working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
I do that, too. I check over and over again. I get so anxious when I have to travel by air. I'm not fearful of flying, it's the airport. I hate going through security and I just find airports overwhelming in general. They've made it so difficult to find a quiet space, too. I used to go to a near by gate that wasn't in use and just sit there for a bit, but the Philly airport removed a lot of gate seating to make room for more bars and restaurants.
I get horrible anxiety with traveling. I'm fine once I get where I'm going, but I always worry about being late for a flight, or being held up at security. We have missed connecting flights a few times and that's terrible on my anxiety. This time, I had the choice between only having an hour and a half layover to get through customs and passport check, or having something like 19 hours. So I took the 19 hours and got us a hotel room. We'll just sleep for a night and come back in the morning. But I know I will be a wreck in the morning again until we get to our gate.

Last summer, the airports in Europe were all having severe problems getting all the travelers through security on time. There was a shortage of workers and an abundance of travelers since covid restrictions were finally gone. People had started showing up like 6 hours in advance to be sure they'd make it through, and then that caused a problem with people who showed up later because the lines were so long with people who were there so much earlier, so people were missing their flights left and right. They finally said you couldn't come to the airport until 4 hours before your flight, which has always been the recommendation for overseas travel since 9/11 brought stricter security measures. We got there a little bit earlier than that and just waited until the minute our 4 hour mark hit and then went to check in. Like, literally the minute it was 4 hours. And we still nearly missed our flight because of a stupid security person. We had gotten through check-in, and were in line for security, but the line was so long that it wrapped around and went down the stairs. A has an issue with stairs....he's very nervous using them and it takes him a while. DH was in a mood for some reason...he had been in a bad mood for MONTHS leading up to our trip. So when we got to the stairs, E and I rushed up to secure our place in line while DH waited with A and helped him up the stairs. Except when they got up the stairs, they didn't come get in line with us because Dh decided he was mad that we didn't wait for them or something. He wasn't answering my texts or anything and I kept looking back and saw them back further in the line. Then we get to a certain point and this security person tells us they are fixing to close this line down and it will be faster if I get into the new line they are opening up, so she sends us to a different line, and I'm now worried that DH and A are going to be stuck. But I keep watching for them. On one of the switch backs like half an hour later, I notice they are closing off our line again and reopening the other one, so DH are going to be sent to the other line. I'm panicking, because our line is supposed to be faster, according to idiot security lady. I approached the same lady to explain the situation and she cuts me off and says if I had listened to her, I would know that this line was going to be faster, because....and so then I cut her off and told her I HAD listened to her and that was not my concern and she needed to listen to ME now, that my husband and son were stuck in the other line, could I go get them. And she yelled at me for splitting up, and I tried to explain that it was because my son had autism, and she cut me off again and told me no, we could not be switching lines, even though I had seen her let OTHER people get out of line and get back in. It was taking forever and I was so worried that WE would barely make it through and that they would be stuck and we'd miss our flight. Then we get a text from DH that they are already through, and they were going to wait for us at McDonalds. It took us another HOUR to get through the line that would be so much faster. Then DH hadn't ordered their food yet, so I had to go order food when we finally found them. I figured they'd use the time to go eat since I told him it was going to be a while. Then he sent me to order food while he sat with the carryons, but didn't answer his phone so missed it that they didn't offer his burger and what did he want in place of it, so I had to send E back and forth, which took a while. We got to our gate just as they were calling for last boarding. It all could have been prevented if stupid security lady hadn't insisted that the other line would be faster and we needed to go there. This is pretty much my nightmare experience that I DREAD happening and exactly why I have anxiety about airports. I'm a wreck until I get to my gate. And then again when I have to make a connecting flight.


Well-Known Member
PHL has a Centurion Lounge, so I try to go there. Sometimes there is a wait and if you do get in, it's just as chaotic and loud as the terminals. A lot of people were bringing in small children and then the parents were hitting the bar for the complimentary drinks. That's fine, but you can't let your kids run amok while you're getting loaded. I think AmEx has starting charging to bring children in now, as a result.

