working out for Disney

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
It was a URI. Don't get me wrong, UTI's are utterly awful. In fact, I prefer the URI to a UTI. This is just the upper respiratory bug that's been going around since school started. We really thought it might be Covid since it came with gastro issues, but negative for us on multiple tests.

I'm so sorry you tested positive and are feeling so poorly. I hope your symptoms have improved since your last post. I can understand your anger as well. You've taken so many precautions and the one to give it to you and your son not only wasn't as careful but didn't get it as badly. Get some rest and get plenty of fluids. If anyone can get to the store, Pedialyte is one of the best things to have handy for this.

I am sorry! You know, I was wracking my brain about URI and it seems so obvious now. I even googled and UTI kept coming back as a result. Anyway, how is that going? Are you feeling a bit better? I hate this time of year where school is back in and there is an explosion of different viruses going around. I hope you're all well by now.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Checking in with a full body circuit workout, my first wo since I got sick. I downloaded this app where you indicate what type of workout you want and the equipment you have and AI generates a workout for you. I took it down a few notches. I walked instead of running on my treadmill and I didn't go as heavy with the weights. It might have been ambitious for my first workout. I am not going out for a walk, though. I am supposed to wear a mask when I go out and it's currently 90 and super humid. I am still congested, too. Wearing a mask is just going to be unpleasant. So, I am staying in.

I took my final dose of Paxlovid last night and I am ready to move on from this and look forward to my AZ trip.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

Checking in with a full body circuit workout, my first wo since I got sick. I downloaded this app where you indicate what type of workout you want and the equipment you have and AI generates a workout for you. I took it down a few notches. I walked instead of running on my treadmill and I didn't go as heavy with the weights. It might have been ambitious for my first workout. I am not going out for a walk, though. I am supposed to wear a mask when I go out and it's currently 90 and super humid. I am still congested, too. Wearing a mask is just going to be unpleasant. So, I am staying in.

I took my final dose of Paxlovid last night and I am ready to move on from this and look forward to my AZ trip.
How is your ds


Well-Known Member
Hi all :) Checking in with a leg update since I can't work out for a bit.

I think I had shared that they wanted to take more from my leg, just to be on the safe side. It wasn't anything with full anesthesia like the first one, but it was bigger and more involved than I anticipated. It went well, I think, but parts of it just felt like such a mess. The new surgical assistant initially got tripped up by the word "distal" and tried to put me in a bizarre position for the procedure, then she mixed up the needle sizes as well as the surgeon's glove size. During the procedure, I had to ask for more numbing meds multiple times because I could feel pain. Then there was the size of the incision. Pre procedure, the PA told me it should be small enough that I shouldn't have to come back in and should be able to remove my own stitches. I saw the area she circled, but I asked to see things before they bandaged me, because it felt like much more. It was, and I have to come back in for a follow up and removal. It's still only 1/4-1/3 the size of my first incision, but considerably larger than the circled area. Thankfully, the pain has been minimal so far. The area is much lower down on my calf and closer to horizontal, which seems to work better with the natural movement of the leg. I will forever be worried about infection, so I'm keeping it bandaged and covered in ointment most of the day. Hopefully I'll have results in the next week or two.

In the meantime, there's work and the kids are ridiculously busy. Sam starts play this weekend and both girls have homecoming. It's hard to believe it's already the 5th week of school!


Well-Known Member
I am sorry! You know, I was wracking my brain about URI and it seems so obvious now. I even googled and UTI kept coming back as a result. Anyway, how is that going? Are you feeling a bit better? I hate this time of year where school is back in and there is an explosion of different viruses going around. I hope you're all well by now.
You weren't feeling well and it's one that isn't always condensed into acronym form. Thankfully, I'm back to normal (for the most part), but poor Sam got it. She at the non-stop annoying cough phase, which means she should be good by the weekend. Sounds like Paxlovid has been very helpful for you.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Hi all :) Checking in with a leg update since I can't work out for a bit.

