working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
Sorry it's been a rough time. Were the tests inconclusive? Why would they take more and not just remove the whole spot?

The biopsy was PRAME negative, meaning there was no melanoma detected in the sample. There was, however, melanocytic growth present. This could be nothing, because the sample was a preexisting mole being pulled by scar tissue. It could also be precancerous growth, so they just want to be cautious and remove it all.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.

With all of the stress lately, I just couldn’t find it in me to get back on the bike last week. A college tour before more medical stuff on Friday ignited the walking bug a bit. It was only about 2 miles, but it was in the heat. I figured if that felt good, I could do that at home… and it’s certainly not my first time hot walking. Yesterday, I went out for a bit and went 2.85 miles. I was hoping to go 3, but I think I made up for it with hours of back to school shopping later in the day. I got back out there today and went 3.4 miles, so I’m building. I’ll share walk pics at the end.

It took several days for me to hear more about my test results. I was in the middle of an appointment for K and had just been told to go to another specialist for some odd red patches on her leg (in addition to her having a sinus infection) when my phone rang. Yeah…my dr wants to cut more out of my leg. It’s not full blown surgery, but another excision. It’s going to be done right after Labor Day. On our way to the pharmacy (to get meds for K), we had a near miss with an absolutely terrifying accident. So, my head just hasn’t been in a good place.

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I am sorry about your leg. I had my fingers crossed that it was going to be a watch and wait situation for you. How frustrating. I had been following along in your TR and I read about your near miss. It seems like when it rains, it pours sometimes. I hope you are able to have some drama-free down time for yourself soon.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I did a full body workout and I went out for a walk. I needed the walk. My son made a pasta dish for dinner last night called pasta alla norcina and it was really good. I had to walk it off today. 😂

I am trying to finish packing for my trip, but I feel like I might be overweight. There is going to be a wide range of temps, so I have packed things like shorts and sundresses, but also, jeans and sweaters. I may very well hit 50 lbs when I am done packing. I am bringing Nilla wafers and a box of Jell-O instant vanilla pudding to make banana pudding. I have told my nephews I am making a surprise treat for them. I can get everything else but those 2 items.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning. ☂️

Checking in with a kettlebell workout. My shoulder feels weird now. I hope everyone who lives on the East Coast has their power and made it through the storms unscathed. It just got really windy and rained heavily. There was a thunderstorm, but it was pretty low-key.

I am just wrapping up my packing today. This trip is giving me stomach aches and it's so dumb to get anxious about it. I'm going throw everything in there, weigh it and if it's within the weight limit, call it a day. As long as I have the essentials, I'm good. I can always buy anything else when I get there.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry about your leg. I had my fingers crossed that it was going to be a watch and wait situation for you. How frustrating. I had been following along in your TR and I read about your near miss. It seems like when it rains, it pours sometimes. I hope you are able to have some drama-free down time for yourself soon.

When they sent me the notification for a follow up in late November (2 months earlier than my standard follow up) I really thought that was the sign that they were going to just wait and see. Needless to say, I was surprised when they called to say they wanted to schedule a procedure. I was right in the middle of an appointment for K and her doctor had just told me to consult a different kind of specialist for some strange marks on her leg and foot. So, the timing was absolutely awful. They also diagnosed her with a sinus infection, so we were about a half a mile from the store for her meds when the accident occurred. I hate being all doom and gloom, but it's just been a rough patch.


Well-Known Member
Good morning. ☂️

Checking in with a kettlebell workout. My shoulder feels weird now. I hope everyone who lives on the East Coast has their power and made it through the storms unscathed. It just got really windy and rained heavily. There was a thunderstorm, but it was pretty low-key.

I am just wrapping up my packing today. This trip is giving me stomach aches and it's so dumb to get anxious about it. I'm going throw everything in there, weigh it and if it's within the weight limit, call it a day. As long as I have the essentials, I'm good. I can always buy anything else when I get there.

I'm glad you guys are Ok from the storms. I saw several of my high school and college friends posting storm damage. While I certainly don't want severe weather, I wish we could get some of that rain.

That sounds like a great approach with the packing. I'm one of those pack the kitchen sink because I don't want to forget anything, while my husband is perfectly fine with picking up whatever he missed while we're away. While it's sometimes a pain to go out and get what he left behind, he's definitely skipping all of the anxiety and stress that plagues my packing.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
When they sent me the notification for a follow up in late November (2 months earlier than my standard follow up) I really thought that was the sign that they were going to just wait and see. Needless to say, I was surprised when they called to say they wanted to schedule a procedure. I was right in the middle of an appointment for K and her doctor had just told me to consult a different kind of specialist for some strange marks on her leg and foot. So, the timing was absolutely awful. They also diagnosed her with a sinus infection, so we were about a half a mile from the store for her meds when the accident occurred. I hate being all doom and gloom, but it's just been a rough patch.