I think you can only use the United Club if you're flying United? The one at PHL has weird hours. I guess it's because it's not a hub for them. I am flying to the UK next month, if I can't get in at the Centurion Lounge, I am just going to pay to get into the Admiral's Club, since I am flying AA.
Yes to get into United Club you have to fly UA.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Checking in with a leg workout and a walk. The cat's been back in town for a while. She had been gone for over a week and we were beginning to think something bad had happened to her. Thankfully, she's ok. She is so afraid of me now. When I would open the door and stick my hand out, she would rub her head against it and I would start petting her. Then she would purr (and drool) and knead her little paws. Now I open the door and she backs off right away. I can't get close to her at all. She hasn't had her flea and tick meds since the end of May and I can't get close enough to put it on her and rub it in. Now she is scratching and biting herself all the time. The skin on her back must itch her, because she is always making it 'roll'.


Well-Known Member

Checking in with a leg workout and a walk. The cat's been back in town for a while. She had been gone for over a week and we were beginning to think something bad had happened to her. Thankfully, she's ok. She is so afraid of me now. When I would open the door and stick my hand out, she would rub her head against it and I would start petting her. Then she would purr (and drool) and knead her little paws. Now I open the door and she backs off right away. I can't get close to her at all. She hasn't had her flea and tick meds since the end of May and I can't get close enough to put it on her and rub it in. Now she is scratching and biting herself all the time. The skin on her back must itch her, because she is always making it 'roll'.
Something must have happened to her but she survived whatever it was. Poor baby!! And there's probably no kind of flea and tick med that can be added to food or something so you don't have to get hold of her?

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Something must have happened to her but she survived whatever it was. Poor baby!! And there's probably no kind of flea and tick med that can be added to food or something so you don't have to get hold of her?

I do wonder if she goes up to patio doors, like she did with us the first time she showed up and people get her to leave by scaring her?

I did find a product that is edible that kills fleas and ticks, but you need a prescription from a vet. I don't think a vet will prescribe medicine for a cat they're not seeing. (I would pay for their time, ofc.) I am going to call around.

She is also inundated with flies near her back end. She is totally incontinent, so that attracts them. She was trying to nap, but they were bothering her, so she was snapping at them.


Well-Known Member
How are you faring with the temps? I saw how extreme they were and I thought of you and your family. Hope you're staying safe and cool. life has been all over with all of the travel and still trying to catch up at work. It's still blazing hot. We had some nice temps while we were away in late June/early July, but we came back to the furnace. We played 5 days in Austin last week and were out in triple digit heat for hours on end. Official temps were between 104-106 for those days, but I got a couple of readings on my weather app of 107-108. Everyone is excited about the possibility of rain on Saturday and a "cooling off" to the upper 90s in the coming days.


Well-Known Member
Just dropping in to say hi. I meant to do it before I started my trip report, but I've got a bit of the blues over no real vacations this year (and probably the years in the near future), so I really needed to start putting our travels to the keyboard to make it feel like I've done something. It does seem to be helping a bit with my mind.

Admittedly, I've been awful about working out, and maybe getting that back in check would help. Our bodies are still recovering from being out in the heat for our most recent tournament in Austin, so that's not exactly helping. My back got a nasty sunburn on the last day, I have 30+ fire ant bites on my feet and legs (and a couple on my arms), the wedding band I was wearing got so hot that it started to burn and blister the skin on my finger while I was wearing it, and then there's just the physical damage of spending many hours out in that kind of heat. I'm hoping to find my way to the stationary bike this weekend and start getting on track (since I'm not walking in this weather), so fingers crossed. We've just got so many of the girls' friends at our house these days and my mind is stuck on stresses with college stuff for K and softball stuff for Sam that it's just hard to find the motivation.


Well-Known Member
Just dropping in to say hi. I meant to do it before I started my trip report, but I've got a bit of the blues over no real vacations this year (and probably the years in the near future), so I really needed to start putting our travels to the keyboard to make it feel like I've done something. It does seem to be helping a bit with my mind.

Admittedly, I've been awful about working out, and maybe getting that back in check would help. Our bodies are still recovering from being out in the heat for our most recent tournament in Austin, so that's not exactly helping. My back got a nasty sunburn on the last day, I have 30+ fire ant bites on my feet and legs (and a couple on my arms), the wedding band I was wearing got so hot that it started to burn and blister the skin on my finger while I was wearing it, and then there's just the physical damage of spending many hours out in that kind of heat. I'm hoping to find my way to the stationary bike this weekend and start getting on track (since I'm not walking in this weather), so fingers crossed. We've just got so many of the girls' friends at our house these days and my mind is stuck on stresses with college stuff for K and softball stuff for Sam that it's just hard to find the motivation.
Yikes... That sounds like a lot! K has one more year of high school right? Or two? I was thinking she's a year behind E and she has one more year.