I think I had shared that they wanted to take more from my leg, just to be on the safe side. It wasn't anything with full anesthesia like the first one, but it was bigger and more involved than I anticipated. It went well, I think, but parts of it just felt like such a mess. The new surgical assistant initially got tripped up by the word "distal" and tried to put me in a bizarre position for the procedure, then she mixed up the needle sizes as well as the surgeon's glove size. During the procedure, I had to ask for more numbing meds multiple times because I could feel pain. Then there was the size of the incision. Pre procedure, the PA told me it should be small enough that I shouldn't have to come back in and should be able to remove my own stitches. I saw the area she circled, but I asked to see things before they bandaged me, because it felt like much more. It was, and I have to come back in for a follow up and removal. It's still only 1/4-1/3 the size of my first incision, but considerably larger than the circled area. Thankfully, the pain has been minimal so far. The area is much lower down on my calf and closer to horizontal, which seems to work better with the natural movement of the leg. I will forever be worried about infection, so I'm keeping it bandaged and covered in ointment most of the day. Hopefully I'll have results in the next week or two.

In the meantime, there's work and the kids are ridiculously busy. Sam starts play this weekend and both girls have homecoming. It's hard to believe it's already the 5th week of school!

Wow. What was up with the surgical assistant? It seems like they might teach what words like "distal" mean on these courses. That would make me a little unsettled. Is it normal to be told to remove your own stitches? I have either had the dissolving ones or the traditional ones. I don't like the idea of removing my own stitches. It makes me queasy to think about it. I am hoping the pain remains minimal and your results are good. That is so crazy your daughters are in the 5th week of school. The kids here went back on Tuesday.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning

I used that AI app again today. I asked it to create a lower body workout that was about an hour and focused on muscular endurance and it did. I think I might wait a few more days before attempting strength training. I decreased the weights I typically use by a considerable amount and it was still difficult for me. Tomorrow might be a yoga day. lol

I happened to look at our flights to Phoenix and when we booked them, the flight was 8:35 AM. They changed the time (without notifying us) to 6:34 AM. Ugh. At least it's on the way there, so it stings a little less. I think it would have sucked more on the return. I guess I can look at it like 2 bonus vacation hours. lol


Well-Known Member
Wow. What was up with the surgical assistant? It seems like they might teach what words like "distal" mean on these courses. That would make me a little unsettled. Is it normal to be told to remove your own stitches? I have either had the dissolving ones or the traditional ones. I don't like the idea of removing my own stitches. It makes me queasy to think about it. I am hoping the pain remains minimal and your results are good. That is so crazy your daughters are in the 5th week of school. The kids here went back on Tuesday.

I can only imagine the doctor's reaction if he came in and found me in the position she'd originally planned. As for stitch removal, I asked if I could do it on my own. They allowed me after the biopsy. They offered to have me drive back in for it, but it's such an ordeal going there. They suggested a local doctor may also be willing to do the removal if it was only a few, but I felt like I wanted to try on my own. After the months of intensive wound care following the infection procedures, I felt like removing a few stitches was something I could handle. This one is bigger, so not something they're willing to let me do on my own.

Oh, I know! The schools where I grew up in NJ started back on the 7th. With the projected heat and buildings lacking air conditioning, I don't even think they've even had a full day of school.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm skipping my workout today because the one road leading into the farm market was closed for quite a while this morning, so I wound up helping offload produce including some 50 pound bags of potatoes. I come down the other road from the opposite direction


Well-Known Member
My husband and I wondered about him changing his tune on the covid vaccine and masks. He got sick so fast and he is in a much worse state than husband when he first tested positive. We had a back and forth with the doctor's office, while his fever kept rising even with alternating Advil and Tylenol. He was 104 yesterday. We finally got a script for paxlovid, and I feel so much better now. He still had a fever this AM, but it's 101 and he has only had one dose of the Paxlovid. I am sure with additional doses, he will continue to improve.