Don't worry about being doom and gloom. It is totally normal. You've had a lot come down on you in a very short amount of time. It is totally natural to be upset. That is a lot of stuff to try to mentally handle.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Checking in with a full body workout. It was only 30 min, so it was perfect for today. I got my hair done today, too. I am all packed. My suitcase weighs in at 48#, the limit is 50! 😂

I am honestly thinking of seeing if the gate agent will move my seat away from my husband. He got upset with me because he bought the tickets through British Airways, but the flight is code share operated by American. I checked in on the American app and he got angry because I didn't check in on BA. I got a notification from the AA app on my phone to check in. He thought I shouldn't have done that because the tickets say American on them and not BA. I said, "That is because we are flying on American." We'd been on the phone and he said he had to go. He called me back 15 minutes later saying he'd been on the phone with someone from BA. My husband told me the BA agent said I should check in on AA. OMG, are you serious? I made an excuse to get off of the phone, because I was frustrated. Oh, I did go to the BA app and when I checked in, an American Airlines ticket appeared. :p

Then this AM, he was talking about th SAG-AFRA strike. He said the studios were just going to bide their time until people needed to work again. I said I'd read an article that some movie star were contributing money to keep the writers afloat. He started talking about screen plays done by AI and then he said, "Movie stars like George Clooney and Leonardo DiCaprio were contributing money to help the writers get through the strike." :cautious:

My flight leaves just before 6 and I have a 4 hour layover in Dublin before going onto Manchester on a puddle jumper. 😂 The upside is Dublin is 100x easier to transit through than Heathrow, we have lounge bookings at Dublin and we have nice seats on the plane.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Greetings from beautiful, sunny Northwest England. 😜

I made it here in one piece. The flight to Dublin was really great. It went by quickly and the cabin crew was really great. The flight to Manchester was…interesting. 😉

I haven’t done much proper exercise, but we went for a 2 hour walk in a nearby forest and got seriously rained on yesterday. We surprised my MIL with a fancy afternoon tea on Friday. When it stops raining today, we’re going to take my MIL’s dog for a long walk, since she is unable to take her longer walks.

We really don’t have any solid plans while we’re here. We’ve been hanging out with my ILs

I brought my yoga mat. I just haven’t felt like doing any yoga. Maybe I’ll do some later on today since it’s rainy.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning

I haven’t been as active as I would like. It has been raining a ton. I did do some yoga on Monday. It’s been difficult to find a large enough space for even my yoga mat. My mil’s house is insanely cluttered. It’s like an obstacle course getting around. I won’t even mention the unsanitary conditions.

We flew to Nice yesterday. We had plans to go to a private beach, but I have a surprise and unwelcome “visitor”. 😒 I’ll see how I feel later, bc I’m feeling tired with a headache. If nothing else, I can still walk down to the beach and walk along it. There is a small roof top pool and since it’s early, I might go up there to do some gentle yoga. It’s been chilly in England. I was wearing long pants, a sweater and Jean jacket the past few days. It’s August. Ugh. I’m happy to have the warmer, sunny weather.


Premium Member
Good morning

I haven’t been as active as I would like. It has been raining a ton. I did do some yoga on Monday. It’s been difficult to find a large enough space for even my yoga mat. My mil’s house is insanely cluttered. It’s like an obstacle course getting around. I won’t even mention the unsanitary conditions.

We flew to Nice yesterday. We had plans to go to a private beach, but I have a surprise and unwelcome “visitor”. 😒 I’ll see how I feel later, bc I’m feeling tired with a headache. If nothing else, I can still walk down to the beach and walk along it. There is a small roof top pool and since it’s early, I might go up there to do some gentle yoga. It’s been chilly in England. I was wearing long pants, a sweater and Jean jacket the past few days. It’s August. Ugh. I’m happy to have the warmer, sunny weather.
Hope you feel better. A friend of mine just returned from a Sicily-Provenance trip and bright back Covid as a souvenir. Hers is mild so I hope whatever you have is mild too.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Hope you feel better. A friend of mine just returned from a Sicily-Provenance trip and bright back Covid as a souvenir. Hers is mild so I hope whatever you have is mild too.

That’s not my issue, thankfully. But it’s a good reminder to wear a mask in crowded spaces. I’ve worn them in the airports and all of my flights, but not in supermarkets and shops.


Well-Known Member
Good morning

I haven’t been as active as I would like. It has been raining a ton. I did do some yoga on Monday. It’s been difficult to find a large enough space for even my yoga mat. My mil’s house is insanely cluttered. It’s like an obstacle course getting around. I won’t even mention the unsanitary conditions.