I'm so sorry you burned. That must be so uncomfortable! I burned really badly one year when I was in college. I couldn't wear a shirt for a few days. I had put on my bathing suit to wash my car and my mom's and I burned badly enough to blister. It was awful. I hope you recover quickly!

We've been walking and biking a LOT to get in shape for Disney. We just walked about three miles. Only a few days now. I hope we manage ok with her ankle and my hip.


Well-Known Member
Yikes... That sounds like a lot! K has one more year of high school right? Or two? I was thinking she's a year behind E and she has one more year.

I'm so sorry you burned. That must be so uncomfortable! I burned really badly one year when I was in college. I couldn't wear a shirt for a few days. I had put on my bathing suit to wash my car and my mom's and I burned badly enough to blister. It was awful. I hope you recover quickly!

We've been walking and biking a LOT to get in shape for Disney. We just walked about three miles. Only a few days now. I hope we manage ok with her ankle and my hip.

Yes, K is about to start her senior year. She'll be 17 next month (not sure how that happened 🤣- she was turning 5 just yesterday!). She just finished up two college courses she took for summer dual enrollment, she's still volunteering at the library, and her choir director tapped her and the other officers to be part of our district convocations. The convocation rehearsals seem to be never ending. We had several college visits during our travel and have more on the horizon.

Thanks! It blistered a bit, but not as bad as I've had it in the past. It was two squares on each side of my tank top that we missed with the sunscreen. To add insult to injury, I pulled the muscles on the right side of my neck/shoulder/upper back, so one of these burn spots was made worse with muscle pain. That all came from me lugging around my camera gear, which I never used because I was too darn hot.

That's awesome that you've been able to get out like that and work on getting ready for Disney. It's good for the trip, but also great for your fitness as a whole. Hopefully you'll both get enough rest during attractions and dining to keep from aggravating your hip and her ankle. Super exciting that your trip is almost here!

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Just dropping in to say hi. I meant to do it before I started my trip report, but I've got a bit of the blues over no real vacations this year (and probably the years in the near future), so I really needed to start putting our travels to the keyboard to make it feel like I've done something. It does seem to be helping a bit with my mind.

Admittedly, I've been awful about working out, and maybe getting that back in check would help. Our bodies are still recovering from being out in the heat for our most recent tournament in Austin, so that's not exactly helping. My back got a nasty sunburn on the last day, I have 30+ fire ant bites on my feet and legs (and a couple on my arms), the wedding band I was wearing got so hot that it started to burn and blister the skin on my finger while I was wearing it, and then there's just the physical damage of spending many hours out in that kind of heat. I'm hoping to find my way to the stationary bike this weekend and start getting on track (since I'm not walking in this weather), so fingers crossed. We've just got so many of the girls' friends at our house these days and my mind is stuck on stresses with college stuff for K and softball stuff for Sam that it's just hard to find the motivation.

It's good to see you back here. :) I am reading such horrible things about this excessive heat. I read an article in WaPo last week about people who are getting scalded with the water out of their hose. Someone else fell outside and got second degree burns from making contact with the hot pavement. This person required surgery and skin grafts! This was in Phoenix.

Definitely take it easy. Stay indoors. This is so insane. I hope you get relief soon.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Today was an upper body workout and then I went for a walk later on. I went out for breakfast and had an eggs Benedict that was so good. It had cornbread instead of an English muffin, plus it had chorizo, avocado, sautéed peppers and onions, and the hollandaise sauce was a bit spicy. 😋

Nothing else going on here. other than cleaning and chilling. :)

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning.

Checking in with a glute and hamstring workout. Had a nice evening sitting in my yard with a glass of wine. There was a nice breeze and a slightly lower temp outside. It was really pleasant. The cat was on the roof watching us, because I am convinced she thinks the yard is hers. :D I might do the same again tonight.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! <3


Well-Known Member
It's good to see you back here. :) I am reading such horrible things about this excessive heat. I read an article in WaPo last week about people who are getting scalded with the water out of their hose. Someone else fell outside and got second degree burns from making contact with the hot pavement. This person required surgery and skin grafts! This was in Phoenix.