This whole thing has me feeling better about the vaccine's effectiveness over time. I think even after a year since my husband's booster he had some protection. His symptoms were very mild before he started Paxlovid. My son's experience was much different, it knocked him down so quickly and he went downhill so fast. I was in close contact with my husband while he was the most contagious and I am still testing negative (but I am not taking that for granted).
I'm sorry he (and you) had to go through that. I hope it made him stop and think a bit, though. It's been a while since I've had time to check in....looking forward to seeing how things are now!!


Well-Known Member
I talked to a nurse practitioner over the phone. She said I had the worst set of symptoms of pts she’s spoken to so far in the current uptick. She prescribed me paxlovid, stuff for my dry cough and prescription strength Mucinex. I get these dry coughing fits and I can’t catch my breath.

I wasn’t going to bother with getting help. I didn’t think my symptoms were bad enough. She was very patient with me. It’s hard for me to speak right now bc I’m so hoarse and congested.
This sounds MISERABLE. I'm so sorry! And it's so're the one who takes all the precautions and then you get it worse than hubby. I DID read or hear that masking doesn't really help the wearer a whole lot, but is instead meant to prevent of spread BY the wearer. Since you didn't have it yet, your mask didn't really do's your husband who needed to wear a mask so he didn't give it to you. There were all sorts of statistics like...if the person who tested positive wears a mask, the risk of spread is reduced by like 75%. If only the negative person masks, then there's only like a very small reduction of risk. But if BOTH people wear a mask, there's only like a 5% chance that it spreads? I don't remember was a long time ago that all that info was going around, but I do remember that the best is if both people wear a mask, and the most important is that the person who has covid wears one.


Well-Known Member
Hi all :) Checking in with a leg update since I can't work out for a bit.

I think I had shared that they wanted to take more from my leg, just to be on the safe side. It wasn't anything with full anesthesia like the first one, but it was bigger and more involved than I anticipated. It went well, I think, but parts of it just felt like such a mess. The new surgical assistant initially got tripped up by the word "distal" and tried to put me in a bizarre position for the procedure, then she mixed up the needle sizes as well as the surgeon's glove size. During the procedure, I had to ask for more numbing meds multiple times because I could feel pain. Then there was the size of the incision. Pre procedure, the PA told me it should be small enough that I shouldn't have to come back in and should be able to remove my own stitches. I saw the area she circled, but I asked to see things before they bandaged me, because it felt like much more. It was, and I have to come back in for a follow up and removal. It's still only 1/4-1/3 the size of my first incision, but considerably larger than the circled area. Thankfully, the pain has been minimal so far. The area is much lower down on my calf and closer to horizontal, which seems to work better with the natural movement of the leg. I will forever be worried about infection, so I'm keeping it bandaged and covered in ointment most of the day. Hopefully I'll have results in the next week or two.

In the meantime, there's work and the kids are ridiculously busy. Sam starts play this weekend and both girls have homecoming. It's hard to believe it's already the 5th week of school!
Homecoming already?? I swear we didn't have homecoming until October when I was in school! It was always frigid! But I could be wrong. Hope you are healing quickly!!


Premium Member
Homecoming already?? I swear we didn't have homecoming until October when I was in school! It was always frigid! But I could be wrong. Hope you are healing quickly!!

The school I teach at has Homecoming this week. It seems like every other year it is early in September and then either late September/early October. I like early October better, it gives the students at school more time to settle into the school year and alumni a fall activity.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
This sounds MISERABLE. I'm so sorry! And it's so're the one who takes all the precautions and then you get it worse than hubby. I DID read or hear that masking doesn't really help the wearer a whole lot, but is instead meant to prevent of spread BY the wearer. Since you didn't have it yet, your mask didn't really do's your husband who needed to wear a mask so he didn't give it to you. There were all sorts of statistics like...if the person who tested positive wears a mask, the risk of spread is reduced by like 75%. If only the negative person masks, then there's only like a very small reduction of risk. But if BOTH people wear a mask, there's only like a 5% chance that it spreads? I don't remember was a long time ago that all that info was going around, but I do remember that the best is if both people wear a mask, and the most important is that the person who has covid wears one.

