working out for Disney

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Well they finished the facade, and they were supposed to come at 9 yesterday to install the sun screens. They were 2 hours late and came without the cables because apparently the other company was supposed to do that part. And that company ALSO ordered the wrong screen for E's room. DH checked the emails and it's right in the emails, so it's their mistake. One of MANY. So now they are going to have to come back and fix that. The sun screens did get installed, but for some reason they ordered a manual one for E's room instead of an electric one, and the manual one has a thingy at the top, whereas the holes were drilled for the electric thingy near the bottom. In order to install the one they brought so at least she has A screen, they had to drill holes at the top. So when they come back to put in the electric one, there will be holes at the top. And when they did that back facade, they were supposed to shift the door over 10cm and make it wider, because the way it's always been, the heater sticks out from the wall several centimeters in front of the door, so we don't have the full width of the door to go through. So they were making it wider AND shifting it 10 cm so the heater wouldn't be in front of it. When they did the work, they forgot to shift it, but the new door opens the other way, making the opening behind the heater. You could JUST get the key into the lock, but it was awkward. So after those guys messed everything up and took forever doing it, this other guy was sent and he worked faster and better by himself than the other 3 guys did together and he ended up having to fix all their mistakes. They drilled the hole for the number box in the wrong place and had to cut a brand new panel. So he looked at the door and said what they COULD do is put in a lock that has a little turn dial rather than a key slot on the inside. You can still lock it and unlock it with the key outside, but on the inside you turn this little knobby thingy. This was after they had put in the new locks because the front door lock jammed and the keys didn't work. So we're already on our 3rd set of keys now, and the front door doesn't latch properly. You have to keep slamming it to get it to finally catch. So now DH sent an email to the company saying, "Look this is unacceptable. This the so manieth thing that got done wrong, and all of it was YOUR company that did it wrong. FIX IT!!!" So now they have to come Thursday to talk to us to figure out how to fix everything. The one guy did a really good job on everything HE did himself. But the other doofuses botched a bunch of stuff and then just kind of shrugged it off like "Oh well...oops." and at first we were willing to live with it. Like....the back door not being shifted we could live with with the turny lock instead of the's not what we ordered, and it's not ideal, but it works. They fixed the panel with the hole in the wrong place for the house number (which is also different from everyone else's and it was supposed to be the same). We can deal with those things. But the fact that they were supposed to put in the cables for the electric sunscreens and didn't, and they ordered the wrong screen for E's room despite it being correct in the email we sent, and then now having to redo the holes for it....we're just done with their "mistakes". At this point, it's just plain unacceptable. They just aren't paying attention to what they are they can come and do it over. We're so done with it!

And we leave for the US on the 25th, but I'm getting nervous. We had to move everything away from the walls for this, and we can't put it back until they are done. E hasn't had access to her closet for weeks. She's been living with tshirts and jeans from the dresser and whatever dresses were in the laundry when she moved her bed against the closet. But we're going to need to get to the closet to pack for Disney, and she also needs to be able to use the sewing machine for some stuff she wants to make before Disney. We're running out of time.

That is so frustrating. It's kind of ridiculous that you're expected to "live with" errors they made when you own the house. I'd be more accepting if this was a rental, but this is your house. This whole situation you've described is exactly why I don't want my kitchen remodeled. They never complete the project in the time they've estimated and then you're chasing up on people to fix their mistakes. By that time, they've moved on to the next job, so there's no urgency to correct the errors. Plus your life is disrupted by all of this.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
@Sans Souci The lantern flies have made it down here. 😭 I just killed eight of them, and all I did was walk outside to quickly take a phone call.
Ugh. It seems like the adults are out earlier. I was seeing the nymphs the end of June. The nymphs and adults are out full force in my backyard. I am concerned they're going to destroy my trees, which was a big reason I fell in love with this house when we moved here.

They jump so fast, too. It took me 4 attempts to stomp on one the other day. Jerks.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Ugh. It seems like the adults are out earlier. I was seeing the nymphs the end of June. The nymphs and adults are out full force in my backyard. I am concerned they're going to destroy my trees, which was a big reason I fell in love with this house when we moved here.

