working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
The only thing that gives me pause about getting rid of DST is the kids who walk to school would have to walk in the dark. I know school districts could change starting times, but I think that could get a lot of push back from many quarters.

We already have kids coming and going to/from school in the dark throughout the year, especially with sports and other activities. Elementary here seems to be the only grade range that considers sunlight. I know we are just one part of the country, but daylight and students already isn't being given a ton of consideration, so it wouldn't be a major hurdle in areas with school day timing like ours. That being said, it's part of why my kids stopped biking or walking to school. I know other parents are OK with it, but I don't want my middle schooler to be walking or biking to school in the dark. It would just be nice to end this time change madness. You also brought up the health concerns. I can't find the study, but I once read that it takes the liver up to 3 weeks to adjust to a time change. It makes me wonder what effects that has on the body.


Well-Known Member
You're doing well with everything. Frustrating for you to not see bigger improvements quicker, but that's just the way it goes -- your body will heal completely when it's ready. So, just hang in there, and continue to take it slowly. (What you don't want is to take two steps forward, only to take 3 steps backward, in your home care program.) Easy for me to say, of course, but just wanted to give you some encouragement.

Thanks! Encouragement is always welcome and helpful! I'm feeling much better about progress this morning. :)


Well-Known Member
I think here we should just remain on DST permanently. That may be because I'm a night owl and prefer it to stay lighter late in the day, but we're on it more than we're off. If we're on it most of the time, make that the time.
I don't really care WHICH time we use, we should just stick with one, and not do all the switching of clocks twice a year madness. Just pick a time and go with it. There are some places that already don't switch...I know my cousin in Arizona never had to switch her clocks.


Well-Known Member
We already have kids coming and going to/from school in the dark throughout the year, especially with sports and other activities. Elementary here seems to be the only grade range that considers sunlight. I know we are just one part of the country, but daylight and students already isn't being given a ton of consideration, so it wouldn't be a major hurdle in areas with school day timing like ours. That being said, it's part of why my kids stopped biking or walking to school. I know other parents are OK with it, but I don't want my middle schooler to be walking or biking to school in the dark. It would just be nice to end this time change madness. You also brought up the health concerns. I can't find the study, but I once read that it takes the liver up to 3 weeks to adjust to a time change. It makes me wonder what effects that has on the body.
I'm lucky in that neither of my kids' schools are very far from our house. E is at school within a couple of minutes, and she generally bikes with her best friend who lives on the next street over, because they go to the same school. The only time they don't bike together is if one of them has class the first hour and the other doesn't. For A, his school is a LITTLE bit further's more like a 7 or 8 minute bike ride, but it's not that far, and he only has to cross one street, and that has a stoplight, so it's protected for bikes. And his school sits in a residential area that is really quiet...not a lot of traffic. Once he gets across that one street, he's golden, and he has a bike lane up until that point, so he's not in the actual traffic. That's one thing I will say about the infrastructure's made for bike transportation, with separate lanes and stoplights for bikes, etc. The set up for cars is kind of stupid and visibility sucks in a lot of places, but it is made to be bike friendly, so my kids are pretty safe getting to school. But some of E's classmates have to bike over an hour to get to's completely normal here, but I think it would be awful!!


Well-Known Member
I got my workouts in today. I did Turbo Jam this morning and then E and I rode our bikes to the Centrum to see if we could get waffles at the big Lid'l across town. It was American week a couple of weeks ago, and I bought the one near me out of the waffels....not that they had many, but still. But E wants to eat them with fruit now, so I needed to get more for her. It's vacation this week, and she hadn't been out of the house because she's had a sore throat for a week. But her self tests are still all negative and she was feeling a bit better, so we rode our bikes there, only I have zero sense of direction and we went about 3 times the distance we SHOULD have gone to get there, and then we took the scenic route back home so we could look at flowers in the park. So we were out for about 2 hours walking and riding our bikes. Fresh air, sunshine, and exercise. It's gorgeous today...they said it was supposed to cool off and get rainy this week, but it's been really nice! It's a high of 50 degrees, and it's sunny, not much wind....just about perfect.


Well-Known Member
I know you said you had to order a new product for the next stage of your healing. Did that ever arrive? Is that what is causing you additional irritation?

It arrived on Friday. It's a collagen gel that's supposed to help speed up healing for open wounds. It definitely helped, but it irritated the areas that had already healed over. There's one area that's still open that is tied to what was the deepest part of the wound. The dr didn't think I needed to do anything special, but I'm able to use a cotton swab to treat just that spot and not anger anything else. So, I'll probably do that for a couple of days. The Aquaphor really helped. It's only been a day, but it's starting to just look like a scar in most places.