He wore a mask as soon as he tested positive. He always wore it around me and he slept in an entirely different part of the house. We weren't eating meals together or watching TV together. I wore a mask in the house, too. I only took it off in my bedroom and to shower/brush teeth/wash face etc. I could have gotten it from my son, because he was not wearing a mask until he started showing symptoms and you're at your most contagious before you feel ill.

The only thing I'd do differently is getting on Paxlovid sooner. I started getting sinus infection symptoms on a Wednesday night, but I didn't test positive until Friday morning when I was really and truly sick. I thought you needed to test positive to get Paxlovid. But I guess because I was living with 2 people who were sick, I could have gotten it. I was at the tail end of the 5 day limit to start it when I finally talked to a nurse practitioner. I am not 100% back to normal yet. I am very exhausted and I have this muscular pain in my back that goes up into my neck. I am hoping this is just part of this illness and not long covid.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
He wore a mask as soon as he tested positive. He always wore it around me and he slept in an entirely different part of the house. We weren't eating meals together or watching TV together. I wore a mask in the house, too. I only took it off in my bedroom and to shower/brush teeth/wash face etc. I could have gotten it from my son, because he was not wearing a mask until he started showing symptoms and you're at your most contagious before you feel ill.

The only thing I'd do differently is getting on Paxlovid sooner. I started getting sinus infection symptoms on a Wednesday night, but I didn't test positive until Friday morning when I was really and truly sick. I thought you needed to test positive to get Paxlovid. But I guess because I was living with 2 people who were sick, I could have gotten it. I was at the tail end of the 5 day limit to start it when I finally talked to a nurse practitioner. I am not 100% back to normal yet. I am very exhausted and I have this muscular pain in my back that goes up into my neck. I am hoping this is just part of this illness and not long covid.
Feel Better Get Well Soon GIF by reactionseditor
Sending lots of pixie dust your way

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Checking in with a lower body+cardio workout. I am trying to find a sweet spot for where I am right now. I did a 45 min treadmill workout with hills and speed runs on Saturday and I took about 3 naps yesterday. I don't know if that is my body pushing back or what.

We had a couple of REI excursions booked for next week in AZ and I canceled them. I really don't feel like kayaking or hiking. If I feel better, I'll see if there is availability closer to the dates and rebook. TBH, those two activities don't sound like fun in triple digit heat without recovering from covid. 😂 There are other things to do if we don't do those things. We'll still have lots of fun anyway and I am really looking forward to this trip. :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

Checking in with a lower body+cardio workout. I am trying to find a sweet spot for where I am right now. I did a 45 min treadmill workout with hills and speed runs on Saturday and I took about 3 naps yesterday. I don't know if that is my body pushing back or what.

We had a couple of REI excursions booked for next week in AZ and I canceled them. I really don't feel like kayaking or hiking. If I feel better, I'll see if there is availability closer to the dates and rebook. TBH, those two activities don't sound like fun in triple digit heat without recovering from covid. 😂 There are other things to do if we don't do those things. We'll still have lots of fun anyway and I am really looking forward to this trip. :)
Make sure to hydrate and NOT OVER DO until you're 100%


Well-Known Member

Checking in with a lower body+cardio workout. I am trying to find a sweet spot for where I am right now. I did a 45 min treadmill workout with hills and speed runs on Saturday and I took about 3 naps yesterday. I don't know if that is my body pushing back or what.

We had a couple of REI excursions booked for next week in AZ and I canceled them. I really don't feel like kayaking or hiking. If I feel better, I'll see if there is availability closer to the dates and rebook. TBH, those two activities don't sound like fun in triple digit heat without recovering from covid. 😂 There are other things to do if we don't do those things. We'll still have lots of fun anyway and I am really looking forward to this trip. :)
Phoenix AZ temps next few days is over 100 degrees daily. Take care.

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