working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
I hope the biopsy result come back ok for your. Sending good vibes!

Fingers crossed for a negative result from the biopsy.

Thank you! ❤️ I'm trying to not go too crazy with this. It's still hard to have an "it'll be OK" feeling about it all when I've only had one other mole biopsy and we know the outcome on that. This looks nothing like that mole, but time will tell. Hopefully I won't have to wait for too long on the results...and hopefully I can find some good distractions!

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Another workout check in. I biked for 8.85 miles, did three sets of arms exercises with the 8lb dumbbells, and a series of weighted oblique twists on the plate. I got in some extra walking today as well. It was my 6 month check up with the cancer center. I probably walked around 1.5-2 miles when all was said and done. Unfortunately, they also saw a concerning mole on the scar tissue from my previous excision. The mole has been there the entire time, but it's changed since previous pictures. They said it can happen where the scar tissue pulls the pigment as it heals, but a recurrence of a melanoma in the area is also a possibility. Needless to say, I'm not happy. They performed what they called a "punch biopsy," added a couple of stitches (I hate stitches!) that I'll have to remove in about 10 days, and now the nervous wait for biopsy results.

I am hoping it's just scar tissue, too. I am sorry you're having to deal with this uncertainty.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I am back to intermittent fasting. Diet and exercise choices are still a part of this, but one can't outrun a bad diet, not when it is as bad as I have had.

This is what worked for me as an eating plan before when I lost 60 lbs for an Ohio trip where I told myself I could go if I would fit on all the coasters of King's Island and Cedar Point and I made it happen.

I gained nearly all of my lost weight back over the years and I want to have the same energy again.
Getting older makes things hurt quicker and heal not as fast as well.

I know it sounds cooky and I would have never have done interimittent fasting before, but it works for me, if nothing else because I can tell myself a start time and cut off time to my day. 12-6 eating is actually fairly easy for me. It helps me say no and it is difficult for me to go over my daily calorie number to lose one or two lbs a week. I stick to as much protein and less carbs most days on the 12pm-6pm eating plan.
With better energy working out on stairs or climber daily for a half hour will become easier again.
All small potatoes but I hope this could help someone who is not sure about intake patterns of healthy eating.

I wish you all well on your goals.

My son does IF. He seems to like it. I think the only time that is hard for him is on Saturdays, when my husband makes bacon with his breakfast.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I've just been doing strength training workouts and walking. I am up at my husband's apartment. I did a kettlebell workout this morning. I was supposed to meet my husband in Central Park for a work outing tomorrow, but they cancelled it because of a heat advisory. I am glad, because I really wasn't in the mood to make my way over there and walk amongst the scent of dank 🥦 and urine in the air. That's crazy they let people walk around and smoke weed. In NJ, it's only in private spaces. (I'm not against it being legal. I just really hate the smell.)


Well-Known Member
My son does IF. He seems to like it. I think the only time that is hard for him is on Saturdays, when my husband makes bacon with his breakfast.
And I think that is important too. It's ok to make the weekends a time where you let.loose. that is when I allow myself added carbs like bread or pasta if it is fun because that is most likely when to dine out and make the big calories worth it. Keeps it from being hard to keep.
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Well-Known Member
I've been working out after work or during lunch of late. Yesterday, I biked about 9.25 miles. So, my speed is gradually improving. This time, I'm trying not to force it and let the faster pedaling come as I grow stronger. The next decision will be when to add more time to my rides. I was hoping to record the exact mileage this morning, but it seems someone is coming on and biking after me, but not resetting the measurements. I know because I know I didn't bike over 11 miles! 🤣 After that, I did barre legs and obliques with the lighter kettlebell.

Other than that, I'm just trying to fill up time during my results waiting game with positive plans (that I'll hopefully be able to keep in the future). I got a call from the hospital yesterday that put me in freak out mode...which just turned out to be a survey. :rolleyes: In any event, I have something tied to a college visit in October that should be an amazing experience for K. I'll share more as we get closer, but I am being superstitious and starting to have the "what if I medically can't go" worries. It was booked before the biopsy, so again...worried. I've also still be toying with the idea of a grad trip for her. While I don't think I can swing a full-on trip to WDW and a weeklong cruise to the Caribbean probably won't go over well with Sam and David. Still, if all goes as planned, Sam will be playing in southern California early next August. A lot will hinge on budget and travel schedules, but we should be playing in the Anaheim area (fields are marked in red). So, you can probably guess what I'm thinking just by looking at the map. Kendall is also the one that likes getting her National Parks stamps, so I may add in some parks related side trips just with her or for break days. I know it's a big state and we'll really be there for softball, but it's nice to add in some vacation fun. Fingers crossed all goes well so we can make all of this happen.