Well-Known Member
I'm lucky in that neither of my kids' schools are very far from our house. E is at school within a couple of minutes, and she generally bikes with her best friend who lives on the next street over, because they go to the same school. The only time they don't bike together is if one of them has class the first hour and the other doesn't. For A, his school is a LITTLE bit further's more like a 7 or 8 minute bike ride, but it's not that far, and he only has to cross one street, and that has a stoplight, so it's protected for bikes. And his school sits in a residential area that is really quiet...not a lot of traffic. Once he gets across that one street, he's golden, and he has a bike lane up until that point, so he's not in the actual traffic. That's one thing I will say about the infrastructure's made for bike transportation, with separate lanes and stoplights for bikes, etc. The set up for cars is kind of stupid and visibility sucks in a lot of places, but it is made to be bike friendly, so my kids are pretty safe getting to school. But some of E's classmates have to bike over an hour to get to's completely normal here, but I think it would be awful!!

We live close enough that biking or walking would be feasible from a distance standpoint, but the construction going on at the school (new school being built) has blocked off the safer trail access and made an already crazy drop off and pick up zone super dangerous. The older one would be looking at a mile and a half, a busy road and a very dangerous intersection. You also noted norms. Very few kids bike or walk here. Even the bulk of the kids who look like walkers are just walking across the busy street to a parent waiting in a car on a side street or church parking lot.

The big thing is the timing and the lack of daylight in general. The older one has many days where she needs to be at school between 5:45-6am and the younger one's earliest are 6:45-7am arrival. The older one has nights at school as late as 10:30pm and the younger one as late as 9pm. I know some parents are fine with it, but I wouldn't want them walking or biking in the dark at those hours.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
There are some places that already don't switch...I know my cousin in Arizona never had to switch her clocks.
Hawaii also doesn't switch. They're so close to the equator that their light is basically the same year round. It's kind of weird going there in the summer when it gets dark by 7 and back home it's still light out almost until 9.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The only thing that gives me pause about getting rid of DST is the kids who walk to school would have to walk in the dark. I know school districts could change starting times, but I think that could get a lot of push back from many quarters.
The kids usually wind up walking one way or the other in winter around here to or from the bus stop


Well-Known Member
We live close enough that biking or walking would be feasible from a distance standpoint, but the construction going on at the school (new school being built) has blocked off the safer trail access and made an already crazy drop off and pick up zone super dangerous. The older one would be looking at a mile and a half, a busy road and a very dangerous intersection. You also noted norms. Very few kids bike or walk here. Even the bulk of the kids who look like walkers are just walking across the busy street to a parent waiting in a car on a side street or church parking lot.

The big thing is the timing and the lack of daylight in general. The older one has many days where she needs to be at school between 5:45-6am and the younger one's earliest are 6:45-7am arrival. The older one has nights at school as late as 10:30pm and the younger one as late as 9pm. I know some parents are fine with it, but I wouldn't want them walking or biking in the dark at those hours.
Oh yeah, it's a totally different animal. There aren't really extra-curricular activities at school here, other than student government, which is really different than it is in the US, and Theater. The latest classes go is about 4:30 pm, and that's only for upperclassmen, and it's apparently not really common. E's friend sometimes has a class that hour, but E doesn't so far. The earliest class starts at 8:20, so she's off to school around 8 unless she doesn't have a class that hour. Sometimes she has the first two hours off, and they have a break at 10, so she doesn't have to be at school until 10:20. But, her school is literally just a couple of blocks away. We can walk there in about 5-10 minutes depending on how fast we walk. But there are kids who go there who live 15 miles away. You don't go to the school that's closest to you. You go to one that has the level you qualified for and the programs you want. E's school was the only one that had the dual immersion, and the technasium, which were the things she was interested in. She was also interested in Gymnasium (basically it's the highest level and also does Greek and Latin, which she doesn't need, so she's doing atheneum, which is the same thing without the greek and latin), but her school didn't offer that and none of the schools HERE offer both the dual immersion and Gymnasium together. She would have had to go by train to Arnhem every day to do that, which is 25 miles away. We didn't think that was a good idea at 12 years old, for her to be taking the train alone every day to get to school. And she doesn't NEED Greek or Latin, and there are other ways to learn it if she wanted to study those, so she chose to go to the school right next to our house. And with the bike lanes and everything, it's relatively safe even for the kids who live far away to bike to school. Most of the kids at A's school are brought by taxi bus, because they are coming from farther away. But if we lived in the States, no, I wouldn't be comfortable with my kids biking or walking to school at 6am or home at 10pm, either. It's not really safe's not designed for that.