They jump so fast, too. It took me 4 attempts to stomp on one the other day. Jerks.
I haven't seen any adults yet; just late stage nymphs. They're still faster than the early stage nymphs.

For some reason I keep seeing them outside my office building. I've seen a few of them at home, but not as many.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I've been busy with the holiday and other summer stuff. My husband took the week of the 4th off, so we just did staycation kind of stuff. I have been walking and doing kettlebells, but I stopped, because my shoulder was a little sore. So, I just went back to regular weights and avoided shoulder exercises for a bit.

Last week, my husband and I went to Fleming's for our anniversary. It was just awkward. He ordered his steak "medium" and the server said in a very patronizing tone, "Now, you know that means your steak will be pink in the middle, right?" I was just thinking, "Oh, no, you did not." So, my husband was kind of offended and said, "Of course, I know that. Do you think I've never had steak before?" Shots fired. So, the rest of the meal was tense. She was passive aggressive with my husband after that encounter and it just made me so anxious. I have no idea why she thought he didn't know that. When I ordered, she thought I said 'well' when I said 'rare' and she gave this look like I'd sprouted a third eye on my head. I was just so anxious and was relieved to leave. I was left wondering why she thought we were two yahoos who didn't understand steak temps/doneness.


Well-Known Member
That is so frustrating. It's kind of ridiculous that you're expected to "live with" errors they made when you own the house. I'd be more accepting if this was a rental, but this is your house. This whole situation you've described is exactly why I don't want my kitchen remodeled. They never complete the project in the time they've estimated and then you're chasing up on people to fix their mistakes. By that time, they've moved on to the next job, so there's no urgency to correct the errors. Plus your life is disrupted by all of this.
Absolutely. E finally decided she needed her room back and couldn't wait for them to fix the screen, so she put everything back so she has access to her closet and stuff again. Good thing, because DH just said he was told that it probably won't get done until after the vacation. They just don't have any reason to hurry it along. We have doors and windows and functioning screens, even if they aren't what we ordered. No damage is going to be caused by what still isn't done or by any of the mistakes, so they're not rushing to do the work...they have a lot of other projects that are a higher priority.

Our Disney trip is only a little more than a week away, so we're concentrating on our exercise to build up endurance and leg muscles, and making sure all the Is are dotted and the Ts are crossed. This is the first time I'm traveling with just my daughter, so it's a bit different, but I do have to say that my husband didn't help much with the trip last year to Wyoming, and it was pretty much solely on me to make sure everything was done, and now I do have my daughter, who is a lot better about helping out than my husband was last year. He was always really helpful in the logistics of trip planning up until last year, and it was like he just decided he didn't care if we went or not. So this time, since he's not going, I've done everything myself anyway, but I AM worried that I'm forgetting something because that was always his contribution. I'd do all the research for where to go, things to do, opening times, costs, etc, and he'd book the hotels and we'd look up restaurants together. I'd make the itinerary and we'd look at flights together and he'd handle the visa waivers for him and the kids. Last time, I had to do pretty much everything but the visa waivers, and he went through after I booked all the hotels and wanted me to book cheaper ones and the ONE I gave in on was the one that turned out to be a horrible hotel, which I had TOLD him it was going to be and he didn't believe me. I guess that's the advantage of doing it myself this time....I don't have to compromise on any of the stuff, and have anxiety that it's going to be bad. But I DO have to bear the anxiety that I'm possibly forgetting to do something that he used to do. I did the visa waiver a couple of months ago, so that's done, and I have hotels, ADRs, flights...but I still have this feeling I'm missing something, and with only a week to go, it's stressing me out and I have tornado dreams. I checked that our passports and my residence card still have more than 6 months of validity, but I do need to make sure all of our stuff like our airline tickets are printed out so we don't have to worry about technology crashing or finding the right email, etc. Does anyone have a handy checklist for travel that they swear by? I've got a few lists made, like groceries we'll need once we land in Florida, and I have a list of confirmation numbers for our ADRs and tours, a list of food and wine offerings with our top priorities and also maybes highlighted (color coded), and of course an itinerary. I also have a packing list. I still need to charge all our power banks and make sure we have cords for charging them, etc....what am I forgetting?


