Ugh, I HATE having to shop for new appliances/electronics. I'm really bad with technology and it takes me so long to learn how to use something new. My washer broke several years ago, and my regular repair guy was on vacation, so I went ahead and just bought a new one because it had broken so many times before. My husband went with me and we really didn't have much to spend, so he picked out the cheapest model. It was a whirlpool and it ended up being a horrible purchase. It broke just outside of the 1 year warranty, and it was a big break. When I called my repair guy, he came and looked and asked who the heck sold this to me because it was a really small model meant for like a single person who only did 1 or two loads a week. Not a family of 4 who does multiple loads per day. It was not heavy duty enough for us, and he'd have never sold that one to us. I didn't know he also sold them himself, or I'd have bought directly from him....he's so good about not overcharging and he explains everything. When the whirlpool broke AGAIN I just called it quits....I had already invested too much money in it and it wasn't worth repairing again. So I bought from the repair man, he walked me through what he had available, what he recommended for my family, and he came and set it up for me and showed me what every single cycle was for and how to use each one. I'm going to cry when he retires.
Speaking of appliances breaking, my telephone is old and it's SLLLOOOOOOWWW. The other day, I noticed that A's teacher had sent an email, and his class has to stay home a lot because they don't always have enough teachers to fill now because of corona. So if one of the teachers is out for the day, the kids have to stay home and do remote learning. A was just about to leave for school, so I needed to read the email and make sure he wasn't supposed to stay home, but it took me like 5 minutes and I had to reboot my phone before it would let me into my inbox. And then it doesn't always show all my messages, or it takes a few hours before it sends it through and I can see it. So now I have to get a new phone.

And I HATE learning how to use a new phone. E's going to set it up for me....she did that last time I got a new phone, too. I just don't really want a new one, but I can't keep missing important things because my phone isn't in the mood. Plus, I have to charge it a few times a day because the battery drains so quickly. It's time.