Definitely take it easy. Stay indoors. This is so insane. I hope you get relief soon.

It’s about 100 outside right now with a heat index of 112. It sounds awful, but it’s actually a few degrees cooler than we’ve been and we might actually get some rain this evening. The pavement last weekend was hot enough that several people that brought their dogs had them in protective booties. I guess at least most of our near future plans will keep us inside.


Well-Known Member
A day late, but as promised, I replaced the right pedal on my bike. Yesterday was a little over 8.6 miles, plus an arm workout using my 10lb kettlebell, and a series of oblique twists/crunches with my 5lb kettlebell. Today was nearly 9 miles on the bike with three sets of barre leg work, and another set of obliques with the small kettlebell. It's a start, and certainly better than nothing.


Well-Known Member
Another workout check in. I biked for 8.85 miles, did three sets of arms exercises with the 8lb dumbbells, and a series of weighted oblique twists on the plate. I got in some extra walking today as well. It was my 6 month check up with the cancer center. I probably walked around 1.5-2 miles when all was said and done. Unfortunately, they also saw a concerning mole on the scar tissue from my previous excision. The mole has been there the entire time, but it's changed since previous pictures. They said it can happen where the scar tissue pulls the pigment as it heals, but a recurrence of a melanoma in the area is also a possibility. Needless to say, I'm not happy. They performed what they called a "punch biopsy," added a couple of stitches (I hate stitches!) that I'll have to remove in about 10 days, and now the nervous wait for biopsy results.


Premium Member
Another workout check in. I biked for 8.85 miles, did three sets of arms exercises with the 8lb dumbbells, and a series of weighted oblique twists on the plate. I got in some extra walking today as well. It was my 6 month check up with the cancer center. I probably walked around 1.5-2 miles when all was said and done. Unfortunately, they also saw a concerning mole on the scar tissue from my previous excision. The mole has been there the entire time, but it's changed since previous pictures. They said it can happen where the scar tissue pulls the pigment as it heals, but a recurrence of a melanoma in the area is also a possibility. Needless to say, I'm not happy. They performed what they called a "punch biopsy," added a couple of stitches (I hate stitches!) that I'll have to remove in about 10 days, and now the nervous wait for biopsy results.

I hope the biopsy result come back ok for your. Sending good vibes!


Well-Known Member
I am back to intermittent fasting. Diet and exercise choices are still a part of this, but one can't outrun a bad diet, not when it is as bad as I have had.

This is what worked for me as an eating plan before when I lost 60 lbs for an Ohio trip where I told myself I could go if I would fit on all the coasters of King's Island and Cedar Point and I made it happen.

I gained nearly all of my lost weight back over the years and I want to have the same energy again.
Getting older makes things hurt quicker and heal not as fast as well.

I know it sounds cooky and I would have never have done interimittent fasting before, but it works for me, if nothing else because I can tell myself a start time and cut off time to my day. 12-6 eating is actually fairly easy for me. It helps me say no and it is difficult for me to go over my daily calorie number to lose one or two lbs a week. I stick to as much protein and less carbs most days on the 12pm-6pm eating plan.
With better energy working out on stairs or climber daily for a half hour will become easier again.
All small potatoes but I hope this could help someone who is not sure about intake patterns of healthy eating.

I wish you all well on your goals.


Premium Member
Another workout check in. I biked for 8.85 miles, did three sets of arms exercises with the 8lb dumbbells, and a series of weighted oblique twists on the plate. I got in some extra walking today as well. It was my 6 month check up with the cancer center. I probably walked around 1.5-2 miles when all was said and done. Unfortunately, they also saw a concerning mole on the scar tissue from my previous excision. The mole has been there the entire time, but it's changed since previous pictures. They said it can happen where the scar tissue pulls the pigment as it heals, but a recurrence of a melanoma in the area is also a possibility. Needless to say, I'm not happy. They performed what they called a "punch biopsy," added a couple of stitches (I hate stitches!) that I'll have to remove in about 10 days, and now the nervous wait for biopsy results.
Fingers crossed for a negative result from the biopsy.

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