Well-Known Member

I've been busy with the holiday and other summer stuff. My husband took the week of the 4th off, so we just did staycation kind of stuff. I have been walking and doing kettlebells, but I stopped, because my shoulder was a little sore. So, I just went back to regular weights and avoided shoulder exercises for a bit.

Last week, my husband and I went to Fleming's for our anniversary. It was just awkward. He ordered his steak "medium" and the server said in a very patronizing tone, "Now, you know that means your steak will be pink in the middle, right?" I was just thinking, "Oh, no, you did not." So, my husband was kind of offended and said, "Of course, I know that. Do you think I've never had steak before?" Shots fired. So, the rest of the meal was tense. She was passive aggressive with my husband after that encounter and it just made me so anxious. I have no idea why she thought he didn't know that. When I ordered, she thought I said 'well' when I said 'rare' and she gave this look like I'd sprouted a third eye on my head. I was just so anxious and was relieved to leave. I was left wondering why she thought we were two yahoos who didn't understand steak temps/doneness.
Maybe she had a table who ordered steak and complained when it was brought because they said it wasn't cooked right. There are horror stories of people trying to order chicken medium, or not understanding that things like Mayo aren't generally vegan and get ugly when a server tries to tell them it's not possible to give them what they ordered for some reason. Maybe her patience was just worn thin that night and she didn't want to have another discussion? You'd be surprised how stupid people can be. I had to argue with a customer at the store the other day because she had grabbed two pieces of fabric from the Euro bin, and thought she should only have to pay one euro for the two pieces, because the price label hadn't said it was one Euro per piece. I was like "Look at EVERYTHING in this store....everything is on a shelf or in a basket...the price listed is for ONE of the item. You don't get the entire row of candle holders for the listed price." I also had to argue with a woman because we were out of the terrace umbrella stands. The only one left was the show model that holds up the umbrella show model. She was insisting I sell her the show model, and we can't do that unless it's being discontinued and we don't have anymore left. She said if it wasn't for sale, we shouldn't have a price label on it, so I told her that was kind of the point of a show SHOW people what it looked like and how much it would cost so they'd know whether that was what they wanted. I told her she was welcome to order the stand either online or with one of my colleagues, and she angrily said she didn't want to order it, she wanted it today and I told her I was sorry, I couldn't sell her the show model because then we'd have no way to display the umbrella. She snottily told me that I wasn't very nice and stomped off to ask one of my colleagues, who told her the exact same thing that I did, and then she said she was going to call our head office to complain that we weren't helpful.

I also had to argue with a customer who grabbed 15 lightbulbs but hadn't checked to make sure they were all the same and then argued with me that he had had help from one of my colleagues, they MUST all be the same despite them having different product codes and having different wattage. No no, he had gotten them all from the same space, so they were all the same, and I had to explain that sometimes customers decide they don't want something and they put it in a random spot rather than trying to find where they got it from in the first place, so it's a good idea to look at the product codes to make sure they are indeed the same. And I had to argue with someone because he insisted that the sign said the side table was 50 euros when it rang up as 55. I called the department and had them look, and they said the sign said 55. He still insisted, so he went to go look himself. I told him to take a picture of it, which he did, and proudly presented it to me with a smirk, and then argued with me when I showed him that the sign was for the cordona model, not the cone model that he had that was NEXT to the cordona model. He insisted that the sign was in the wrong place, so I needed to give him the lower price, and I had to explain that no, it's NOT in the wrong place...the cordona model is next to the cone model, but we are OUT of the cordona model at the moment, which is why that space is empty.

And I can't tell you how many times I have to redirect people who are standing at the service desk with a return when there are TWO signs on the service desk that say returns have to be done at the register. People just don't bother to read the signs and then get mad that they are standing there for 10 minutes while I'm helping the people who came to the cash register like they were supposed to. I try not to be patronizing, but I can't help but sometimes point out the sign when someone is particularly shirty with me and is demanding to be helped like RIGHT now, and I have to say "I'm sorry, I have to do both the service desk and the register. That's why we have the sign to help direct people, because I can't see someone standing at the desk when I'm at the register." Not exactly RUDE, but it does kind of shift the blame back on them for not paying attention. That doesn't excuse your server for being patronizing with you when you hadn't even done anything stupid, but maybe she had just dealt with a whole pack of idiots that day and she was done.


Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Absolutely. E finally decided she needed her room back and couldn't wait for them to fix the screen, so she put everything back so she has access to her closet and stuff again. Good thing, because DH just said he was told that it probably won't get done until after the vacation. They just don't have any reason to hurry it along. We have doors and windows and functioning screens, even if they aren't what we ordered. No damage is going to be caused by what still isn't done or by any of the mistakes, so they're not rushing to do the work...they have a lot of other projects that are a higher priority.

Our Disney trip is only a little more than a week away, so we're concentrating on our exercise to build up endurance and leg muscles, and making sure all the Is are dotted and the Ts are crossed. This is the first time I'm traveling with just my daughter, so it's a bit different, but I do have to say that my husband didn't help much with the trip last year to Wyoming, and it was pretty much solely on me to make sure everything was done, and now I do have my daughter, who is a lot better about helping out than my husband was last year. He was always really helpful in the logistics of trip planning up until last year, and it was like he just decided he didn't care if we went or not. So this time, since he's not going, I've done everything myself anyway, but I AM worried that I'm forgetting something because that was always his contribution. I'd do all the research for where to go, things to do, opening times, costs, etc, and he'd book the hotels and we'd look up restaurants together. I'd make the itinerary and we'd look at flights together and he'd handle the visa waivers for him and the kids. Last time, I had to do pretty much everything but the visa waivers, and he went through after I booked all the hotels and wanted me to book cheaper ones and the ONE I gave in on was the one that turned out to be a horrible hotel, which I had TOLD him it was going to be and he didn't believe me. I guess that's the advantage of doing it myself this time....I don't have to compromise on any of the stuff, and have anxiety that it's going to be bad. But I DO have to bear the anxiety that I'm possibly forgetting to do something that he used to do. I did the visa waiver a couple of months ago, so that's done, and I have hotels, ADRs, flights...but I still have this feeling I'm missing something, and with only a week to go, it's stressing me out and I have tornado dreams. I checked that our passports and my residence card still have more than 6 months of validity, but I do need to make sure all of our stuff like our airline tickets are printed out so we don't have to worry about technology crashing or finding the right email, etc. Does anyone have a handy checklist for travel that they swear by? I've got a few lists made, like groceries we'll need once we land in Florida, and I have a list of confirmation numbers for our ADRs and tours, a list of food and wine offerings with our top priorities and also maybes highlighted (color coded), and of course an itinerary. I also have a packing list. I still need to charge all our power banks and make sure we have cords for charging them, etc....what am I forgetting?
I remember you saying that your husband rebooked some hotels on that trip to save money and they ended up being sketchy. As long as you have your important travel documents and visa, you're golden. You can always get an uber to Walmart and buy cables, power banks, tooth paste, socks, etc. I put my passport in my purse the night before I travel.

For travel list, I used to use an excel spreadsheet. Now I just make groupings of like items as a list in Notes on my phone and then ✅ when I've packed the item.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Maybe she had a table who ordered steak and complained when it was brought because they said it wasn't cooked right. There are horror stories of people trying to order chicken medium, or not understanding that things like Mayo aren't generally vegan and get ugly when a server tries to tell them it's not possible to give them what they ordered for some reason. Maybe her patience was just worn thin that night and she didn't want to have another discussion? You'd be surprised how stupid people can be. I had to argue with a customer at the store the other day because she had grabbed two pieces of fabric from the Euro bin, and thought she should only have to pay one euro for the two pieces, because the price label hadn't said it was one Euro per piece. I was like "Look at EVERYTHING in this store....everything is on a shelf or in a basket...the price listed is for ONE of the item. You don't get the entire row of candle holders for the listed price." I also had to argue with a woman because we were out of the terrace umbrella stands. The only one left was the show model that holds up the umbrella show model. She was insisting I sell her the show model, and we can't do that unless it's being discontinued and we don't have anymore left. She said if it wasn't for sale, we shouldn't have a price label on it, so I told her that was kind of the point of a show SHOW people what it looked like and how much it would cost so they'd know whether that was what they wanted. I told her she was welcome to order the stand either online or with one of my colleagues, and she angrily said she didn't want to order it, she wanted it today and I told her I was sorry, I couldn't sell her the show model because then we'd have no way to display the umbrella. She snottily told me that I wasn't very nice and stomped off to ask one of my colleagues, who told her the exact same thing that I did, and then she said she was going to call our head office to complain that we weren't helpful.