We flew to Nice yesterday. We had plans to go to a private beach, but I have a surprise and unwelcome “visitor”. 😒 I’ll see how I feel later, bc I’m feeling tired with a headache. If nothing else, I can still walk down to the beach and walk along it. There is a small roof top pool and since it’s early, I might go up there to do some gentle yoga. It’s been chilly in England. I was wearing long pants, a sweater and Jean jacket the past few days. It’s August. Ugh. I’m happy to have the warmer, sunny weather.

I hope you enjoyed Nice! We never got to make it to that part of France, but I know my grandparents really loved it. I always remember them saying "Nice is nice." 🤣 I'm quite jealous of the chilly. It's still blazing hot and dry here. People are actually having pipes crack because the parched ground is contracting so much. I can understand the unwelcome visitor, but hopefully you were still able to enjoy your travel.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I hope you enjoyed Nice! We never got to make it to that part of France, but I know my grandparents really loved it. I always remember them saying "Nice is nice." 🤣 I'm quite jealous of the chilly. It's still blazing hot and dry here. People are actually having pipes crack because the parched ground is contracting so much. I can understand the unwelcome visitor, but hopefully you were still able to enjoy your travel.

Thank you! I had a great time. I really like going there because it's a very relaxed and beautiful place. It's a fantastic place for walking, too.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning ☀️

Checking in with a leg workout from yesterday and chest and back workout this AM. I got back Wed afternoon. I hadn't done any strength training in two weeks, so I am very sore after yesterday's w/o. I am struggling to walk, which is why I did chest and back today. 😂

I had a pleasant trip. I am glad to be home. I really liked going through Dublin and pre clearing US Customs and Immigration there at the airport. I'd read horror stories about 2 hour waits to get through, but it took us no longer than 10 min. I guess it depends on the time of year. When you land, your flight is treated like a domestic one.

Last week, it was about 9 AM UK time and my husband was getting alarm notices on his phone that someone had entered through the front door. He was texting and calling our son to no avail. This was my worst fear about leaving him alone for 2 weeks. The security alarm company called him to ask if he wanted the police dispatched, since my son wasn't responding we said yes. Meanwhile, we kept trying to call my son and he eventually picked up. He had no idea what was happening, so we told him the police were coming. My husband kept getting alerts that the door was being opened. My son had a quick peek while FaceTime-ing my husband, but the door was not being opened. So, it seemed like the sensors on the front door were malfunctioning. My husband stayed on the phone with my son when the police arrived and he said they were very nice. I was so relieved once I realized once the issue was.

I have photos if anyone wants to see them. I don't want to inundate the thread with unsolicited photos! 😂

Edit. I want to share this photo of my MIL’s dog. She likes to lie down like this on the floor and it makes me smile.
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Well-Known Member
Good morning ☀️

Checking in with a leg workout from yesterday and chest and back workout this AM. I got back Wed afternoon. I hadn't done any strength training in two weeks, so I am very sore after yesterday's w/o. I am struggling to walk, which is why I did chest and back today. 😂

I had a pleasant trip. I am glad to be home. I really liked going through Dublin and pre clearing US Customs and Immigration there at the airport. I'd read horror stories about 2 hour waits to get through, but it took us no longer than 10 min. I guess it depends on the time of year. When you land, your flight is treated like a domestic one.

Last week, it was about 9 AM UK time and my husband was getting alarm notices on his phone that someone had entered through the front door. He was texting and calling our son to no avail. This was my worst fear about leaving him alone for 2 weeks. The security alarm company called him to ask if he wanted the police dispatched, since my son wasn't responding we said yes. Meanwhile, we kept trying to call my son and he eventually picked up. He had no idea what was happening, so we told him the police were coming. My husband kept getting alerts that the door was being opened. My son had a quick peek while FaceTime-ing my husband, but the door was not being opened. So, it seemed like the sensors on the front door were malfunctioning. My husband stayed on the phone with my son when the police arrived and he said they were very nice. I was so relieved once I realized once the issue was.

I have photos if anyone wants to see them. I don't want to inundate the thread with unsolicited photos! 😂

Edit. I want to share this photo of my MIL’s dog. She likes to lie down like this on the floor and it makes me smile.
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That's scary about the alarm issues. I'm glad your son was OK and there were no actual problems at the house. Our minds start going through worst case scenarios when things like this happen, especially if you can't reach the other party on the phone.

Cute doggie!!! I can't speak for the others, but I'd love to see pics.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Checking in with a 60 minute full body kettlebell workout. It was good; I enjoyed it. As I was working out, my husband came down with a mask on his face to tell me he'd tested positive for covid, but that the test itself was expired. So, he went out to CVS and bought more tests and he got confirmation from that. I am currently negative, but I know that is likely a temporary state. I wore my mask a lot more than my husband did. I wore it as soon as I entered the airport and did not remove it until I collected my bags and left the airport. When I took the train, I wore it. We ate outdoors whenever possible. Whenever a supermarket was busy, I put on a mask. He only wore his mask while on the aircraft. He just had a Telehealth apt and was prescribed paxlovid. My son refuses to wear a mask outside of his bedroom because of "micro plastics." He has absolutely no protection against this, as he refuses to get vaccinated. I am worried about him the most.