Well-Known Member
Things have been so busy that I haven't been able to get in any traditional workouts. I started to on Wednesday...getting in about a third of my workout...but errands that kept me on foot a lot really wore me out. Thursday was even more taxing. The younger one is currently in track season at school and we had no idea how long we'd be there for a track meet. We arrived around 4:30pm, left just after 9pm when we finished with her events, and the darn meet was still going on. My allergies got to me on Friday, so I just rested...a lot. Saturday, the older one had three school softball games starting at 9am and finishing up at 4:15pm. I also had to fulfill my concession stand obligations for a couple of hours in the middle of this. Then it was off to see the younger one play...who had been at it since 8am...and didn't finish up until 9:30pm. She also had games yesterday from 9am - 5pm.

I really need a day off just for me, but that's not going to happen any time soon. Obviously, it's another week of work, school stuff, and sports...but I also have family flying into town over the weekend. Due to my dad's hip replacement, they've decided to stay at a hotel, but I still need to clean the place up and my spring break days off will still be busier than true down time. The younger one is going up to Dallas a couple days after they fly home. I've decided to stay home, but haven't decided if the older one should stay with me or join them in Dallas. On one hand, it would be cheaper to have her stay home and we'd hopefully get in some driving time. On the other hand, I'd have all out peace and quiet if it's just me.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Things have been so busy that I haven't been able to get in any traditional workouts. I started to on Wednesday...getting in about a third of my workout...but errands that kept me on foot a lot really wore me out. Thursday was even more taxing. The younger one is currently in track season at school and we had no idea how long we'd be there for a track meet. We arrived around 4:30pm, left just after 9pm when we finished with her events, and the darn meet was still going on. My allergies got to me on Friday, so I just rested...a lot. Saturday, the older one had three school softball games starting at 9am and finishing up at 4:15pm. I also had to fulfill my concession stand obligations for a couple of hours in the middle of this. Then it was off to see the younger one play...who had been at it since 8am...and didn't finish up until 9:30pm. She also had games yesterday from 9am - 5pm.

I really need a day off just for me, but that's not going to happen any time soon. Obviously, it's another week of work, school stuff, and sports...but I also have family flying into town over the weekend. Due to my dad's hip replacement, they've decided to stay at a hotel, but I still need to clean the place up and my spring break days off will still be busier than true down time. The younger one is going up to Dallas a couple days after they fly home. I've decided to stay home, but haven't decided if the older one should stay with me or join them in Dallas. On one hand, it would be cheaper to have her stay home and we'd hopefully get in some driving time. On the other hand, I'd have all out peace and quiet if it's just me.
Good luck and I'm sorry to bother you but I tagged you in a cake thread


Well-Known Member
Things have been so busy that I haven't been able to get in any traditional workouts. I started to on Wednesday...getting in about a third of my workout...but errands that kept me on foot a lot really wore me out. Thursday was even more taxing. The younger one is currently in track season at school and we had no idea how long we'd be there for a track meet. We arrived around 4:30pm, left just after 9pm when we finished with her events, and the darn meet was still going on. My allergies got to me on Friday, so I just rested...a lot. Saturday, the older one had three school softball games starting at 9am and finishing up at 4:15pm. I also had to fulfill my concession stand obligations for a couple of hours in the middle of this. Then it was off to see the younger one play...who had been at it since 8am...and didn't finish up until 9:30pm. She also had games yesterday from 9am - 5pm.

I really need a day off just for me, but that's not going to happen any time soon. Obviously, it's another week of work, school stuff, and sports...but I also have family flying into town over the weekend. Due to my dad's hip replacement, they've decided to stay at a hotel, but I still need to clean the place up and my spring break days off will still be busier than true down time. The younger one is going up to Dallas a couple days after they fly home. I've decided to stay home, but haven't decided if the older one should stay with me or join them in Dallas. On one hand, it would be cheaper to have her stay home and we'd hopefully get in some driving time. On the other hand, I'd have all out peace and quiet if it's just me.
I'm sorry you're so busy. The kids just went back to school today after spring break. They have another week in May. E's got a test week next week, so she only has to go to school for an hour or two each day for a test or two, and then she's done. So next week will be easy as far as her schedule, but she'll be a little ball of stress and she'll spend all her time hidden in her books and notes.