I also had to argue with a customer who grabbed 15 lightbulbs but hadn't checked to make sure they were all the same and then argued with me that he had had help from one of my colleagues, they MUST all be the same despite them having different product codes and having different wattage. No no, he had gotten them all from the same space, so they were all the same, and I had to explain that sometimes customers decide they don't want something and they put it in a random spot rather than trying to find where they got it from in the first place, so it's a good idea to look at the product codes to make sure they are indeed the same. And I had to argue with someone because he insisted that the sign said the side table was 50 euros when it rang up as 55. I called the department and had them look, and they said the sign said 55. He still insisted, so he went to go look himself. I told him to take a picture of it, which he did, and proudly presented it to me with a smirk, and then argued with me when I showed him that the sign was for the cordona model, not the cone model that he had that was NEXT to the cordona model. He insisted that the sign was in the wrong place, so I needed to give him the lower price, and I had to explain that no, it's NOT in the wrong place...the cordona model is next to the cone model, but we are OUT of the cordona model at the moment, which is why that space is empty.

And I can't tell you how many times I have to redirect people who are standing at the service desk with a return when there are TWO signs on the service desk that say returns have to be done at the register. People just don't bother to read the signs and then get mad that they are standing there for 10 minutes while I'm helping the people who came to the cash register like they were supposed to. I try not to be patronizing, but I can't help but sometimes point out the sign when someone is particularly shirty with me and is demanding to be helped like RIGHT now, and I have to say "I'm sorry, I have to do both the service desk and the register. That's why we have the sign to help direct people, because I can't see someone standing at the desk when I'm at the register." Not exactly RUDE, but it does kind of shift the blame back on them for not paying attention. That doesn't excuse your server for being patronizing with you when you hadn't even done anything stupid, but maybe she had just dealt with a whole pack of idiots that day and she was done.

If she said that to my husband without the tone, I don't think my husband would have snapped back. It was unmistakably condescending. I think she thought we were not on the up and up b/c she asked me how long we'd been married and I totally drew a blank. I don't know why I did that. This happens to me sometimes and it usually happens when someone asks me how old someone is, or what year someone was born. Some times I think it is social anxiety. It's something I know, but when asked, I can't retrieve it for some reason. The next day was the 4th, which is our actual anniversary. We had some tasty grilled food with a tres leches cake and white sangria. It was a pleasant, low key day.

I know how people can be in retail. I used to work at Starbucks and this guy came in to buy a pound of coffee beans. I asked him if he wanted me to grind it for him and he asked "How much will it weigh after you grind it?" I stood there, thinking he was just playing around. I laughed, because I honestly thought he was trying to be funny. But then I realized he wasn't and I told him it would still be a pound. I felt bad for laughing afterwards, but it honestly never occurred to me that someone would think coffee beans would somehow lose mass after being ground. It definitely loses volume, so maybe that is what he was thinking when he asked? I don't know.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Yesterday I did a full body workout with weights and today I took a walk. I am experimenting with dropping one day of working out. I've been exhausted lately and I don't know why, so I am scaling back a bit.

Other than that, there's nothing else going on. :)


Premium Member
I remember you saying that your husband rebooked some hotels on that trip to save money and they ended up being sketchy. As long as you have your important travel documents and visa, you're golden. You can always get an uber to Walmart and buy cables, power banks, tooth paste, socks, etc. I put my passport in my purse the night before I travel.

For travel list, I used to use an excel spreadsheet. Now I just make groupings of like items as a list in Notes on my phone and then ✅ when I've packed the item.