I'm just going to mini vent here. I get that people cough and sneeze for various reasons that have nothing to do with covid, but people should still be covering their mouths, sneezing into Kleenex, etc. I saw none of that in England. People just coughed and sneezed into the air. The night before we left, we took my MIL, SIL and nephews out to eat in a pub. The table next to us was a couple who both would go into coughing and sneezing fits without covering at all. My SIL was so disgusted, she went to the bar to tell them we'd like to be re-seated elsewhere in the pub. Even before covid, it was unacceptable to sneeze/cough without containing them. So gross, with a hint of selfishness.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning. ☀️

Checking in with a leg workout. I hopefully I won't be sore like I was on Friday. I think my body has gotten adjusted to lifting weights again and I won't have any issues. I am going to go out for a stroll at lunch, too. My husband's fever broke and has been broken for 24 hours, so I guess he is on the mend. He really wasn't too ill. He's been wearing a mask and I have been wearing a mask when I am not in my bedroom or showering. He has been relegated to the family room, because that is where the other TV is, plus there is a bathroom and it is adjacent to his office. I worked out in the garage, since I usually use the family room. Once my husband is testing negative, I'd like to do a nuclear cleaning all over the house to get rid of any lingering nasties. 😂

We are supposed to go to DC for the weekend (but that may change). It's become a little tradition since we moved here. Initially, it was just supposed to be my husband and me, but we ended up asking our son, because we just left him alone for 2 weeks and we are going to Scottsdale for a week in a couple of weeks. I don't think he is crazy about being alone. We're taking the train down and we'd like him to wear a mask, due to his (lack of) vaccination status. I know he is going to push back, but I am going to tell him he has to stay home if he refuses. I am just really worried about him getting this since he has no protection from it. He is an adult, but at the same time, he lives here on our dime while attending school. I feel like this is such a small and reasonable request. 👍

Aaaand, he's tested positive. I am so frustrated with him. This didn't have to happen. He listens to all of the submoronic tools on YouTube who have not one iota of medical training. I am hoping he doesn't get too ill. Ugh.
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Well-Known Member
Good morning. ☀️

Checking in with a leg workout. I hopefully I won't be sore like I was on Friday. I think my body has gotten adjusted to lifting weights again and I won't have any issues. I am going to go out for a stroll at lunch, too. My husband's fever broke and has been broken for 24 hours, so I guess he is on the mend. He really wasn't too ill. He's been wearing a mask and I have been wearing a mask when I am not in my bedroom or showering. He has been relegated to the family room, because that is where the other TV is, plus there is a bathroom and it is adjacent to his office. I worked out in the garage, since I usually use the family room. Once my husband is testing negative, I'd like to do a nuclear cleaning all over the house to get rid of any lingering nasties. 😂

We are supposed to go to DC for the weekend (but that may change). It's become a little tradition since we moved here. Initially, it was just supposed to be my husband and me, but we ended up asking our son, because we just left him alone for 2 weeks and we are going to Scottsdale for a week in a couple of weeks. I don't think he is crazy about being alone. We're taking the train down and we'd like him to wear a mask, due to his (lack of) vaccination status. I know he is going to push back, but I am going to tell him he has to stay home if he refuses. I am just really worried about him getting this since he has no protection from it. He is an adult, but at the same time, he lives here on our dime while attending school. I feel like this is such a small and reasonable request. 👍

Aaaand, he's tested positive. I am so frustrated with him. This didn't have to happen. He listens to all of the submoronic tools on YouTube who have not one iota of medical training. I am hoping he doesn't get too ill. Ugh.
I'm so sorry he's tested positive! Does this mean you will cancel your DC trip, or will you just go without him? I know you've been worried about least once he's over it, he shouldn't get it again soon, so him refusing to wear a mask shouldn't be a big deal for a few weeks anyway. Are you still testing negative?

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning.

I did a kettlebell workout today. You get cardio and some strength training in one workout, so it works for me. I can't wait to get my regular workout space back. My garage is a mix of certain types of gym equipment, unpacked boxes from when we moved here and shop machinery. I found a small space where I can do certain workouts without hitting a wall or knocking something over. It looks like a resort for daddy longlegs, though, b/c there are loads of them in this space. We can share, though. I told them they could stay as long as they didn't come crawling over to me while I am on the ground doing ab crunches or planks. So, far, it's working well. 😂

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