Well-Known Member
Made it back onto the bike again yesterday for another 9+ mile ride along with some arms and abs/obliques with the kettlebell. I was hoping to bike a little bit farther, but I was faced with some nervousness and frustrations before I ever got on the bike. Obviously, I'm anxiously waiting on those test results. I'm really not expecting them until next week, but sometimes they work quickly. They already messed with me once on Tuesday. I got a call from the hospital just to have it be a customer service survey. Then yesterday, right before I was getting on the bike, I got a MyChart alert that I had new test results available. I got myself all worked up just for it to be the official write up on my chest Xrays. The doctor already gave me his verbal assessment. Needless to say, my pedaling was inconsistent as I came down from the emotional roller coaster...well, only part of the way down since I'm still waiting.

I think I'm going to take today and tomorrow as break days, since I need to have some built in to make this a routine/habit and then get back to it on Sunday. This will also work well for when ball starts back up in September. Tomorrow, we're planning on a double feature at the movies. Instead of doing the popular "Barbenheimer" combo, we're doing "Haunted Barbie." 🤣

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Made it back onto the bike again yesterday for another 9+ mile ride along with some arms and abs/obliques with the kettlebell. I was hoping to bike a little bit farther, but I was faced with some nervousness and frustrations before I ever got on the bike. Obviously, I'm anxiously waiting on those test results. I'm really not expecting them until next week, but sometimes they work quickly. They already messed with me once on Tuesday. I got a call from the hospital just to have it be a customer service survey. Then yesterday, right before I was getting on the bike, I got a MyChart alert that I had new test results available. I got myself all worked up just for it to be the official write up on my chest Xrays. The doctor already gave me his verbal assessment. Needless to say, my pedaling was inconsistent as I came down from the emotional roller coaster...well, only part of the way down since I'm still waiting.

I think I'm going to take today and tomorrow as break days, since I need to have some built in to make this a routine/habit and then get back to it on Sunday. This will also work well for when ball starts back up in September. Tomorrow, we're planning on a double feature at the movies. Instead of doing the popular "Barbenheimer" combo, we're doing "Haunted Barbie." 🤣

Gosh, I hate that feeling. You're expecting news and you see an email from the same place, only to open it and see it's something totally different than what was expected.

I haven't seen Barbie or Oppenheimer yet. My husband just left to see Oppenheimer, but I want to wait for it to stream. I'd rather watch it from the comfort of my couch where I can pause it for bathroom breaks. It's weird for me to see Barbie as a feminist movie. Not that long ago, she was critiqued for her anatomically impossible figure and being inspo for eating disorders. Now, she's like the height of feminism? When did this happen? It is a toy that mirrors current social attitudes to sell more toys. The only agenda Barbie ever had was sales. I am going to watch it, I'm a streamer. lol

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning.

Today is my rest day. I have been mixing it up with kettlebells and regular weights. I feel like I need a break/deload for a bit. I am going to visit my MIL in a week and a half, so I am trying to make it until then. I won't have access to a gym, but I am still going to go for walks. I'm bringing my yoga mat, too. I am thinking of starting the day with some gentle yoga.

I am going out for a walk later. The weather is a little cooler and the humidity seems less oppressive.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning. ☀️

Checking in with a full body workout. It was short and sweet-43 minutes with warm up and cool down. Perfect for Mondays. I felt invigorated when I was done and not totally depleted. So, it's a good start to the week.

I'm making this roasted tomato, chickpea and feta sheet pan thing for dinner tonight. It looked quick and easy, so why not? My life is so exciting. :p

I hope everyone has a good day. :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Good morning. ☀️

Checking in with a full body workout. It was short and sweet-43 minutes with warm up and cool down. Perfect for Mondays. I felt invigorated when I was done and not totally depleted. So, it's a good start to the week.