I always put my identification for travel in my carryon bag the day before and then check about 15 times until I leave that it is still there. One time my husband was backing out of the driveway and I made him stop the car to make my id was in my wallet still, I had literally just checked it before carrying it out to the car!


Well-Known Member
I remember you saying that your husband rebooked some hotels on that trip to save money and they ended up being sketchy. As long as you have your important travel documents and visa, you're golden. You can always get an uber to Walmart and buy cables, power banks, tooth paste, socks, etc. I put my passport in my purse the night before I travel.

For travel list, I used to use an excel spreadsheet. Now I just make groupings of like items as a list in Notes on my phone and then ✅ when I've packed the item.
Well, that's another plus on this trip. My husband refuses to use ride sharing services like Uber and Lyft, but my daughter and I are both willing to use them. But we shouldn't need that for groceries. My best friend is coming into Orlando the same day we do and she will pick us up from the airport and take us to Universal to check in, then we will hit a Walmart/target to pick up groceries. I don't want to have to carry big bottles of shampoo and conditioner and soap with us and the stuff in the Disney Hotels does NOT work on my hair. So I have an app called Anylist where I can make shopping lists and such, and I have a grocery list for when we get to Orlando. Bestie will be there for a couple of days, so she will drive us if we need to go somewhere. But I charged all my powerbanks yesterday, and my camera batteries. I bought two extra batteries because the battery drains fast and the charging port on the camera itself seems to be broken, so I need to make sure I have plenty of batteries, and I have chargers for all of them, so I'm good there. I'm going to go buy more charging cables for phones, etc today, because I had a whole bunch and they have all slowly disappeared when someone else asked me if I had an extra and then never returned it to me. My husband has a bad habit of stealing my power banks and charging cords. "Do you have a powerbank and cable I can use?" Me: "sure. Here." and then I don't see it again until I ask months later "You know when you borrowed that power bank? Where did you put it?" "Didn't I give it back? I'm pretty sure I did." " Will you look in your backpack and your computer bag?" "It's not in there. I'm sure I gave it back." "Where are your backpack and computer bag?" And then I go and find it and the power bank is completely drained, or nearly so.

We bought two cheapy smartphones last summer at Walmart so we could call people because our phones cost way too much to do international. I asked him where his ended up, because I found MINE exactly where it was supposed to be, but his wasn't there. And I remember thinking when I put it there that I hoped he'd remember to put his there, too, or we were going to have a hard time finding it, and sure enough, his wasn't there yesterday. He says it should be there, and if it's not, he has no idea where it is. So I asked where his computer bag was. He wasn't even sure, but he gave me a few options and I went and looked and finally found it and sure enough, there was the phone, so thank goodness I found it. Now I just need to figure out how to get more money on it without changing the phone numbers so we can use them in the parks. There's a plan I found on the Walmart website for 2 devices that gives us unlimited data, calling, and texting for the month, but there's no button to click to actually buy it, and it has a phone number you have to text, but I can't do that from here. I'll have to wait until we land and then see if I can do it via the phone itself. Wish me luck!!


Well-Known Member
If she said that to my husband without the tone, I don't think my husband would have snapped back. It was unmistakably condescending. I think she thought we were not on the up and up b/c she asked me how long we'd been married and I totally drew a blank. I don't know why I did that. This happens to me sometimes and it usually happens when someone asks me how old someone is, or what year someone was born. Some times I think it is social anxiety. It's something I know, but when asked, I can't retrieve it for some reason. The next day was the 4th, which is our actual anniversary. We had some tasty grilled food with a tres leches cake and white sangria. It was a pleasant, low key day.

I know how people can be in retail. I used to work at Starbucks and this guy came in to buy a pound of coffee beans. I asked him if he wanted me to grind it for him and he asked "How much will it weigh after you grind it?" I stood there, thinking he was just playing around. I laughed, because I honestly thought he was trying to be funny. But then I realized he wasn't and I told him it would still be a pound. I felt bad for laughing afterwards, but it honestly never occurred to me that someone would think coffee beans would somehow lose mass after being ground. It definitely loses volume, so maybe that is what he was thinking when he asked? I don't know.
Was she asking how long you were married because you said it was your anniversary? Otherwise, why in the world did she need to know that? Did she think you were having some wild affair and she didn't want to be party to it by serving you? That seems an odd thing to ask unless someone has specifically said they are celebrating an anniversary.

