Well-Known Member
The only thing that gives me pause about getting rid of DST is the kids who walk to school would have to walk in the dark. I know school districts could change starting times, but I think that could get a lot of push back from many quarters.
We already have kids coming and going to/from school in the dark throughout the year, especially with sports and other activities. Elementary here seems to be the only grade range that considers sunlight. I know we are just one part of the country, but daylight and students already isn't being given a ton of consideration, so it wouldn't be a major hurdle in areas with school day timing like ours. That being said, it's part of why my kids stopped biking or walking to school. I know other parents are OK with it, but I don't want my middle schooler to be walking or biking to school in the dark. It would just be nice to end this time change madness. You also brought up the health concerns. I can't find the study, but I once read that it takes the liver up to 3 weeks to adjust to a time change. It makes me wonder what effects that has on the body.