Good luck with the family visit...hope it all goes well! And good luck with the decision about whether to send both girls to Dallas....that's a tough call. I always think I want some alone time, but then as soon as the kids are gone, I really miss E. I don't see much of A, because he's kind of a hermit....he only comes out of his room for school, tennis, chess, and food. But E and I watch a bunch of movies and series together, and she helps me cook, and we talk all the time. So when she's not here, it seems really lonely. Alone time is really nice....for about a day. After that, I want company again. Will you have a lot of obligations if K stays home that you won't have if she goes? Will it be helpful for your recovery to have that downtime? Will it HURT your recovery if she stays home? And what does SHE want to do?

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Things have been so busy that I haven't been able to get in any traditional workouts. I started to on Wednesday...getting in about a third of my workout...but errands that kept me on foot a lot really wore me out. Thursday was even more taxing. The younger one is currently in track season at school and we had no idea how long we'd be there for a track meet. We arrived around 4:30pm, left just after 9pm when we finished with her events, and the darn meet was still going on. My allergies got to me on Friday, so I just rested...a lot. Saturday, the older one had three school softball games starting at 9am and finishing up at 4:15pm. I also had to fulfill my concession stand obligations for a couple of hours in the middle of this. Then it was off to see the younger one play...who had been at it since 8am...and didn't finish up until 9:30pm. She also had games yesterday from 9am - 5pm.

I really need a day off just for me, but that's not going to happen any time soon. Obviously, it's another week of work, school stuff, and sports...but I also have family flying into town over the weekend. Due to my dad's hip replacement, they've decided to stay at a hotel, but I still need to clean the place up and my spring break days off will still be busier than true down time. The younger one is going up to Dallas a couple days after they fly home. I've decided to stay home, but haven't decided if the older one should stay with me or join them in Dallas. On one hand, it would be cheaper to have her stay home and we'd hopefully get in some driving time. On the other hand, I'd have all out peace and quiet if it's just me.

I'd vote for the "all out peace and quiet." Life seems a bit busy for you. A bit of quiet time can be a recharge for you. :)

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning-

I'm checking in with a dance cardio/toning type workout. Not my usual, but I feel like I need to shake things up. It's kind of like old school 80s-90s hi low aerobics.

Today is my husband's birthday and I need to finish his cake today. It is a banana pudding cake. It's three layers of vanilla cake filled with homemade banana pudding, Nilla wafers and bananas. I could not find Nilla wafers to save my life, so I made my own. I saw them on Amazon and they were 2 boxes for $15. ❌❌❌ I am going to meet my nemesis, Swiss meringue buttercream shortly. :p I just dread frosting cakes because I end up in a cussing, frustrated mess. :hilarious: But regardless of what they look like, they always taste good, so I guess that's a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Good morning-

I'm checking in with a dance cardio/toning type workout. Not my usual, but I feel like I need to shake things up. It's kind of like old school 80s-90s hi low aerobics.

Today is my husband's birthday and I need to finish his cake today. It is a banana pudding cake. It's three layers of vanilla cake filled with homemade banana pudding, Nilla wafers and bananas. I could not find Nilla wafers to save my life, so I made my own. I saw them on Amazon and they were 2 boxes for $15. ❌❌❌ I am going to meet my nemesis, Swiss meringue buttercream shortly. :p I just dread frosting cakes because I end up in a cussing, frustrated mess. :hilarious: But regardless of what they look like, they always taste good, so I guess that's a good thing.
Happy Birthday GIF by Mumbai Indians
to your dh


Premium Member
Good morning-

I'm checking in with a dance cardio/toning type workout. Not my usual, but I feel like I need to shake things up. It's kind of like old school 80s-90s hi low aerobics.

Today is my husband's birthday and I need to finish his cake today. It is a banana pudding cake. It's three layers of vanilla cake filled with homemade banana pudding, Nilla wafers and bananas. I could not find Nilla wafers to save my life, so I made my own. I saw them on Amazon and they were 2 boxes for $15. ❌❌❌ I am going to meet my nemesis, Swiss meringue buttercream shortly. :p I just dread frosting cakes because I end up in a cussing, frustrated mess. :hilarious: But regardless of what they look like, they always taste good, so I guess that's a good thing.
Happy birthday to your DH. Hope he enjoys this delicious bananna birthday cake!


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