That poor man...he MUST have been thinking in terms of volume. It's like that question, "What weighs more? A pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?" and people almost always say bricks. And I remember in high school, I was in the advanced math program, which meant I took everything a year early and then when I got to senior year, I took calculus, and all the other seniors had this class called Math Applications, which was basically math you apply to every day life...things like calculating sales tax and stuff. There were only 3 of us in Calculus (5 if you count the exchange student and someone from the school in the next town over who only came to school in our town so he could be a star on the basketball team when he couldn't even make the team at his own school.) The teacher asked us to help him grade a test for the math app class, and I graded one where it was a word problem about a sale. A refrigerator costs $750 and is on sale for 25% off. How much does it cost on sale? and the sale price was more than the original price. They never subtracted the amount, they added instead. :facepalm: Oops. I think the average person is just really not good at even basic math.


Well-Known Member
I always put my identification for travel in my carryon bag the day before and then check about 15 times until I leave that it is still there. One time my husband was backing out of the driveway and I made him stop the car to make my id was in my wallet still, I had literally just checked it before carrying it out to the car!
I'm like that too. Checking I have all the documents I need. And I will continue checking even after we are checked in, because I'm paranoid that I will have had it out to show the person at security or whatever and then I will forget to put it away. So if it's not in my hand, I'm afraid someone has managed to steal it or that I've dropped it, so then I have to check again to make sure it's where I think it is.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I always put my identification for travel in my carryon bag the day before and then check about 15 times until I leave that it is still there. One time my husband was backing out of the driveway and I made him stop the car to make my id was in my wallet still, I had literally just checked it before carrying it out to the car!

I do that, too. I check over and over again. I get so anxious when I have to travel by air. I'm not fearful of flying, it's the airport. I hate going through security and I just find airports overwhelming in general. They've made it so difficult to find a quiet space, too. I used to go to a near by gate that wasn't in use and just sit there for a bit, but the Philly airport removed a lot of gate seating to make room for more bars and restaurants.


Well-Known Member
I do that, too. I check over and over again. I get so anxious when I have to travel by air. I'm not fearful of flying, it's the airport. I hate going through security and I just find airports overwhelming in general. They've made it so difficult to find a quiet space, too. I used to go to a near by gate that wasn't in use and just sit there for a bit, but the Philly airport removed a lot of gate seating to make room for more bars and restaurants.
I hate waiting in airports but I learned in the United Club one can pay $60 for the day to find more peace and quiet , continuous food and drink throughout the day in a more relaxed setting.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Well, that's another plus on this trip. My husband refuses to use ride sharing services like Uber and Lyft, but my daughter and I are both willing to use them. But we shouldn't need that for groceries. My best friend is coming into Orlando the same day we do and she will pick us up from the airport and take us to Universal to check in, then we will hit a Walmart/target to pick up groceries. I don't want to have to carry big bottles of shampoo and conditioner and soap with us and the stuff in the Disney Hotels does NOT work on my hair. So I have an app called Anylist where I can make shopping lists and such, and I have a grocery list for when we get to Orlando. Bestie will be there for a couple of days, so she will drive us if we need to go somewhere. But I charged all my powerbanks yesterday, and my camera batteries. I bought two extra batteries because the battery drains fast and the charging port on the camera itself seems to be broken, so I need to make sure I have plenty of batteries, and I have chargers for all of them, so I'm good there. I'm going to go buy more charging cables for phones, etc today, because I had a whole bunch and they have all slowly disappeared when someone else asked me if I had an extra and then never returned it to me. My husband has a bad habit of stealing my power banks and charging cords. "Do you have a powerbank and cable I can use?" Me: "sure. Here." and then I don't see it again until I ask months later "You know when you borrowed that power bank? Where did you put it?" "Didn't I give it back? I'm pretty sure I did." " Will you look in your backpack and your computer bag?" "It's not in there. I'm sure I gave it back." "Where are your backpack and computer bag?" And then I go and find it and the power bank is completely drained, or nearly so.