I'm making this roasted tomato, chickpea and feta sheet pan thing for dinner tonight. It looked quick and easy, so why not? My life is so exciting. :p

I hope everyone has a good day. :)
Speaking of exciting yoga, inside walking and canning peach salsa while listening to the boys Potterthon will be today's highlight's
Yesterday was James' birthday and "we" made Tonkatsu Ramen" pics in chit chat


Well-Known Member
Gosh, I hate that feeling. You're expecting news and you see an email from the same place, only to open it and see it's something totally different than what was expected.

I haven't seen Barbie or Oppenheimer yet. My husband just left to see Oppenheimer, but I want to wait for it to stream. I'd rather watch it from the comfort of my couch where I can pause it for bathroom breaks. It's weird for me to see Barbie as a feminist movie. Not that long ago, she was critiqued for her anatomically impossible figure and being inspo for eating disorders. Now, she's like the height of feminism? When did this happen? It is a toy that mirrors current social attitudes to sell more toys. The only agenda Barbie ever had was sales. I am going to watch it, I'm a streamer. lol

Exactly! The wait is bad enough, but to tease me like that is torture.

I would like to see Oppenheimer, but it's a bit heavier than I can take at the moment. Streaming may also be the way to go when you consider the length. I had to make a run to the bathroom during Haunted Mansion. I only missed about 3 minutes, but it really made me miss being able to hit the pause button. As for Barbie and feminism, I don't want to spoil any of it, but angles on a lot of what you noted function as the backbone to the movie and its message. I was never big into Barbie while growing up, but I had a couple and K absolutely loved her. I still remember that Christmas where I spent hours after her bedtime assembling the Dream House. Ultimately, it was interesting to see how we both responded to this film. On top of it, we learned that my husband has tuned out every bit of Barbie marketing and products (including his kids' stuff) that he's ever seen. Apparently, he didn't realize that there were so many different Barbies. I really confused him when I told him my first doll from the Barbie universe was Malibu Skipper.


Well-Known Member
After a planned 2-day break, I was back at it yesterday. I pushed it off until the evening since I had to grocery shop and help K make dinner. I'm not sure if it was my frustrations with the medical stuff and some school issues, but towards the end, I found myself getting mad and ultimately pedaling harder. I was up to 9.33 miles. I wasn't feeling the rest of it, but I did it... three sets of a trio of arm exercises and more oblique work with the kettlebell. I've been watching the show "Is It Cake" during my biking, but I've only got two eps left. So, Im going to have to find something else to watch very soon. Having the right entertainment really is a huge help and makes the miles fly by.

Edit- I heard from the physician's asst a little while ago. The news is mixed, but she wanted to speak to me before the results posted to my account later today. The sample is negative for melanoma, but there are melanocytes present, so it's not considered a clean sample. Melanocytes are really just what gives the mole pigmentation, from what I understand, so it's really only an issue if they change. She said the dr may want to remove more from the area, or he may just want to watch it since it's being stretched out by evolving scar tissue. I asked her if removing more entailed another biopsy, or if it's full blown surgery. She said it's sort of in between. I should know more tomorrow afternoon after the dr reviews it and weighs in. I'm really hoping he says to just keep an eye on it.
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Well-Known Member
After a planned 2-day break, I was back at it yesterday. I pushed it off until the evening since I had to grocery shop and help K make dinner. I'm not sure if it was my frustrations with the medical stuff and some school issues, but towards the end, I found myself getting mad and ultimately pedaling harder. I was up to 9.33 miles. I wasn't feeling the rest of it, but I did it... three sets of a trio of arm exercises and more oblique work with the kettlebell. I've been watching the show "Is It Cake" during my biking, but I've only got two eps left. So, Im going to have to find something else to watch very soon. Having the right entertainment really is a huge help and makes the miles fly by.

Edit- I heard from the physician's asst a little while ago. The news is mixed, but she wanted to speak to me before the results posted to my account later today. The sample is negative for melanoma, but there are melanocytes present, so it's not considered a clean sample. Melanocytes are really just what gives the mole pigmentation, from what I understand, so it's really only an issue if they change. She said the dr may want to remove more from the area, or he may just want to watch it since it's being stretched out by evolving scar tissue. I asked her if removing more entailed another biopsy, or if it's full blown surgery. She said it's sort of in between. I should know more tomorrow afternoon after the dr reviews it and weighs in. I'm really hoping he says to just keep an eye on it.
So not really bad news, but could be better. I'm sorry...I hope it's not too bad and it's just a matter of watching it.

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