview sometime soon (hopefully!).


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
To me, not announcing soft opening means that they are still working on the show elements, fine-tuning, etc.

They won't do soft openings until they are ready. Heck, the whole shebang might not even open on time if they aren't ready yet. :shrug:

It wouldn't be the first time.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
To me, not announcing soft opening means that they are still working on the show elements, fine-tuning, etc.

They won't do soft openings until they are ready. Heck, the whole shebang might not even open on time if they aren't ready yet. :shrug:

It wouldn't be the first time.

right, it's possible they're tweaking the show for last-minute adjustments. But I highly doubt they would delay the June 11th opening, especially since its been announced to the national media, travel agencies, people planning their vacations, etc. I don't think they want another Murphy incident!


Active Member
right, it's possible they're tweaking the show for last-minute adjustments. But I highly doubt they would delay the June 11th opening, especially since its been announced to the national media, travel agencies, people planning their vacations, etc. I don't think they want another Murphy incident!
EXACTLY! They'd be the laughing stock!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
right, it's possible they're tweaking the show for last-minute adjustments. But I highly doubt they would delay the June 11th opening, especially since its been announced to the national media, travel agencies, people planning their vacations, etc. I don't think they want another Murphy incident!

True, that also may be why they aren't announcing soft openings. That way they don't feel pressured to be ready BEFORE the opening date...just BY the opening date.


Well-Known Member
To me, not announcing soft opening means that they are still working on the show elements, fine-tuning, etc.

They won't do soft openings until they are ready. Heck, the whole shebang might not even open on time if they aren't ready yet. :shrug:

It wouldn't be the first time.

*cough*Light Magic*cough*

I can see them delaying the official opening, but not the giant party.


Well-Known Member
Looks like another Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage. No time to preview, we're gonna' run before we can walk.

Not just Finding Nemo Submarines.... Toy Story Midway Mania also opened up very quickly in DCA, with only a couple days of "soft openings" before the Grand Opening and running through a busy summer. Pirate's Lair on Tom Sawyer Island also had no soft opening, nor did its stunt show, it all just opened on Memorial Day Weekend and everyone ran to be the first in line at the raft dock. Same thing with Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy; no soft opening or preview. Captain EO also just opened suddenly without previews.

Now that you mention it, and from those five examples from the last three years, Disneyland Resort hasn't been doing much of anything when it comes to soft openings and previews and test shows. Stuff just goes BAM! and it's open and going through the first busy season right away.

Very different from WDW operations, to be sure. I wonder if that's on purpose, or if it's just a weird coincidence?


Well-Known Member
it's hard to believe they won't hold any soft openings. you'd think they would want to test out crowd control, viewing area arrangements, showpass system...

Very true.

To be fair, since I started this part of the topic, Al Lutz didn't say they won't have any soft openings. But just that things are looking dim for a big soft opening push for weeks prior to June 11th. Here's exactly what he posted on, for the record;

"Editor's Note 5/20: Tension is rising by the day in Team Disney Anaheim's executive suites over the June 10/11 premiere dates for World of Color. Any plans for specific AP previews have gone out the window, soft openings for the general public are looking less likely, and now even the Cast Member Previews planned for early June are hanging by a thread. Unless you're a contest winner or a media type, June 11 at 9PM may be the first time you'll have a chance to see this new water show. (And don't believe a thing that says about those 10PM closing times for DCA; TDA's just playing brain games with you.) - Al Lutz"

It's not promising from that info, but at least there's still a slim chance. And I am sure there will be at least a few nights of soft openings in there by early June. :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
please disregard my last post.. :lookaroun

as far as WoC, not much to report there.. testing continues night after night, everything seems to be running smoothly in time for the June 11th opening. EDIT - forgot to mention that DL has been scheduling dancers/characters from the Entertainment Dept. for a new WoC preshow. I'm not sure when or where this preshow will take place, whether it will be for every show or just the grand opening. I guess we'll find out in a couple of weeks!

a bit of news for Paradise Park. With the vines now being trained up, it looks like the trellises are here to stay. i'm glad they decided not to remove them after all!



a look at Paradise Park from across the bay, with the platform in maintenance mode and programming trailers still in place.


and in case you missed last week's blog entry - a look at the Wall-E scene from the show


Less than 20 days left until the show officially premieres!


Not old, just vintage.
please disregard my last post.. :lookaroun

as far as WoC, not much to report there.. testing continues night after night, everything seems to be running smoothly in time for the June 11th opening. EDIT - forgot to mention that DL has been scheduling dancers/characters from the Entertainment Dept. for a new WoC preshow. I'm not sure when or where this preshow will take place, whether it will be for every show or just the grand opening. I guess we'll find out in a couple of weeks!

a bit of news for Paradise Park. With the vines now being trained up, it looks like the trellises are here to stay. i'm glad they decided not to remove them after all!



a look at Paradise Park from across the bay, with the platform in maintenance mode and programming trailers still in place.


and in case you missed last week's blog entry - a look at the Wall-E scene from the show


Less than 20 days left until the show officially premieres!

I think the trellises are growing on me too. (No pun intended...) Glad they kept them. *dumps some Miracle Gro on the vines*


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Steven Davison has a new blog entry, with a video:


I can’t believe how close we are to the opening! It’s been a crazy few months, but I’m having a great time putting together this show.

Today I’m sharing a first look at how we’re getting the fountains to “dance.” Since “World of Color” doesn’t have any live performers, the fountains will become our dancers and actors. To help with staging the fountains, we brought in Joshua Horner. Josh is a fantastic choreographer from Australia. One of his dreams was to work with Walt Disney Imagineering on a show. Well, I am glad we were able to make his dream come true!

We asked Josh to take the musical score for the show and create a style and choreographic point of view for each number. Whether it was the signature look to the show’s theme, or the lush balletic moves in “Part of Your World,” Josh put his heart and soul into the movement of each piece.

The end result of his work was inspiring. We brought the creative team together and had Josh present his ideas. For each of us it became a wonderful fount of inspiration that sparked new ideas and really helped shaped the show.

Today we’ll give you a glimpse into the process.

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