We bought two cheapy smartphones last summer at Walmart so we could call people because our phones cost way too much to do international. I asked him where his ended up, because I found MINE exactly where it was supposed to be, but his wasn't there. And I remember thinking when I put it there that I hoped he'd remember to put his there, too, or we were going to have a hard time finding it, and sure enough, his wasn't there yesterday. He says it should be there, and if it's not, he has no idea where it is. So I asked where his computer bag was. He wasn't even sure, but he gave me a few options and I went and looked and finally found it and sure enough, there was the phone, so thank goodness I found it. Now I just need to figure out how to get more money on it without changing the phone numbers so we can use them in the parks. There's a plan I found on the Walmart website for 2 devices that gives us unlimited data, calling, and texting for the month, but there's no button to click to actually buy it, and it has a phone number you have to text, but I can't do that from here. I'll have to wait until we land and then see if I can do it via the phone itself. Wish me luck!!

That's really good that your friend is picking you up and taking you shopping. That's a time saver, too, because there is a bit of waiting around with ride share. We use ride share to/from the airport and around WDW when we go.

Having 2 cheap cell phones to use while you're here is a really good idea and that is a really good deal from Walmart. Anyway, it's so close now and I am sure this trip is going to be fantastic for you and your daughter. :)

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Was she asking how long you were married because you said it was your anniversary? Otherwise, why in the world did she need to know that? Did she think you were having some wild affair and she didn't want to be party to it by serving you? That seems an odd thing to ask unless someone has specifically said they are celebrating an anniversary.

That poor man...he MUST have been thinking in terms of volume. It's like that question, "What weighs more? A pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?" and people almost always say bricks. And I remember in high school, I was in the advanced math program, which meant I took everything a year early and then when I got to senior year, I took calculus, and all the other seniors had this class called Math Applications, which was basically math you apply to every day life...things like calculating sales tax and stuff. There were only 3 of us in Calculus (5 if you count the exchange student and someone from the school in the next town over who only came to school in our town so he could be a star on the basketball team when he couldn't even make the team at his own school.) The teacher asked us to help him grade a test for the math app class, and I graded one where it was a word problem about a sale. A refrigerator costs $750 and is on sale for 25% off. How much does it cost on sale? and the sale price was more than the original price. They never subtracted the amount, they added instead. :facepalm: Oops. I think the average person is just really not good at even basic math.

When my husband booked the restaurant, he said we were celebrating an anniversary. So, when the server came around, she wished us a happy anniversary and she asked me how long we'd been married. I blanked and my husband responded. Then when she left, my husband said he couldn't believe I didn't know how long we'd been married. I do, I just drew a blank.

I felt badly for laughing. I really thought he was being silly. We had regulars who came in and joke around a bit with us. I thought this is what he was doing. Oops.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I hate waiting in airports but I learned in the United Club one can pay $60 for the day to find more peace and quiet , continuous food and drink throughout the day in a more relaxed setting.

PHL has a Centurion Lounge, so I try to go there. Sometimes there is a wait and if you do get in, it's just as chaotic and loud as the terminals. A lot of people were bringing in small children and then the parents were hitting the bar for the complimentary drinks. That's fine, but you can't let your kids run amok while you're getting loaded. I think AmEx has starting charging to bring children in now, as a result.

I think you can only use the United Club if you're flying United? The one at PHL has weird hours. I guess it's because it's not a hub for them. I am flying to the UK next month, if I can't get in at the Centurion Lounge, I am just going to pay to get into the Admiral's Club, since I am flying AA.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning.

Checking in with a back and biceps workout. It was 45 min with warm up and cool down included. Sometimes YouTube videos don't include either one, so I appreciate it when they are included.

I am hoping to get a walk in some time today. It's been raining all morning. Despite all the flood warnings we've been getting, the rain never seemed to make it here. As much as I dislike a gloomy, rainy day, this was needed everything was so dry and parched here.

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